Let Peace Prevail
I'm not so addicted as to expose myself in public...
I watch a horror video or a scary movie to get my mind off of it lol
Although, I've just started the process, I can categorize my attempts falling into 2 parts, Rationalizing and Emotional Support.
1) Rationalizing: Having a full day planned in terms of atleast 3 targets that I wish to achieve. Whenever, I get the urge, I refer back to the list and see how I can lose time if I start fapping away. This way I've rationalized how PMO can affect my workflow and productivity.
Moreover, I read researches here and there and watch TedX videos on Porn Addiction to understand how horrific it could get.
Moreover, I try to find out the reasons why I end up PMO-ing and I take action on it immediately. If I'm alone now, I'll either engage myself or call my friend. If I'm seeing myself touching my penis, I make conscious efforts not to for that's how it all begins.
2) Emotional Support: The way our brain functions, hijacking is a common phenomenon where our emotional brain could easily overpower the Rational brain. To deal with that, I have an Accountability Partner, he's this amazing person with whom I can literally talk to hours even when we are both in a different time zone.
Then, to gain motivation, I read NoFap's subreddit to see how people have fared out and how they feel.
That's that. I'll keep adding to the list as time passes. I've been addicted to porn for over a decade and I'm just fed up now. Looking forward to other answers too!