Warning: Don't fall for this toxic incel ideology


I've seen some guys here, spreading their toxic incel ideology.
Please question for yourself thoroughly their beliefs.
It is a conspiracy theory at its finest: Some people (in their case woman) are evil.

Note: Making other people responsible of your suffer and dwelling in self-pity is the easiest thing in live you could do.

The first step to Change, transformation and success is taking responsibility for your live.

Nobody is responsible for your live but you. Not woman, not the government, not politics, not your mother, not you neighbor, just YOU.

If you consider yourself an incel, find something that you are passionate in live. Don't throw away so much lifetime in self pity, hate and negativity.
I agree with you that there are a lot of self-obsessed losers on this forum but I think you could phrase your point better.

Some people (in their case woman) are evil.

Incels don't generally believe women are "evil" they are just extremely bitter that they can't find anyone. Having said that some women absolutely are evil. How would you describe women who kill babies if not evil?
Internal locus of control or external locus of control. There are always external influences you can’t change (taxes, family, the weather, the economy, people around you).
Yes but you can control your reaction on those external influences.

I agree with you that there are a lot of self-obsessed losers on this forum but I think you could phrase your point better.

Incels don't generally believe women are "evil" they are just extremely bitter that they can't find anyone. Having said that some women absolutely are evil. How would you describe women who kill babies if not evil?
Yes I am not into this ideology - after just superficially scanning I noticed the same common ground as for other conspiracy ideology: to accuse some group as evil.

I understand that some of them are bitter and the result is accusing woman as bad because they are deep in this ideology and every other man in this incel ideology is going to tell him, that his worldview is right.

Are you religious? When you say, some woman are evil, when they kill their babies, do you believe that they are evil evil (like in christianity) or just bad?

There is the online group incel and then those who are, objectively speaking, incels. The former are those who seem to be hating women for their lack of success with them. The latter are often guys in a dry spell who maybe complain they can’t get laid but don’t have a grudge against women.
Yes I should have separated those two. But I think many incels are, sooner or later, discovering the group incels and are sticking to it bc they finally think, somebody understands them...
I've seen some guys here, spreading their toxic incel ideology.
Please question for yourself thoroughly their beliefs.
It is a conspiracy theory at its finest: Some people (in their case woman) are evil.

Note: Making other people responsible of your suffer and dwelling in self-pity is the easiest thing in live you could do.

The first step to Change, transformation and success is taking responsibility for your live.

Nobody is responsible for your live but you. Not woman, not the government, not politics, not your mother, not you neighbor, just YOU.

If you consider yourself an incel, find something that you are passionate in live. Don't throw away so much lifetime in self pity, hate and negativity.

I'm really glad that you mentioned this, because I plan to say a lot about this "black pill" ideology. It can be very dangerous and destructive to anyone who falls prey to it.
I'm really glad that you mentioned this, because I plan to say a lot about this "black pill" ideology. It can be very dangerous and destructive to anyone who falls prey to it.
If you want to let out your thoughts, you are more than welcome! Maybe it will help some guys to understand this ideology!
If you consider yourself an incel, find something that you are passionate in live. Don't throw away so much lifetime in self pity, hate and negativity.

its not a choice. people feel this way for a reason, no one chooses to hate themselves or hate anything, for that matter. emotions are not a choice, telling them "dont throw away..." is like asking someone to change thier dna or something. or asking a starving person "just dont be hungry".

things dont work that way
its not a choice. people feel this way for a reason, no one chooses to hate themselves or hate anything, for that matter. emotions are not a choice, telling them "dont throw away..." is like asking someone to change thier dna or something. or asking a starving person "just dont be hungry".

things dont work that way

You don't know how wrong you are (no insult).
But unfortunately, the majority of people on this planet are thinking the same way. Because they do no self reflection, they are not interested in psychology, our mindset, behaviour etc.

I had also exactly that mindset years ago. "I am like this, I cannot change, so I need to accept to live my life with my addictions, along with my pessimistic worldview."

Oh boy, I was so wrong.

Everyone can change his worldview, his pessimistic attitude to an optimistic one. I managed it myself!

Science: Our brain can change and adapt. There is such a thing as neuroplasticity. Find out more about it.

Emotions are reactions of your thoughts. Your thoughts are reactions of what you experience. But your experience has alot of different options of interpreting it. Change your interpretation, your believes, your attitude and you will change automaticlly your emotional reaction to it and have a much more optimistic worldview.

Is it easy? Will everyone do it? NO, of course not. But if you are done with fucking yourself up, and realizing, that YOU are the only one who is able to change YOUR life, as well as the ONLY ONE responsible for it, than you will take the first step into a healthier relationship with yourself.

Btw. I studied psychology and coaching. I know in dept what I am talking about.

Everything is just mindset. With the right mindset, change will come.
You don't know how wrong you are (no insult).
But unfortunately, the majority of people on this planet are thinking the same way. Because they do no self reflection, they are not interested in psychology, our mindset, behaviour etc.

I had also exactly that mindset years ago. "I am like this, I cannot change, so I need to accept to live my life with my addictions, along with my pessimistic worldview."

Oh boy, I was so wrong.

Everyone can change his worldview, his pessimistic attitude to an optimistic one. I managed it myself!

Science: Our brain can change and adapt. There is such a thing as neuroplasticity. Find out more about it.

Emotions are reactions of your thoughts. Your thoughts are reactions of what you experience. But your experience has alot of different options of interpreting it. Change your interpretation, your believes, your attitude and you will change automaticlly your emotional reaction to it and have a much more optimistic worldview.

Is it easy? Will everyone do it? NO, of course not. But if you are done with fucking yourself up, and realizing, that YOU are the only one who is able to change YOUR life, as well as the ONLY ONE responsible for it, than you will take the first step into a healthier relationship with yourself.

Btw. I studied psychology and coaching. I know in dept what I am talking about.

Everything is just mindset. With the right mindset, change will come.
Changing mindset or how you feel doesnt change reality

Optimism is easy to adopt and follow. But that's just how the mind interprets things. Nothing is actually changing

When you put on sunglasses all that changes is what is in your eyes. The sun is as bright and hot as always

Some people are just unlucky or in their circumstances. This idea that you can just think hard enough and the world changes for you makes no sense. You can't change your genes, you can't change the worlds perception of you. All you can change is how you react, and that could very easily slip into delusion and denial

I've been invisible to women my whole life. I did nofap for a while and FELT confident. But I still was invisible to them. No matter how confident I felt, how much of a king I felt like, my circumstances did not change. I got turned down and looked right through like I always did

A girl gave me her phone number, but she didn't like me. My delusion and "self confidence" tricked me for days thinking I could still have a chance because I was seeing myself as so awesome and cool

I was wasting time and energy on thinking about how to proceed instead of facing the music and admitting where I was in life. Because of my confidence and positive mindset I spent a lot of time thinking about how to make it work
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Changing mindset or how you feel doesnt change reality

Optimism is easy to adopt and follow. But that's just how the mind interprets things. Nothing is actually changing

When you put on sunglasses all that changes is what is in your eyes. The sun is as bright and hot as always

Some people are just unlucky or in their circumstances. This idea that you can just think hard enough and the world changes for you makes no sense. You can't change your genes, you can't change the worlds perception of you. All you can change is how you react, and that could very easily slip into delusion and denial

I've been invisible to women my whole life. I did nofap for a while and FELT confident. But I still was invisible to them. No matter how confident I felt, how much of a king I felt like, my circumstances did not change. I got turned down and looked right through like I always did

A girl gave me her phone number, but she didn't like me. My delusion and "self confidence" tricked me for days thinking I could still have a chance because I was seeing myself as so awesome and cool

I was wasting time and energy on thinking about how to proceed instead of facing the music and admitting where I was in life. Because of my confidence and positive mindset I spent a lot of time thinking about how to make it work

The simple fact is the average man has never had it harder when it comes to meeting women/dating. At least I can't think of a time in recent human history where it was harder. Gender dynamics have shifted so women now hold almost every card and average men have next to nothing. Women have an inflated sense of their own worth (caused by social media and societal conditioning) and have been told to expect a ridiculous standard in their men.

I'm not saying women don't have their own troubles. They do. But the problem is if you talk about a woman's problems then that's fine. If you talk about men's problems, talk about anything I've just said, you're a bitter incel. I feel like people who constantly harp on about incels and how "toxic" they are live in a completely alien reality to the men they are criticising. 50 years ago all but the ugliest or most maladjusted men would marry someone from their local area before they were 25, often much earlier. They'd find a job that actually paid enough to live on. They'd have friendships and a sense of community. Now average men are expected to suffer in silence as they get none of those things, and if they dare say anything they are told to suck it up and just try harder. The dialogue around incels, beyond being insufferable, gives me extreme "Why are you homeless? Just buy a house" vibes.
Isn’t the fact that 50 years ago men who were the ugliest and maladjusted could have a child/children with a woman a problem itself?

You misread what I wrote. I said "ALL but the ugliest and most maladjusted." But no, it's not a problem. Why should ugly men or undesirable men accept their fate? Why shouldn't they rage against their misfortune?

Where does this radical change in attitude and psychological behaviour come from? I don’t think any ideology could change that.

Marxism. The destruction of the family unit is one of the main end-goals of Marxism/communism. This is accomplished by destroying relationships between men and women.

What would’ve happened if only those who were capable (mentally stable, a certain attractiveness) would have procreated?

All I can say to this is I think eugenics is abhorrent.

A few months ago, I read that most men in human history (homo sapiens has been existing for over 100.000 years) died childless. The author forecasted that modern men will experience the same fate and recommended unironically pornography for masses of sexual frustrated men to alleviate their suffering.

And those men, in their frustration, will burn society to the ground. And why shouldn't they? When it offers them nothing?

Question is: are we going backwards? Back to polygyny but only a few men procreate?

Probably not to that extent, no. It's important to recognise I'm talking about the West. Nowhere else on earth, except maybe Japan, do we have this extreme gender divide.

I’m not really an anti-natalist but I think fewer people living on earth would also have its advantage.

You've fallen for Neo-Malthusian propaganda.
When a society introduces and endorses things which are anti-family, and if the men and women embrace those things, then there will be a toxic division between the sexes. No fault divorce, contraception, pornography, masturbation, cohabitation, hook-up culture, abortion, population control, and welfare programs which incentivize single motherhood, are all such examples of things hostile to the family, and which almost all men and women in the West support to some degree or another.
When a society introduces and endorses things which are anti-family, and if the men and women embrace those things, then there will be a toxic division between the sexes. No fault divorce, contraception, pornography, masturbation, cohabitation, hook-up culture, abortion, population control, and welfare programs which incentivize single motherhood, are all such examples of things hostile to the family, and which almost all men and women in the West support to some degree or another.


Said it better than I did lmao.
Don’t lose your confidence because someone, in this case a young woman, didn’t like you. I think you fell for the trap during NoFap to think abstaining from PMO will lead to sex or a relationship.
Managing expectations is key here. Don’t expect things which are out of your control! You can’t control whether or not someone likes you.
But you can control how you react to rejection.

No someone. Every...EVERY woman

As for expectations of NoFap...this literally a whole forum saying that's what nofap does.
Yes, I reread that. Apologies.
Why should they rage? Against what? Women? Successful men? Both?
I’d only revolt if I knew I was being exploited financially, physically, psychologically. Basically a human slave whose only worth is labour.

Males have always been exploited in society. In all the ways you state. The difference between the past and present however is that men now are expected to slave away and get very little in return. Instead of a wife they might get meaningless casual sex, and even then most don't. Instead of children, they get nothing. Instead of a house they own, they get a shitty apartment they rent. Instead of a well-paid job, they get a job that barely covers, or outright doesn't cover, basic expenses. They are forced to live in urban hellscapes, never travel, never do anything. Expected to pacify themselves with porn, television, video games, social media. They are constantly demonised in the media, told they don't matter, told their struggles are worthless and that they should just sit down, shut up, and accept their lot in life and that complaining makes them "toxic." We are being poisoned by the food we eat and the water we drink, our natural testosterone levels being lowered by microplastics that are in everything, and there are people on this very forum, some of whom were thankfully banned, who gleefully said that was a good thing. We're potentially on the cusp of another war, where men will kill themselves by the thousands in order to defend a system that takes everything from them and laughs in their face if they expect something in return. If I were in a position to be drafted, as my country is talking about doing, thankfully I'm not, I'd rather go to prison than defend the dystopian shithole I live in.

In society, the average man is nothing more than an expendable worker drone. At least in the past there was some tradeoff, something to gain from participating in society. That is increasingly no longer the case.
Great summary! What would you suggest how things change again? A revival of family values by the younger generations who have suffered the most? I’d like to read your suggestion
I think a revival of family values by the younger generation would be amazing, and I believe they are the best generation to do this since they are far removed from the generations that started this mess. They are also seeing first hand the fruits of these choices. We have more unhappiness, more suicide, more divorce, more unhappy married men and women, and more lonely unmarried men and women. At what point in Western society do we have to reach before a generation can say "enough!", we have tried the failed liberation experiment long enough. It's time to rewind and see that boundaries are not barriers to freedom, they are ways to channel freedom correctly. The removal of them wont help find our identity, since boundaries are what give us identity.

Sadly, what will most likely happen is the opposite of this revival. Without a come to Jesus moment in the West, things will get worse, there will be a great amount of suffering, all will seem lost, and then a change will happen.