What song sends you into a different dimension?


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We all have that one song. You put it on in your headphones, and drift with the music... you can get lost in somebody else's story without ever leaving your room. That one song that gives you relief when your world seems to be falling apart. That song that paints a perfect picture without ever picking up a brush.

For me, "Die With A Smile" by FKJ checks all these boxes. I have never felt so moved by a piece of music before. I've never cried so hard. Whats your song?

Going through chages. Slim shady
Runnin dyin to live. Tupac & biggie
Shed so many tears. Tupac
Ain't no grave. Jony cash
Miserable list that neva end........
For the longest time, it's been Nobody Told Me by Puddle of Mudd. Just visualizing the story being told