What Do You Hate About Porn Addiction?

We CAN Do This!

there are many reasons that I hate porn, but I’d just like to say one of the biggest things I have against porn addition.

What I hate is the fact that nobody in the real world knows. At least not in my life. I’m fighting this thing day by day and not one friend or family me never knows about it. The reason that this is bad is because when I relapse and I’m feeling my absolute worst in life, I still have to act happy. If I show that I’m unhappy then people will wonder why and ask if I’m okay all the time and I really can’t be bothered with all that.

What do you hate about porn addiction?
I hate the fact that porn is the only thing that saves me from profund loneliness .
I hate the fact that sometimes i like it
I hate the fact that i watched it for the first time when i was just a kid
I hate the fact that porn is like a companion to me sometimes a companion who i hate who makes me feel ashamed about my life and myself
I hate the fact that porn sometimes leads me to others addictions that i have like drinking and smoking
Porn makes me feel angry and rude with poeple
Porn makes me see other human beings like objects or porn actors
I hate it it is like a poison it should be illegal for sure just like drinking and smoking
There are some weak people who just CANT use porn in a recreative way for example with a gf before making love or thing like that
There are some people who just want to detroy themselves through theses addiction just like smoking or drinking .

Couldn’t agree more. We are controlled by pixels on a screen and thats not normal, let alone healthy.
For me, it makes me doubt aspects of my own sexuality. I saw many hours of lorn at a young age so I often question things I like in bed. Do I like those things because of the natural evolution of my memories, my thoughts and experiences--or is it b/c the porn I saw early in life implanted those ideas?
there are many reasons that I hate porn, but I’d just like to say one of the biggest things I have against porn addition.

What I hate is the fact that nobody in the real world knows. At least not in my life. I’m fighting this thing day by day and not one friend or family me never knows about it. The reason that this is bad is because when I relapse and I’m feeling my absolute worst in life, I still have to act happy. If I show that I’m unhappy then people will wonder why and ask if I’m okay all the time and I really can’t be bothered with all that.

What do you hate about porn addiction?
I hate porn because they have sick and very disturbed category.
Hmm, I hate how it can make you feel sick the deeper you sink into the extremity of your desires, and how at the same time it makes you feel satisfied with it. Unconsciously I'd been doing this for too long, or I would just tell myself it's okay cos it feels good. It's a temporary drug of false happiness that dampens the possibility of you ever achieving anything better.
It's hateful because it creates a 'this will do' attitude when nothing good is going on in life.
It's hateful because it tricks the 'user' into thinking that "a real relationship is just PMO+the hassle of dealing with another person".
It's hateful because it stunts maturity - it prevents a person learning to successfully deal with another person in their life.
It's hateful because it reduces other people to images, and in time it reduces real people to their outward appearance.
It's hateful because it turns the 'user' from a person leading a life to a dope letting life pass by.
It's hateful because it takes away the inner drive to be excellent.
It's hateful because it makes people pathetic - both 'user' and 'model'.
I hate that porn made me afraid to go outside, because I was seeing intruding images and having intruding thoughts I didn't want. I hate Porn because, even though I feel free from it now I still feel an ounce of craving inside. I hate that Porn took over my life soo much, like 20 years or something chasing that high. I hate that Porn probably made my anxiety worse, making me always trying to find out what was wrong with me. I hate that porn exists and it does this too us. I hate it!
There is a lot I can say, but I'll write down 3:
I hate how porn made me empty and suicidal
I hate how porn robbed me of learning the skills I needed to learn how to connect with real women
I hate how porn robbed me of so much precious time that I can't get back that could have been used for better things.
I hate how porn makes me feel like a failure. It's sounds so simple. Just don't watch a video or look at an image. Yet somehow I end up looking at it no matter how hard I try. It's not a drug it's not alcohol yet I can't stop. I hate how I can't tell anyone about it because of what it is and how it sounds so dumb. Most of all I hate how low it drops my confidence and how it makes me start looking at people from a sexual aspect and not for who they are. Porn kills that emotional connection you have with yourself and others and tricks you into a life of pain.
I hate how porn makes me feel like a failure. It's sounds so simple. Just don't watch a video or look at an image. Yet somehow I end up looking at it no matter how hard I try. It's not a drug it's not alcohol yet I can't stop.

I completely agree with you on this. These are the main reasons I hate porn addiction. Every time I relapse I feel like an idiot because it should have been so easy to avoid but I still fell.
I hate porn addiction because it ruins lives and the people who's lives it ruins aren't just the users but their families, the people in the images or videos and can drive a wedge between you and those you care about. It is such a difficult thing to deal with because with addiction we are complicit in our own destruction yet, to others not afflicted it appears as if we are selfish, cruel, un-human and lacking in integrity or empathy but most of us are just lost and need and want help and direction because we don't like the version of ourselves that looks back in the mirror some don't get help until a lot of damage has already been done. It's no different to narcotic addiction in that sense
I hate porn addiction because it ruins lives and the people who's lives it ruins aren't just the users but their families, the people in the images or videos and can drive a wedge between you and those you care about. It is such a difficult thing to deal with because with addiction we are complicit in our own destruction yet, to others not afflicted it appears as if we are selfish, cruel, un-human and lacking in integrity or empathy but most of us are just lost and need and want help and direction because we don't like the version of ourselves that looks back in the mirror some don't get help until a lot of damage has already been done. It's no different to narcotic addiction in that sense
This is so true. Porn is literally a divider between who we are and who we want to be. Not even who we want to be, but who we should be; who we are deep down. Without porn we would be able to find this ideal version of us but the addiction pins is down and laughs in our face. We just have to be strong and overcome the power of porn addiction.
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What I hate about porn is how it raises expectations to high compared to what reality with women is like. It also warps my vision of women and how I treat them. Because of my years of watching porn I am incable of not seeing women and viewing them as sexual objects and what I could do to them. I am also terrible at talking to women. The over masterbation has also negatively affected my genitals. I am hoping this nofap process will put me past all these negative points and let me view porn as nothing but naked movies that hold zero baring over me.