Why is the opposite sex like this?!?!

A Really Daft Punk

New Fapstronaut
I literally just started this NoFap program and told a woman I dont want a relationship now until I get myself in a better place mentally. Then she sends me a barrage of adorable pictures which is really not helping my cause. I've told her this is something I need to do but I really dont want to mess this up for later on. Any ideas? A man can only do so many exercises to sidetrack himself before going mad.
You not wanting a relationship until you are in a better headspace is very admirable and I respect that.

If you however are avoiding a relationship because you think you are messed up in the head and are waiting to be better, that might not be a good idea.

We all have a need to orgasm and feel a connection with another person. I personally am not masturbating or watching porn, but I am still intimate with my girlfriend. If I can't maintain an erection and only last a few minutes with no orgasm, it's ok, at least it wasn't my hand and porn!
Thanks! I really appreciate the advice. Hopefully I can smooth things over with her. I'm really looking to have and maintain a healthy relationship with her. I just dont want to end up hurting her in any way emotionally.
If you are already semi involved and she knows a bit of what is happening here, open up and let her know the whole story and what you are doing to heal yourself.....if you want. It takes two to tango. This gives her the information so she can choose also. But, if you just met I think you are on the right track, get yourself straight in your mind and find a way to explain it in a gentle way if possible. Who knows she might still be around later when you are ready.