Way Less Sleep.


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Hey everyone. I am my 24th day of NOFAP. I have found that I sleep way less at night. From a guy (PMO), who used to go sleep at 5 or 6 am in the morning and wake up at 2pm in the afternoon to a guy (NO PMO) who goes to sleep at 11pm. It has become a habit for me to go to bed within 10:30. I spend 10-15 mins on meditation and 10 minutes of breathing exercise right before sleeping.

However, I have found out that I need way less sleep now. If I go to bed at 11pm then I wake up at 3:30am or 4:00am. Everyday I have turn off my alarm clock for 6:00am after I wake up. I don't know why I sleep less at night. I even tried sleeping after waking up at 4 but somehow I don't fall asleep. And on the day time I feel a little drowsy. Why is it like this ?
Hey everyone. I am my 24th day of NOFAP. I have found that I sleep way less at night. From a guy (PMO), who used to go sleep at 5 or 6 am in the morning and wake up at 2pm in the afternoon to a guy (NO PMO) who goes to sleep at 11pm. It has become a habit for me to go to bed within 10:30. I spend 10-15 mins on meditation and 10 minutes of breathing exercise right before sleeping.

However, I have found out that I need way less sleep now. If I go to bed at 11pm then I wake up at 3:30am or 4:00am. Everyday I have turn off my alarm clock for 6:00am after I wake up. I don't know why I sleep less at night. I even tried sleeping after waking up at 4 but somehow I don't fall asleep. And on the day time I feel a little drowsy. Why is it like this ?
How good is the quality of your sleep? How is your health and nutrition like? How is your stress level?

All these questions can help you find a solution.
@WOOF Best quality sleep. Health is alright, I do workout regularly. And nutrition is pretty much fine. I take light dinner before going to bed. And when it comes to the stress level, I'm 17 years old and I don't have much stress.
@WOOF Best quality sleep. Health is alright, I do workout regularly. And nutrition is pretty much fine. I take light dinner before going to bed. And when it comes to the stress level, I'm 17 years old and I don't have much stress.
Then it's nothing to worry about. You are just super active and your body is working fine. Don't stress about it and when you can't sleep at night, use that time to study and improve yourself. Make use of it and you'll either become better at studies or fall asleep. Which is a win-win scenario if you ask me.