Why fantasizing during Reboot is bad (scientific explanation)


Dear Fapstronauts,

A lot of brothers are troubled about the thought of fantasizing during their reboot. Is it ok? Is it healthy? Is it slowing me down? all those questions. I know all of them since I was guilty of fantasizing during reboots as well. But now I understand how and why fantasizing about sex and especially porn is really bad during a NoFap reboot.

You see, our brains record and store everything that happens to us. This goes for all experiences you ever endure. They are all presumably stored in Synapses that travel across Neurons (brain cells). Every single time you activate those Synapses again, by for example thinking about an experience, rehearsing things of experiencing them again, you are strengthening that particular Synaptic pathway across certain Neurons. This is what makes memories sting and why certain things like language and faces are easily accessible to memory since you use those pathways a lot.

Now what would happen if you are fapping to porn for years? A lot of Neurons will be wired to this experience since several brain areas will be linked to that experience. Ever fapped as a result of stress? Then your 'Fapping Neurons' will also become linked in the emotional centers of the brain. This is also why you engage in PMO fast and so much, since your brain can very easily access those pathways and then make you act on them.

But when you are trying to reboot, you are trying too weaken those pathways. Just like when you try to learn a new language and then quit for a month and then you seem to have forgotten about 80% of what you have learned, can be applied to NoFap. You see, the pathways that are not being activated for prolonged periods of time will become weaker and thus becoming much harder to access. Ever had the feeling you knew someone but forgot where from? That is your brain trying to access those 'hidden' pathways that have weakened or weren't encoded properly (encoding means that you pay enough attention to something to let it get stored in your long term memory). This is what you want to happen to your PMO pathways, that they become that weakened that they will activate only when focusing real hard on them. And of course, you are not going to try that after a reboot...

Unfortunately you can never replace or destroy those pathways, unless you get into a car accident and blow your brains out.... but that is something entirely different. So fantasizing about porn or porn scenario's is harmful in weakening the PMO pathways because you are activating them, thus your brain is not really 'healing'. The healing process everyone talks about is the return of homeostasis of hormones and especially the release of brain neurotransmitters, but the weakening of PMO pathways is the most important 'healing' process (imo) since it takes waaaaay longer than making your brain return to hormonal homeostasis. For example, it takes only about 14 days to normalize Dopamine releases when you quit addictive habits like porn, smoking, drinking and what else. That is also why some NoFappers might take longer to reboot since they swap one addiction (PMO) for another (like gaming, edging, fantasizing, drinking, smoking etc).

This was probably a long read. I get that. But this part is so important. I blew 2 streaks and wondered why I didn't feel that much change. It was all because I didn't change much else about my life expect for PMO. I was still fantasizing, playing too much videogames and being a lazy f*ck sometimes. When I improved on all that, I was progressing by the week and I felt every flying inch of that. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Create new pathways in your brain. Learn a new language, go learn programming, go find a new hobby or whatever, but make sure your brain is busy focusing on forming new pathways so it can 'forget' about that little f*cker that is PMO. Then you will 'heal' soooo much faster.

Take it from a Nursery student who specialized in brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other neurological pathological issues. Take care my brothers, and never give up.
very well scientific explanation. i also relapsed b/c of fantasizing. it also troubles emotional intelligency. i was with girl .but when she wasnot with me. i used to fantasize . it ended in breaking with her. fantasizing is definitely slowing down natural response. it troubles connecting with people emotionally too. it is waste of time too. i had wet dreams ejaculation but it was b/c of fantasizing. fantasizing leads to more bad dirty impure feelings.
very well scientific explanation. i also relapsed b/c of fantasizing. it also troubles emotional intelligency. i was with girl .but when she wasnot with me. i used to fantasize . it ended in breaking with her. fantasizing is definitely slowing down natural response. it troubles connecting with people emotionally too. it is waste of time too. i had wet dreams ejaculation but it was b/c of fantasizing. fantasizing leads to more bad dirty impure feelings.
I agree completely! Fantasizing is such a waste of time. I have never had a fantasy come true
Agree this is something that many people on here have been talking about for years! Create new pathways and find an alternative to the porn addiction. I have been putting my time into programming and playing Fortnite. I suppose gaming addiction can also be a bad thing if misused but its better than fapping for hours and dulling your brain. The lesser of two evils i guess.

Fantasizing is very deadly! Just a few minutes ago i was reading a online newspaper and they had a few sexually related articles... Newspapers can be as bad as social media sometimes in my opinion. I wont tell you what it was that i was reading in case it leads other people to start fantasizing too. But i will say that for a few moments the thought of relapsing popped into my mind because it got me thinking about porn again...

Luckily i have not done anything! Streak maintained going to do some programming soon :)
in my childhood teen age i was addicted to tv radio a lot .it made me fantasize more .but it was all virtual and wast of time.
Agree this is something that many people on here have been talking about for years! Create new pathways and find an alternative to the porn addiction. I have been putting my time into programming and playing Fortnite. I suppose gaming addiction can also be a bad thing if misused but its better than fapping for hours and dulling your brain. The lesser of two evils i guess.

For some of us it makes sense to "ramp down" from hard PMO use to other less intense dopamine producing habits for a period of time like watching tv or gaming. Eventually we want to get away from any compulsive habits, but as you said, lesser of of evils.

Studies do show that the response in the brain when fantasizing or replaying porn in our minds has almost exactly the same the effect on our brains as watching porn. So yes, gotta stay away from fantasizing to make real progress. I didn't watch porn for years, but masturbated, edged and fantasized a lot during that time (multiple times a week). Guess what? It didn't take much for me to fall back into porn use.