I was and maybe still am a virgin. I'm 23 years old. Tonight I visited a brothel and I could hardly get an erection. Only through a Blowjob was I able to get an almost fully hard on. I had intercourse but it only lasted about 15 seconds before I lost my erection.
I had previously masturbated that day 3 times before I visited the brothel. I masturbate usually at least 3 times a day, usually looking at porn. I can still get an erection and orgasm without porn, but it takes more effort.
I don't want to have erectile dysfunction. I want to be able to have sex properly. I knew about porn induced erectile dysfunction before and was debating whether or not I had it. Now I am convinced I do. I now want to give up porn forever and also masturbation. If I am able able to recover from PIED then I would like to masturbate maybe 2 to 3 times a week, instead of the excess I do at the moment.
I hope in one month if I give up porn and masturbation I will be able to have sex a lot better and I plan on using a prostitute at that time again. I read some people take a lot longer than 1 month to recover. I grew up masturbating for many years as a young child and teenager without porn, and I can still get an erection and orgasm by myself without porn.
Does anyone relate to this? This will be the first time that I have truly tried to stop porn and drastically cut down or preferably eliminate masturbation. I am serious about this.
I had previously masturbated that day 3 times before I visited the brothel. I masturbate usually at least 3 times a day, usually looking at porn. I can still get an erection and orgasm without porn, but it takes more effort.
I don't want to have erectile dysfunction. I want to be able to have sex properly. I knew about porn induced erectile dysfunction before and was debating whether or not I had it. Now I am convinced I do. I now want to give up porn forever and also masturbation. If I am able able to recover from PIED then I would like to masturbate maybe 2 to 3 times a week, instead of the excess I do at the moment.
I hope in one month if I give up porn and masturbation I will be able to have sex a lot better and I plan on using a prostitute at that time again. I read some people take a lot longer than 1 month to recover. I grew up masturbating for many years as a young child and teenager without porn, and I can still get an erection and orgasm by myself without porn.
Does anyone relate to this? This will be the first time that I have truly tried to stop porn and drastically cut down or preferably eliminate masturbation. I am serious about this.