Whether should I reset my counter.


I had a wet dream last night and when I woke up ( in the middle of the night), I kind of M right away without much thought to finish the arousal. ( I had O and ejaculated before that, in my dream).
I almost reached 2 weeks and I really do not want to reset counting but on the other hand, I was not completly concious about that time .
I regret for not having been more awake and determined.
Anyway, should I count from day 1 or keep going with mine .
It is a sticky one, lol. :p

Seriously, though, it is a reset in my view. As you said, you had already nutted in your dream, so there was no objective in further stimulation, other to enjoy the feeling. That is understandable, of course, masturbation does feel good. But your counter records the day(s) you have been free from porn, masturbation and orgasm (but the wet dream doesn't count). So, back to day 0.
Reset to day 0. I understand how that could be frustrating, but, your counter says NO PMO (you did did 2 out of 3). Stay strong against the chaser effect!