Watching documentaries on sex and tantra


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I need to ask a question. I know as part of the NoFap challenge one is not supposed to watch porn. But I have documentaries on sex and tantra which I hope to learn as part of self-improvement. I already have them and hope to watch them as I havnt watched all of them yet.

The purpose of sexual positions is not for entertainment but for education and self-improvement purposes.

What do people think about this? Will watching sex documentaries and documentaries on Tantra be violating the NoFap challenge under pornography?
Hey there,
I think it depends on your triggers. If you feel like it's turning you on, might be time to stop watching. On the other side of things, you should learn to live with being horny.
Hey there,
I think it depends on your triggers. If you feel like it's turning you on, might be time to stop watching. On the other side of things, you should learn to live with being horny.
Yes it doesnt really turn me on the way porn does. I bought them when I used to watch porn and never bought it with the intention of just looking at sex. Just to learn more about sexuality.
I think these would act as Porn substitutes for me...a way to watch something, tell myself it porn, but still getting some of the same pleasure and kick. I think that to fully get the effect of a reboot, a guy needs to stay away from these subs as well we the actual porn. Go with out the videos for 90 days. There will be plenty of times to learn about sex on down the road. But for now, if you are serous about rebooting, you need to make it your priority. If you have to ask if it's okay to's probably not okay to watch!
Thaks Jim, thank you for reminding me about the concept of reboot. Yes I understood that it might defeat the purpose of NoFap. I will plenty of tie to watch that after the 90 days. I will not consider watching anything with sex.
Don’t BullShit your self! Get it together and remove the triggers man and get serious. On the job training is the best way to go. You have watched enough porn for 2 milliniums. Get your shit together don’t Bullshit yourself.