Weird Dreams


My last dream were about the last type of porn I watched. I dont watch porn since october 2019 and I have mixed dreams: with woman and men.

I consider my self hetero because I only think about girls. The case of me and men was the porn and the scalation of it.

My question is: is it possible that I dreaming with men is about my consume of porn/scalation?

Bc I remember before porn I didnt have these dreams.

Its very weird, but I trying to normalize this shit. Bc I am who I am. But now Im bit confused...
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I wouldn't put too much stock in dreams, especially if they're of you watching porn. It wasn't clear in your post if you were watching porn in your dream or if you were living out the kind of porn you watched. If you were living out these scenes with men and women, again it's probably not an issue. Many straight men who haven't watched gay (or related) porn have dreams where they're sexual with men. It's perfectly normal and is likely just a reflection of what you experienced in the past or even that day (you saw two gay men walking and that triggered the memory of porn).

Dreams can certainly be analyzed for meaning, especially if they're recurring, but even then the meaning shouldn't be given more importance than is necessary.
Yeah man they are recurring. Sometimes I dream about women and sometimes I dream about men. I've watched some heavy g4y p0rn in the past due to tolerance/scalation. Theres 2 years that I dont watch any kinda of porn.
But I have some wet dreams and some of them its about one type (that means its recurring).

Before the porn I have never dreamt about gay relations. Its very very strange and put me on pills to sleep, bc sometimes I have fear of dreaming about it.........

I dont know what to do.
Dude, your post hit me hard and is making me reflect a lot on a lot.

"I wasn't afraid of being gay, I was afraid of not being attracted to women. That made no sense though because I knew that I was attracted to women, the issue was whether I was attracted to women and men"

That part hit me so hard.

I had never realized before that my biggest fear was not being gay or being attracted to men, but not being attracted to women.

What I know deep down is not true. I do like women. And possibly I can be attracted to men too.

You are right. I have to accept my true self and dont fight the feelings, and just accept them.

I gonna start meditate today.

I love this forum because there are members like you who can really make a big difference in people's lives. Thank you very much for your words.