What do you guys do when you feel like...


What do you guys do when you feel like you're about to relapse? (to masturbation)
besides going to take a "cold shower", washing your face and getting yourself busy?
I mean, those techniques might work but sometimes you get to the point where you're getting tired of that.

I have 0% urge to watch porn
but I do want to fap
I don't subscribe to no masturbation however if that is your goal then you will have to find something to distract your brain from the urge. Other activities, games, television, going out for a walk... anything really that takes you out of the moment when the urge arises.
And how is it going for you?
did you see any improvements since you stopped watching porn?
What do you guys do when you feel like you're about to relapse? (to masturbation)
besides going to take a "cold shower", washing your face and getting yourself busy?
I mean, those techniques might work but sometimes you get to the point where you're getting tired of that.

I have 0% urge to watch porn
but I do want to fap
I use the nofap panic button app
What do you guys do when you feel like you're about to relapse? (to masturbation)
besides going to take a "cold shower", washing your face and getting yourself busy?
I mean, those techniques might work but sometimes you get to the point where you're getting tired of that.

I have 0% urge to watch porn
but I do want to fap

I feel like there is a bubble, or a balloon, inside my stomach and belly. It grows (up and down at the same time, bigger and bigger), until I feel it into my crotch and chest, sometimes my throat. It's like an explosion, suspended halfway inside of me. I've measured my heart rate and blood pressure and it goes up quite a lot during this. I get very restless and thoughts assail me, usually very nihilistic thoughts.

It's always nihilism that gets me:
- "You'll stay alone for the rest of your life anyway, just do it"
- "You've only just begun with nofap, you can relapse, others relapse all the time, there's no harm"
- "You'll never beat this anyway, just PMO."

And the bubble grows and grows.
But I've been brainwashing myself very heavily into PMO for 35 years.
Nights are worst for me. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night, with complete lack of self control, that's when the worst MO relapses happen.

Weekends are the worst triggers for P me. And the bubble already comes on Friday morning, growing throughout the day until it's evening.
I feel like there is a bubble, or a balloon, inside my stomach and belly. It grows (up and down at the same time, bigger and bigger), until I feel it into my crotch and chest, sometimes my throat. It's like an explosion, suspended halfway inside of me. I've measured my heart rate and blood pressure and it goes up quite a lot during this. I get very restless and thoughts assail me, usually very nihilistic thoughts.

It's always nihilism that gets me:
- "You'll stay alone for the rest of your life anyway, just do it"
- "You've only just begun with nofap, you can relapse, others relapse all the time, there's no harm"
- "You'll never beat this anyway, just PMO."

And the bubble grows and grows.
But I've been brainwashing myself very heavily into PMO for 35 years.
Nights are worst for me. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night, with complete lack of self control, that's when the worst MO relapses happen.

Weekends are the worst triggers for P me. And the bubble already comes on Friday morning, growing throughout the day until it's evening.

I struggled with that for about ten years longer than you, so don't feel too bad.
Part of me believes that it was my thinking that got me into this, and it's my thinking that's going to get me out. However, I would not be able to begin my journey without PMO if I had not sought help from a psychologist. If you have not seen someone already, I'd suggest you do. You are not weird. You are not abnormal. There are lots of guys in the same boat. Maybe you are already getting some face to face help. If so, that's great. If not, please consider it. You deserve it.
And how is it going for you?
did you see any improvements since you stopped watching porn?

A number, I don't masturbate anywhere near as often now I've cut out porn, the artificial stimulus is not longer there.

I've also seen improvements in my sexual relationship with my wife, things seem close and sex is on a more connected level.

Good luck on your own journey