Why don't our governments ban porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by gordonfreeman14603, Sep 26, 2023.

Can it be possible?

  1. It will dramatically cut down porn consumption/production.

    10 vote(s)
  2. Totally futile.

    11 vote(s)
  3. Nobody cares. That's why we don't have any heavy regulation.

    14 vote(s)
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  1. Testo_Incoming

    Testo_Incoming Fapstronaut

    My theory is that they want to make men weak, especially in the western countries.
    Look at the newest Hollywood movies for example, you only see women in the main roles -when you see a (especially white) man, he is either portrayed as a loser, villain or an old weak piece of crap -never a strong man.
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  2. Gustavo Borunda

    Gustavo Borunda Fapstronaut

    I think it is because porn is a business that generates money
  3. If I recall correctly, it was your totally unfounded claim regarding the majority of sexologists.
  4. Avon support you

    Avon support you Fapstronaut

    Yes. In other words, the porn industry generates profits at the expense of numerous lives and the prospects of young individuals and future generations.
    VikingThor and A W A K E like this.
  5. That's about right. They have a lot in common with Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Tobacco and... Big Government.
  6. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    No. You should go back and read my comments again. All I said was that it was a little extreme for you to say that therapists say that porn is harmless, especially if you're talking about therapists talking to their clients with a sex/porn addiction. Then you told me I should do some research, which made me think that you've found some proof that apparently sex therapists all across the world are telling their clients that porn is harmless.
  7. It's basically a well known fact that the vast majority of sex therapists do take up the position that porn and masturbation are, in fact, harmless when nothing could be further from the truth. No one is suggesting all of them evil by any means but most are certainly clueless and of no help to those suffering with conditions brought on or exacerbated by p/m/o.
  8. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Okay, so back to my original question.... Where exactly did you get this from that its a well known fact that that therapists say that porn in harmless? And more importantly, are you talking about therapists with clients addicted to lust?

    Also, I'm interested in why you say that there are urologists who are completely unaware of porn-induced sexual dysfunction.
  9. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    Of course banning altogether will make porn way more underground than ever, but with technology I believe we can circumnavigate to better solutions. I also have an opinion about why p*rn is so mainstreamed today (softcore-hardcore) but that very opinion will ban me from this forum.
  10. lonelyheart

    lonelyheart Fapstronaut

    I wish it was banned and illegal in my country and most countries and I wish people were talking more about it and against it and taking more action. It literally can destroy lives and I've just recently discovered that Porn was also linked with sex trafficking. I didn't know that and it really shocked me that maybe I had seen some videos of people forced to do some things they didn't want to do. I never really watched that kind of video with much violence, that extreme. Mostly I watched soft videos but even then, you can never know. And then you can't help but watch more extreme content. So yeah, how can you still watch videos when you know that what you're watching is maybe with victims of sex trafficking or with people being raped or worse. I just can't. Also when you realize that most serial killers or pedophiles or psychopaths watch it? But porn and even written pornography contain so much violence or rape. You wouldn't believe how many stories I have found with things that I was really shocked or ashamed to read afterwards. And it's just the stories written. But there are so many more videos of people doing it. I have read articles about porn stars having been forced to do something disgusting or humiliating or even been raped on set. It's so awful.

    I have found this website and it really is helpful and they are all talking about it: https://fightthenewdrug.org/
  11. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Lets first ban soft porn, gym girls in youtube, tight pants, revealing clothes, reddit, tiktok all softporn needs to be regulated and banned.
    gordonfreeman14603 likes this.
  12. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I understand what you're saying and why, but the problem here comes when the decision has to be made about specifically what can be made available and what can't. If you say that no women can post videos of themselves online, can men then post their videos? Now it's a sexist law. How tight do a woman's pants have to be before its cancelled? Are you saying that no woman can ever post anything about herself on reddit, tik tok, or any social media site ever? Sorry if this is harsh, but it sounds like you want all women everywhere to change their entire way of life to suit your desires in life. If that's the case, maybe you should think about changing yourself instead of expecting the world to change for you so you don't have to.
  13. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Protect the youth. No discussion needed. you still get a boner from women on youtube doing exercises with extreme tight pants and always such videos have millions of millions of views.
  14. white wizard

    white wizard Fapstronaut

    The world is not ready for this conversation, lol. In terms of spiritual evolution (as in a higher intellect concept) the human race is still pretty much comprised of chimps with fancy watches.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
    gordonfreeman14603 likes this.
  15. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    Still? Just a few decades ago, porn was banned all across the Western world and it's still banned in China for example. It's not that humanity hasn't evolved over the last few thousand years, rather it has devolved in the last 100 years.
  16. white wizard

    white wizard Fapstronaut

    Like I said, we have fancy watches.
    gordonfreeman14603 likes this.
  17. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    I definitely don't want porn to be banned, mainly because I have a moral issue with it—it's immoral for some old farts at the government to tell what consenting adults can and can't do with they body and eyes. As a grown adult we should be allowed to produce and consume whatever we want, as long as everyone engaged is over the legal age and is doing it consensually. That is called personal freedom. I get that a lot of people here, instead of taking personal responsibility for their own health and actions want to be babied by the government. But that's how we end in some 1984 situation. And countries like China don't really have personal freedom like we have in the west, they are authoritarian, so they are not good examples of how things should run. Unless you're tired of living with freedom.

    And if we ban porn cause it's unhealthy, it's a slippery slope, what we ban next? Do we ban all unhealthy foods? Do we ban sugar? Do we ban red meat? Do we ban wine? Cause there are some people who over-consume these things and are damaging their health? Let's remember that not everyone is addicted to porn and that not everyone is overusing it. Some people are not addicts like you and me, they just watch porn like once a month for fun, cause they are single and there is nothing better around, and that's it. So simply because we are addicts who have ruined our health with it does not justify us to enforce it on others cause of our own resentment.

    And as far as sex trafficking argument, and all the abuse that is happening in the porn industry, banning porn is just gonna make it worse. If we ban porn, all it will do is help black marked grow. And it will create lot's of human trafficking and abuse; because the industry would be no longer regulated by law, suddenly these actors don't have any more legal protections. It will also make it harder for people who are addicted to get help, because if they admit what they are doing then they might get in legal trouble. So, apart from it being immoral to stick our nose behind closed doors of consenting adults and tell them what they can't and can do, there are also a lot of practical problems with this.

    What we should do instead is educate people on harm that porn can cause. There is not nearly enough education. We should educate kids in sexual health classes starting middle school on how damaging it is. And we should run some public campaigns, like we do on smoking. And we should provide parents with tools and education to properly rise their kids. And provide addicts with tools to help with porn addiction, make treatment to be fully covered by health insurance or something like that. But if a grown adult wants to risk their health anyways, despite knowing all this stuff, it's not governments job to baby them.
  18. Caffeine

    Caffeine Fapstronaut

    @Ūruz here's how you govern a functional society: you ban the bad stuff. If you don't do that, you will be soon swamped with filth and disorder. Cities filled with trash and drug addicts, crime and inefficiency. That's "freedom" for ya.

    Not to speak of the fact that the "consenting adults" idea is a myth. A majority of us have started using porn as minors and none of us has consented to become addicted or have our dicks stop working.
  19. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Ban soft porn, you dont want your children masturbate to his phone and live a destroyed life, porn must be banned now.
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    No, you won't be swamped with filth and disorder. Drug addiction and crime comes from the fact that these places don't have enough of good support tools for people who are dealing with those challenges. Look at British Columbia where all the drugs were decriminalized, Vancouver is an absolute slum now; since they made it not illegal everything got so much worse! Now look at Portugal, very similar, but no drug epidemic. In fact since decriminalization happened everything got much better. Why so? Because in one place they have social support systems, education and treatments to prevent addiction and help people get out of addiction, while in BC they don't have any of that. Same with porn, if you just throw around ban hammer it's not gonna help anyone, just gonna make things worse. We have to educate people instead.
    I fully support banning porn for underage people. Something like UK is doing with it's Online Safety Act, where proper age verification will be required. Sure, we did not consent to get erectile dysfunction, and whole host of other problems, cause we were not informed about them. That's why education is important. It's true that we started use as minors, but nobody told me that it's bad. Would I have started if I knew it was bad? I don't know, probably not. I never started smoking when I was a minor, not cause I did not have easy access, I had, but cause I knew it's bad. Education is powerful and does effect kids. As well as adults; I kept using for years as an adult cause I did not knew any better, if I knew I would have tried to stop years ago.
    It's parents responsibility to rise their children, not government's. Parental controls are a thing. Besides, what do you classify as soft porn? That's terribly subjective sounding. Is woman taking a picture with a cleavage soft porn? How about a shirtless male picture on a beach, is that soft porn? Do we enforce it equally on men and women, or just on women? Do we just ban certain clothing for everyone? No more tight clothing? Men can no longer wear tight muscle fit tshirts? And if we go there and start banning stuff like that, why don't we ban curse words and political books that we disagree with also while we're at it? That's a slippery slope. People in tights doing yoga videos on Youtube are not a problem, our weak addict minds are a problem.
    YungSucre and Joe1023 like this.
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