Was I wrong here ? Just lost a friend.


So i have this person who’s been my friend for a few months and we got semi close. She told me that she doesn’t like being called names and so I told her to tell me if I hurt her feelings because words like “lame” are part of my vocabulary and I joke around with my friends a lot. I can only recall her telling me two times to stop which I did. I think I would have remembered if she asked me more times than that because I actually don’t like to upset people. So a few days ago she gets on me about how I don’t want save our snapchat messages and that it annoys her. I told her in response I didn’t think there was a point cause I honestly don’t feel like it and we talk about nothing really important most of the time. Then after some long annoying argument I compromise eith her that I’ll save the messages I deem as important which she replies fine.

Now fast forward to yesterday I had said lame a few times in our chat(jokingly). And then she blows up on me that it hurts her and that I need to acknowledge that and change. I call her immature for the blow up but eventually tell her I’ll stop calling her names. She says okay but everything I do annoys her so she does not feel compatible as friends. It honestly felt so fast. We were literally having a blast playing league last weekend. Anyways we deleted each other and I don’t care about making friends with her again. I felt she was impulsive and too over the top. But maybe I was the asshole ? I have that doubt in my mind. I need a third parties point of view. Please if you’re still reading this tell me if what I did was wrong ? Thanks nofap friends.
It's up to you man. If you enjoyed her friendship then forgive and forget. You seem to enjoy spending time with her so sit and think about if she's important to you and then make your decision.
I think the saying “Everything you do annoys me” was pretty over the top. Do you think I was the person that was wrong here ? I feel, for the most part, that I wasn’t in the wrong. But I have a bit of doubt.
Seems like an oversensetive type.
I don't think anybody is in the wrong here, if an oversensetive person let's you know they are, and require that you be a certain person towards them and hold back certain things you might say, that's fine. The problem is not everyone can do that, or bring up the effort to do that for that person 100% of time they're interacting with them, making it very hard for someone to connect with them for a long time.
She let you know she's hard to deal with, you tried your best anyway, didn't work because you don't know how to handle that kind of person, that's okay. Not all friendships are made to last.
Of course, you may have said something mildly insensetive, but the whole relationship you had didn't seem like it would last very long anyhow, so I wouldn't beat yourself up over it.
So i have this person who’s been my friend for a few months and we got semi close. She told me that she doesn’t like being called names and so I told her to tell me if I hurt her feelings because words like “lame” are part of my vocabulary and I joke around with my friends a lot. I can only recall her telling me two times to stop which I did. I think I would have remembered if she asked me more times than that because I actually don’t like to upset people. So a few days ago she gets on me about how I don’t want save our snapchat messages and that it annoys her. I told her in response I didn’t think there was a point cause I honestly don’t feel like it and we talk about nothing really important most of the time. Then after some long annoying argument I compromise eith her that I’ll save the messages I deem as important which she replies fine.

Now fast forward to yesterday I had said lame a few times in our chat(jokingly). And then she blows up on me that it hurts her and that I need to acknowledge that and change. I call her immature for the blow up but eventually tell her I’ll stop calling her names. She says okay but everything I do annoys her so she does not feel compatible as friends. It honestly felt so fast. We were literally having a blast playing league last weekend. Anyways we deleted each other and I don’t care about making friends with her again. I felt she was impulsive and too over the top. But maybe I was the asshole ? I have that doubt in my mind. I need a third parties point of view. Please if you’re still reading this tell me if what I did was wrong ? Thanks nofap friends.
It's kind of hard to say because you're keeping it a little too vauge to make a determination. You just said you joke around with your friend and use words like lame.

I joke around nonstop and I'm only serious when I have to be. My post history indicates that I dont think like a snowflake. I'm constantly messing around with my friends and vice versa. This is a whole world away from being negative, disrespectful and toxic.

I used to hang around friends who were very ignorant and negative. People who down talked each other, exposed each others weakness in front of other people to bolster their own image in front of others, constantly referring to each other as assholes, bitch, fool, niggas, ect. under the guise of having a sense of humor. In hind site these people were negative misguided people who had self esteem issues and a habit of dragging other people down without realizing it. I realized this after i found smarter, better adjusted, productive friends who had a more positive outlook on life and better values. People who have confident and respect for themselves dont associate with these types of people and when I droped all my toxic friends my life and self esteem improved tremendously.

I don't know if this is you because you didnt provide enough detail. She could be a snowflake . Either way I respect her for having enough common sense and respect for herself to distance herself negativity.
It's kind of hard to say because you're keeping it a little too vauge to make a determination. You just said you joke around with your friend and use words like lame.

I joke around nonstop and I'm only serious when I have to be. My post history indicates that I dont think like a snowflake. I'm constantly messing around with my friends and vice versa. This is a whole world away from being negative, disrespectful and toxic.

I used to hang around friends who were very ignorant and negative. People who down talked each other, exposed each others weakness in front of other people to bolster their own image in front of others, constantly referring to each other as assholes, bitch, fool, niggas, ect. under the guise of having a sense of humor. In hind site these people were negative misguided people who had self esteem issues and a habit of dragging other people down without realizing it. I realized this after i found smarter, better adjusted, productive friends who had a more positive outlook on life and better values. People who have confident and respect for themselves dont associate with these types of people and when I droped all my toxic friends my life and self esteem improved tremendously.

I don't know if this is you because you didnt provide enough detail. She could be a snowflake . Either way I respect her for having enough common sense and respect for herself to distance herself negativity.
I agree with this. I had friends like this too and since I’ve left them I’ve become such a better person. Your company is such an important part of your life so I think you should always choose it wisely. Be with people that do not judge you and only bring you up and support you. And ultimately who you can be yourself with.

Now she would tell me she was watching certain show then I would jokingly reply with lame. But she jokingly calls me old man and things too so I didn’t think just saying lame is too far out there. I agree I respect anyone who is aware and has enough self respect to distance themselves from negativity. However I do not think i was a negative friend. Just one that said words like lame and whore (jokingly of course because she was dating a lot) and she would reply to this with “I know I am”. I listened to her problems and she listened to mine. Some guy was using her and I told her to distance herself from him because of it.

I never put her down but it was just the names that got to her. I’m not a negative person either. Not since this nofap thing. But I just worry that I was an asshole to her. Anyways thanks for the input guy.
one that said words like lame and whore (jokingly of course because she was dating a lot) and she would reply to this with “I know I am”.

Well there's that missing bit of context.
I'd say whore is a pretty harsh word for someone dating a lot, also if she already mentioned that name calling doesn't sit well with her.
I know the kind of girl that says "I know I am" to comments like that. The insult, jokingly to you, is something that probably impacts her on a psychological level because she doesn't think very highly of herself, which may also be why she dates a lot, or because she dates a lot, or who knows, that's really just a guess.
I've found that not a lot of women have a sense of humor in that way, not a lot of men either actually. The stuff that actually accurately pins how they feel inside. Men are better at hiding this, probably because they've endured much more banter and jokes.
I need a third parties point of view.
Honestly, I don't think we can guide you on this one. We have only your perspective and some reported speech from her. If she posted a couple of paragraphs it would perhaps highlight an issue that doesn't come over from your description. I am not saying you are misleading us. But it is virtually impossible to see ourselves as others see us. Sorry I cannot help. :(
I agree with this. I had friends like this too and since I’ve left them I’ve become such a better person. Your company is such an important part of your life so I think you should always choose it wisely. Be with people that do not judge you and only bring you up and support you. And ultimately who you can be yourself with.

Now she would tell me she was watching certain show then I would jokingly reply with lame. But she jokingly calls me old man and things too so I didn’t think just saying lame is too far out there. I agree I respect anyone who is aware and has enough self respect to distance themselves from negativity. However I do not think i was a negative friend. Just one that said words like lame and whore (jokingly of course because she was dating a lot) and she would reply to this with “I know I am”. I listened to her problems and she listened to mine. Some guy was using her and I told her to distance herself from him because of it.

I never put her down but it was just the names that got to her. I’m not a negative person either. Not since this nofap thing. But I just worry that I was an asshole to her. Anyways thanks for the input guy.
It's good to move on from toxic people. If that is all you said, it sounds like shes being overly sensitive or may be mad over something else.
You're all right in your own ways. I can't really say and neither can any of you. I guess it's whatever now. I just don't care about it anymore. I want to thank everyone that commented giving me advice. I really appreciate it even though it's such a small issue it still means a lot that you guys are helping me even though you have no reason to be. Nofap community is nice.