What Happens After Watching The Same Genre Of Porn?


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Hello everyone! I'm really sorry about my constant questions, but I'm just so curious about these questions I have. So anyway, here we go!

What would happen if someone was to watch the same genre of porn (that they never got hard to) over and over again for months? Maybe even fantasing about something (that also never got them hard)?

Waiting for answers, thank you!
This answer is... not much! It would be the same affect as watching anything that is dull and unstimulating for any length of time.
Our brains would not see the value and would crave more...
This answer is... not much! It would be the same affect as watching anything that is dull and unstimulating for any length of time.
Our brains would not see the value and would crave more...
What about masturbating to said genre of porn over the months, or maybe even weeks?
Your initial question referred to not getting an erection... so you would be unable to masturbate (effectively).
However, having thought this through in more detail it may be possible to obtain an erection with the same genre of porn so long as the content was constantly changing???
What about masturbating to said genre of porn over the months, or maybe even weeks?
It sounds like you are trying to condition yourself to like this porn that doesn't really turn you on. Are you trying to back away from some other porn that you escalated to, which you hate yourself for watching?
It sounds like you are trying to condition yourself to like this porn that doesn't really turn you on. Are you trying to back away from some other porn that you escalated to, which you hate yourself for watching?
Oh no no! I was just wondering. I can maintain an erection from the porn I first started watching (heterosexual) just fine! The second question is just that if one was to masturbate to a genre of porn that doesn't line up with what they usually watch, would that give them an erection over time without having to masturbate?