Angus McGyver
99% of meat comes from factory farms, and grass-fed/organic are labels that do not have any meaning and are not recognized by the USDA.
That is very likely the case in the US but since I don't live there (but rather in a European nation with the world's almost highest animal-keeping standards), it doesn't concern me that much. Where I am from, I still don't buy the domestic factory-farmed over here and if I do, I know it will be of much higher quality than in other Western nations (since there are quite strict regulations on how much livestock you put into one big barn). The quality still becomes poorer though since the animals are way more stressed in factory farms, plus they are served an unnatural feed of corn and GMO-soy.
Also, I can usually feel the difference in taste, texture and quality between an organic meat that is actually organic and factory-farmed junk.
The former just tastes juicier and so much better than the latter and is way more satiating, meaning I don't need to eat as much of it.
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