
New Fapstronaut

kingeale New Fapstronaut
Hey guys, am mo 20 years old just want to share my little story with you, english is my Third Language
i use to PMOing last 3 years think about being a refugee in a country with no family friends new language i got rejected no documents alot of stress , i was good at school but not were i was aiming just got low marks, i was confused 3 years i dont know what am doing in life i lost many girls just telling me i am handsome still i remember a Russian girl told me she loved me , i was like what is going on here even someone abused her and even i cant tell him to leave her i was living not with them i dated many girls but bed time i said i am virgin and i will give to my wife after long story i lost my Confidence lost all girls lost all frinends i was i joker no more joking no more respect skiny start smoking then one day i see people doing nofap today is my 36 day

1-Strong mently and physicaly
2-became agressive noBody can look at me staring like a lion eyes
3- eye contact with girls
4- Confidenct i work with a girl she has a car while she was taking me to my home she sang a love song for me i was woow after 3 years
5-i see women the most beautiful creature Allah[GOD] created on this earth
6- no more ugly girls every girl deserves a lover
7-joking everyone with me must laugh
8-best listener let people talk , i talk less or i want joking no more arguments
9-I started dreaming about the russian girl but not wet dream just she came to me in dream
10-No facebook no instagram
11-start small campaign against porn with my friends
12-got a good job
13-push ups 20 or more
14-deep voice like a man
15-gain muscles

how to stop it
1-porn is disgusting think about a man banging a women and you are masturbatibg are you a women
even animals cant do that
2-sex (with marriage) is love, millions of women are suffering a loneliness stop killing love go and find on of them and make them happy