We were created for relationship. P and sexual chat are imposters.


God created us for proper relationship with Him and each other.
My tendency towards sexual fantasy online chat and showing off my goods on cam are faulty pursuits of that. I yearn for relationship but I crave it in the wrong ways.
P for p sake doesn't really do it for me. It's the chatting about it one on one that I crave. Affirmation and fellowship in perversity I use to falsely pursue proper relationship. This gives hope that I at least know the true reason.

I Need an accountability partner.
I understand this. I'm addicted to the intimacy from a distance of camming. I call it 'driveby intimacy' done from a safe distance from the person on the other side of the cam. I've never been able to participate in true intimacy of real relationships. Not sure if my marriage will survive the damage done over years.
God created us for proper relationship with Him and each other.
My tendency towards sexual fantasy online chat and showing off my goods on cam are faulty pursuits of that. I yearn for relationship but I crave it in the wrong ways.
P for p sake doesn't really do it for me. It's the chatting about it one on one that I crave. Affirmation and fellowship in perversity I use to falsely pursue proper relationship. This gives hope that I at least know the true reason.

I Need an accountability partner.
Understand that - a big weakness of mine too.