Video Games please help


Hi everyone.
I’m 70 days completely free of PMO. I have experienced intense withdrawal symptoms in the form of consistent P flashbacks and intrusive thoughts. It’s distressing but I haven’t even been close to a relapse.

What I need help with is that I am currently unemployed due to a health condition and I am struggling to fill all my time. There’s only so much of what thing I can do. I’ve always loved video games and I’m just looking for some confirmation that playing video games for a few hours or so each evening will not effect my recovery from PIED.

Thanks all for help. If playing games is safe for my recovery, it’ll really help me keep occupied during the whole day.
I would recommend non-competitive games because that can be stressful. There's also a lot of toxic people online as well. Play it just to have fun, maybe a solo game that doesn't have intense violence. I personally stopped playing video games altogether because it wasn't fun for me anymore but it is helping tremendously with my recovery.