Hi mdz, you've been off porn and masturbation for 500+ days ? how has been your journey ?
It has been a long journey. I started Nofap in October 2013 (when realizing I hit rock bottom). I relapsed many times. At beginning my porn free streaks were weeks. Then a couple of months. Last time I relapsed I managed to abstain from porn 220 days.
Now i come to a point that i start to forget how it was to use porn and femdom chats. I think thats a good sign.
I started to masturbate when i was 11, so i had. many decades to 'undo'.
My typical withdrawals, symptoms:
Nocturnal ejaculation (sometimes just orgasm)
Blood in semen.
Irritability and lower tolerance.
A couple of depressions lasting a week or so.
Feelings of resentment, ruminating over past.
Crying when i hear good music, or watch touching movies.
General anxiety (not so often though)
Things that got much better:
Way less social anxciety
Much less stuttering.
I dont feel like a creep around women and people.
I stopped viewing women through as porn/femdom objects.
Last: I want to warn about the importance to keep your life as simply you can, while rebooting. It can take years.
I made a mistake this summer: I had a quite good job with good colleagues, but decided to quit, and get another one, that was a bit more challenging. The new job was very stressy and a disaster. I should have waited longer, or maybe never change a good job.