What are the best tools to stop a craving when it starts ? Please help/ideas



I would like to start building a process to stop a craving of P when it starts in your mind.
For example, even though I have K9, no social media, I know in about 10 days or so I will start waking up in the middle of the night with sexual dreams and I will start to look on the internet for any hacking tool to reach P content. I feel like I need to share my issue as soon as I can now and try to ask for help to build tools.

From my experience when it starts I can't control anything, my mind drives me like I would fight someone just to see a little bit of content. I used to put phones in a box and put the keys in mail box outside the building...

I would really appreciate any tips, tricks to stop a craving. Preventive habits are also welcomed.

I meditate before sleep and try to create new path of pleasure with books, friends, activities but it is hard when a craving starts to jump on another activity. I have read that speaking with authority could activate the pre-frontal cortex but after a few seconds of craving I feel paralyzed completly and I feel a rush of sensations in the right back of my brain.

Thank you
Seeing how it's in the middle of the night, might I suggest essential oils to help calm your nerves? Or during the day, when you feel a craving coming on, exercise a little bit and do some stretching.

Or turn your phone off during the night if it's an issue. That's what I do when I sleep because I can't stay off of it. Though, I guess that might change now that I've started. . .
Seeing how it's in the middle of the night, might I suggest essential oils to help calm your nerves? Or during the day, when you feel a craving coming on, exercise a little bit and do some stretching.

Or turn your phone off during the night if it's an issue. That's what I do when I sleep because I can't stay off of it. Though, I guess that might change now that I've started. . .
Thanks for your message.
The problem is that I would do anything to reach content in that moment and because my pre-frontal cortex activity is shut down in just a few seconds I am paralyzed and a simple action just like putting your shoes and going out to run is impossible to think about. It is the definition of addiction, you know you are going to do something bad to yourself but you do it anyway, you have no decision power.

Also why Nofap does not allow scientist and researchers to comment on this website ? Like to learn from us about issues and then to share ideas. I am going to try to ask us, they are plenty of Addiction researchers and Brain Plasticity researchers in the world, and they would be happy to comment here for some reward.
I mean a senor member with a PhD in Neuroscience or Neuroplasticity is kind of usefull on this website ....
Why there is no Group about Meditation ?
Why I can' t create a group ?

I understand how that could be problematic. Perhaps you should try deep breathing exercise and see what happens there? There is one that I particularly enjoy and helps relax me is the 4-7-8 technique, detailed below

1) Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
2) Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
3) Hold your breath for a count of seven.
4) Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
5) This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.
You're most welcome. There is a link that I can provide, but currently I am unable to send links due to restrictions. Just google 4-7-8 breathing exercise or I could inbox it to you, if you prefer.
If the craving has already started then don't sit at one place. Get up and start moving. Do some pushups or run if you can; do some jumping jacks; put some loud music on. The more you distract yourself the better. It's always a small craving that snowballs into a full blown relapse in the end if you let it grow when it begins.
Tension Release Exercises (TRE)

Very easy and effective

Google/ YouTube how to do them.

Also Whim Hof Breathing

SUper great idea !!! I appreciate a lot your comment ! Thanks Man!
The WHIM HOF Breathing exercice seems to be awesome! lots of good feedback !
I am adding this to the list :)! PLease check out the full list post we are trying to built : post in the Rebooting section called :
P - KILLER TOOLS BIG LIST - Add your tips/tricks used in your fight to block P / stop a craving "
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IDK about you all but no tool is greater than your own will power and we all (most of us) lack this tool.If you decide with full strength no i m not gonna PMO and take everyday with same will power as we do the first few days we would succeed but discipline is the hardest quality to master but one who becomes a master of it can never fall
IDK about you all but no tool is greater than your own will power and we all (most of us) lack this tool.If you decide with full strength no i m not gonna PMO and take everyday with same will power as we do the first few days we would succeed but discipline is the hardest quality to master but one who becomes a master of it can never fall
Super Great advice, thank you, Yes will need to strengthen our willpower ! I will add it to the list. Also it is important to note that willpower and logical thinking are not possible if a bigcraving happens because the pre-frontal ocrtex is shut down complettly and we are paralyzed so in this moment, it could be good to have other tools, physical that stop the craving being bigger and bigger, for example I would love to have the same sensation than in the movie INCEPTION when Leonardo Di Caprio push the guy dreaming from his chair and fall in the Cold Water basically if we have a button to do that or tools to do that it is amazing :):):)
If the craving has already started then don't sit at one place. Get up and start moving. Do some pushups or run if you can; do some jumping jacks; put some loud music on. The more you distract yourself the better. It's always a small craving that snowballs into a full blown relapse in the end if you let it grow when it begins.
Amazing advice Man ! Thanks a lot for contributing to the list ! I appreciate the feedback and ideas !
I have added your great tools to the BIG list post in the Rebooting section called :
" P - KILLER TOOLS BIG LIST - Add your tips/tricks used in your fight to block P / stop a craving "
Feel free to have a look and add your experience ! thanks