l have known and met many pua
first off. pick up artists are mentally ill, at least thats how they come off. most of them seem to come from broken homes and distrubing backgrounds. theyre almost all outcasts, social misfits, and loners. usually they are social failures that thats why they became pick up artists in the first place because no one would choose pua as a preference or priority over meeting females the normal way.
pua is not helpful, and manifests itself in 2 ways. first, most guys will have this reaction. they become pua after living a life of social failure. they go out, approach a bunch of females out of the blue, get turned down, and they quit. because it's painful, and yields no results, so whats the point? in this scenario, their self esteem is lowered because rejection further confirms that they are unwanted, or unliked, which is what they experienced growing up anyway.
the 2nd way, pua manifests itself is desensitization. the pua gets good at delivering his speech, and appears confident. notice l said appears confident, because you can become confident at something by virtue of doing it, whether it's cutting grass, singing, or shoveling snow. this does not mean you are confident in yourself. so the pua has figured out how to become desensitized by ignoring all input from others. by doing this, they become ignorant, and further unable to connect with others, because in order for you to shield yourself from the pain of rejection, you just turn off all sensors. lf you pay attention to guys who get females, theyre usually very in tune with what others are thinking, and feeling. its their ability to read the room that has allowed them to accelerate not only at getting females, but being a popular person. pua are doing the exact opposite, by becoming out of touch with those around him, he becomes even more isolated, and marginalized than he was before he started pick up. in order to become a successful pua, you cant let the rejection get to you, and in order to do that, you have to ignore what others are feeling. this is why when you observe pua, it;ll look like theyre having a 1 way conversation, or giving a speech. they ask all these meaningless questions, and reveal very little about themselves. lf you reveal very little about yourself, what's there to like about you? nothing. this is why if you observe pua, theyre all single, and have probably never dated anyone. in what universe is asking a bunch of meaningless questions a way to get someone to like you? hey, if u said u won a surfing competition, yea, sure, someone will like you. asking a female where shes from, and where she works is not going to make a female like you, but this is precisely what pua do. one of the most common things pua say is "do you like coffee", and "l've had a crush on you for the past 10 seconds". ok, so you had a crush on her, so whys she supposed to like you because you said that? youre essentially putting yourself out there, and then setting yourself to be turned down, with no dignity, or self respect. thats pretty much what pua does, it degrades you and brings you down to some kind of panhandler type status. pick up artists want to take the lead, but theres really no reason for anyone to follow any pick up artist. what does a pick up artist have to offer? does he have a large social circle? no. is he fun to be around? no. does he have money? no. look at all the tiktok puas, almost all of them are broke. theyre always on the street. you never see them inside of any events that actually cost money to go into. in fact, one of the reasons why they tend to be in streets, and parks is so they cant get kicked out. now why do pua have to worry about being kicked out? thats right, its cause cold approach is not popular at all, and people find it invasive, so you shouldnt be surprised to learn that pua are frequently banned from malls, colleges, and any kind of private facility. they were unpopular people to begin with and only become more unpopular after becoming pua. think about it, when was the last time you ever saw a pua invited to anyones home? when are they ever invited to parties? never.
in scenario 2, it's also very plausible for the pua to develop a hatred towards females, because much like scenario 1, the pua is getting turned down constantly, only pua #2 is getting turned down a whole lot more. instead of self reflecting, they begin to place blame on the female. you saw this with pua like eliot roger. the natural progresion is, the more a pua is rejected, the more hateful he will become. they say that the more cold approach you do the more confident you become, while this may not be true, what is true is that they do become more hateful towards females, and maybe even hateful towards the world, because all that negative energy that came from the rejection has to go somewhere. the more a man is rejected, the more that will shatter his core self esteem. and remember core self esteem, and confidence in delivering a speech are two difrent things. you can develop confidence in doing a specific task but be insecure in yourself. this is why when you listen to pua speak, they say very little about themselves, this is due to the fact that they feel they are unworthy. throughout most of their lives, no one cared who they were, and no one wanted to listen to them, and they assume that females also dont want to listen to them, this is why if you listen to pua, theyre mostly just asking female questions, and saying little about themselves. the fact that they reveal little about themselves also gives 0 reasons for females to like them, resulting in no attraction, and always being rejected.
essentially pua are trying to take a short cut. under normal circumstances, it takes months to get to know a female. what theyre trying to do is try to get to like them in 5 minutes which simply isnt going to happen. men who believe this is possible are just delusional. ln fact, one of the first things pua will tell you is you can get any girl you want, which is a joke. so right from the begining this movement is not valid. people dont want to believe it, but getting females takes time. you cant jump out of nowhere and say, here l am and expect random females to like you. furthermore, what reason do females have for liking you. most pua are not particularly athletic, theyre certainly not well connected, they usually dont have a good job. they have no track record, and thats what people like, a solid track record. even if you were a mailman who showed up everyday to deliver mail in a reponsible manner, that puts you miles ahead of any pua. what do pua have to offer? usually nothing. the one thing pua are good at is saying things in random languages, but rarely will a female want to date a guy because of that