Why Most Addicts Don’t Succeed


I’m going to embark on an ill-advised attempt to engage the youths through ancient memes. Let’s see, how do we do this…

Yep, there we go.

Speaking of realistic expectations, most addicts won’t like the content of this post. But


They do self-censor so the post can get through the mods
What expectations are unrealistic? There’s two kinds. The expectation that quitting porn is going to be easy, and that quitting porn is going to solve all your problems. For more experienced fapstronauts, they’re thinking they are missing one ingredient, one thing they can change that will make them successful and quit porn for good.

Don’t be stupid.​

Some are thinking “Not me. I’m taking this seriously, I know it’s not going to be easy.”
But I’m not just saying it isn’t going to be easy. I’m saying it is going to be hard.
“Yeah, I know that, I know that.”
But you’re going to M as soon as it gets painful. Literally painful, when your balls start aching, you’re going to say you “have to relieve the pressure.” When it’s 2am and you still can’t sleep, you’ll say you can’t afford to be groggy at work or school, and you’re going to fap. When you get a reprimand or a rejection, or a bad grade, when you’re sick, when you’re bored, when you’re browsing your social media and see a model in skin tight clothes grinning coquettishly into the camera (that’s how you know I’m old, I said “coquettish,” look it up). Each of those old triggers, at some point you’re going to fall for every one.

“Not me, man, not me. You don’t understand, you don’t know me. My situation is different, I’m tough, I have too much to lose, I’m special.”


Are you not hearing me? Quitting addiction is hard. You don’t succeed in hard things the first time you try. Or the second. Or the eighth. Some people drop the proverbial ball more than others, but we all drop it. A lot. The question is if you’re going to get up, slightly alter your approach, and try again, or if you’re going to point fingers and avoid responsibility.

You’ve got this impression that “hard” means “a training montage I can play some motivating music over and gloss over the pain.”

Eye of the tiger, baby
You know why they do training montages with motivating music, instead of showing the actual training in real time? Because training is boring and miserable and it would make the movie a solid thirty days of just watching a guy groan and gasp and sweat. Because training means exhausting yourself in a short time, then looking to the side and seeing another guy so much further ahead. It’s demoralizing. Then working hard and investing a ton of time and mental effort for a month, and still not seeing substantive progress. Training means stewing in negative emotions for hours and days, wondering if all this energy spent on this thing that doesn’t seem to be making a difference at all except to make you even more miserable, is worth it. Training means having an intense day of trigger after trigger, and all you have to show for it is one more day on your streak when you deserve to add at least three. Training is resetting to day 0 over and over again, slowly learning for yourself that what I told you in this post is true; quitting porn is hard.
I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it is.
As you wish
The second unrealistic expectation is a derivation of the first: there’s a magic bullet that’s going to make everything better. This one bifurcates into two applications. Sometimes we think one change is going to make us quit porn for good. If only we can figure it out, we’ll be safe and free. Sometimes we believe if we can only quit porn itself, our entire lives will be fixed and we’ll be happy.


Some things have to be said over and over again

Some magic bullets porn addicts believe in
  1. If only I got a wife/girlfriend and could regularly have sex
  2. If only I didn’t have a wife/girlfriend and wasn’t expected to have sex
  3. If only I could block all the porn on my phone
  4. If only I could keep myself from fantasizing
  5. If only I found the right motivation guru
  6. If only I got a job
  7. If only I found the right dopamine replacement
Maybe you need all of these things. Maybe none of them. Don’t pretend it’s a simple problem with a straightforward solution.

Porn abuse, porn addiction, is not a mere bad habit. Any addiction is a maladaptive coping mechanism created in response to a real problem in your life.

Are you hearing me?

Some addicts are going to get pissed at me. Some SOs, if they read this, are going to get very pissed at me. I’m going to say it anyway.

Porn isn’t the problem*. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem that’s causing you even more problems. Once you quit porn, the pain of that other problem is going to make itself known until you find it and fix it.

This is hard to understand and harder to apply. Well what is your problem, then? I don’t know. You are a complex psychological being with all kinds of layers of trauma, like a fabulous freakin’ pride cake. But made out of anger and fear instead of sugar a dye.

There’s no one reason you use porn, and no one activity or belief or quote or anything that will put you over the top and get you to quit. If I’m going to start a good long streak I have to take my meds, and run every day, and eat good food regularly, and go to therapy, and use positive self talk, and avoid sensory triggers, and actively monitor my thought life, are you getting the picture? Quitting porn is about dozens of modifications to the system, and I haven’t even addressed the deep reasons I started using porn in the first place, or the profound lies porn has told me that I need to undo, much less what I’m going to do to replace it all.

It goes back to that first unrealistic expectation that quitting is easy. One of the reasons quitting is hard is because there is no magic bullet. It’s complicated. You’ll need a multifaceted system to fix it.

Sorry. I know you just came in here to get your PIED, or your PAWS, or your marriage, or whatever it was back under control real quick. The reality is, though, if you’re in so much trouble that you’ve self-diagnosed porn as the problem and you’re even considering quitting, you’re already in way deeper than you know. The official line from NoFap is a 90 day reboot, and my official response is, that’s laughably optimistic. I’ve hit 90 days, before, I’m nowhere close to rebooted. Psychologists and AA members know it takes a while to get free of an addiction. Odds are strong extracting yourself from porn is going to take a lot longer than three months, might as well start getting used to the idea, and maybe you’ll not ever be completely free. Maybe freedom is going to look like keeping that demon chained and starved, but you’re going to have to keep your eye on it at all times. Sound exhausting? It is. Worth it, though?

Yeah. Yeah it’s worth it.


Now we get to the final reason most addicts won’t succeed. They point fingers instead of investing time in figuring out what they can do about their problem.

It feels good to make excuses. It means you don’t have to do anything, and also it means you didn’t make choices that turned you into a complete spudtugger.

Can I say that, mods, am I allowed to say “spudtugger?”

Making and believing in your excuses also robs you of all self-agency, and turns you into an abhorrent little person. Yeah, I know for sure I can’t say “person.” It’s because other fapstronauts abused the word, like a bunch of abhorrent little persons.

Excuses I Have Seen, or Used Myself
  1. Porn needs to be illegal
  2. Western values
  3. Capitalism
  4. ADD, baby
  5. The Internet
  6. Porn industry
  7. Porn stars
  8. Women in general
  9. One woman in particular (wife, girlfriend, ex, rando girl at the gym, somebody that you used to know)
  10. COVID
  11. Saw something nasty in the woodshed**
Listen, I wish the Internet didn’t have porn on it and people didn’t glorify sex and social media didn’t lie and life wasn’t so stressful, too. While I’m at it, I also wish I had a rocket pack and a sweet helmet with all kinds of cool stuff in a HUD so I could fly around with my underwear on the outside and fight crime, but this is the reality I live in. This is the hand I was dealt. And past me, he didn’t play that hand the way present me would have.

Well boo-freakin’-hoo. There ain’t jack I can do about it now.

What I can do is identify problems and address them today.

There’s a line, and I don’t know if it’s a thin one or not but I frequently cross it, between identifying a problem and making an excuse. The truth is, I do have ADD. The truth is, social media is a trigger for most people, if not for soft porn showing up all the time, then at least because it’s a terrible source of dopamine that leaves you craving more. Having ADD, or social media being terrible, is beyond my or your control, but if you stop there and say “that’s the life we have and it’s not fair,” that’s an excuse.

What are you going to do about it?

Take meds. Quit social media.
“What? No more Instagram? No more Twitter? No more TikToks or whatever it is the kids are doing these days?”

Yeah. No more of that. Nearly every fapstronaut who sticks with it beyond a month or two figures this out. Every other week there’s a new thread asking “Is Instagram a relapse?” and the answer is basically quit abusing the word “relapse” but yes, and there’s also threads saying “OMG you guys I finally figured it out U haev 2 quit social media!” and there’s seventeen views and three responses which say “whoa, really?,” “good job, you figured it out,” and “actually I think that’s too extreme because I have this whole list of justifications because I’m not that serious about quitting porn.” I paraphrased. Few people are that self-aware, or honest with themselves, but we know the truth.

Take responsibility for your life. Take control.

So that’s why most are unlikely to succeed. We underestimate how much trouble we’re really in, we underestimate how long and difficult this process is, and we don’t like the pain and suffering it takes to change. But maybe you do have the gumption and self-honesty, you’re just lacking good direction. I’ve been that person, too.

Thanks for hanging with me this long. If you’re looking for shortcuts here’s some bonus wisdom.

  1. If you think it might be a P sub, it probably is
  2. If you think you might need to reset, you probably do
  3. Nature abhors a vacuum. Replace your lost, cheap dopamine from PMO with positive behaviors
  4. That said, don’t try to revolutionize your entire life all at once. One small, positive change, integrate it into your lifestyle, make it a good habit, then pick up another. Otherwise you’ll burn out fast
  5. Start with exercise. I run because I’m a skinny, long legged weed. Most guys lift, because they’re good at it. Most women do yoga, because they’re good at it. We do the things we’re good at
  6. Fantasy is a P sub. Have a train of thought pre-loaded, so that when an erotic thought comes up, you don’t waste time trying to figure out something to think about instead
  7. A stray erotic thought is really your brain asking for dopamine. Try and find a way to give it a nice dose from a healthy source, sooner rather than later
  8. Seriously, quit social media
  9. Porn lied. It lied to you about sex. It lied to you about women. It lied to you about men. It’s hard because you’re not even aware of what you believe that comes from porn, but you need to work on figuring out the truth
  10. No, you can’t stop just the P, the M, or the O and expect to reboot. That’s your addiction talking. Don’t be stupid
  11. If it comes down to it, down the street, not across the tracks okay?
Don’t do drugs, brush your teeth, say your prayers to the deity or spiritual essence of your choice, and stop touching yourself at night. I’m out.

*SOs, I didn’t say you were the problem, either. Don’t put that stink on me. You are not the problem, you didn’t cause any of this, and if your addict or another addict says you are or did, he’s a misinformed wanker making excuses
**Apologies for all the obscure references to songs and books you haven’t heard or read. I’m not changing anything
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That bonus wisdom is worth its weight in gold. The amount of damage that P use has done towards young men who haven't wired to real relationships is awful. It truly does lie to you, and make you believe in said lie. It's one of the reasons PIED in young men is such a rapidly developing issue. It's why self-esteem issues are becoming so much worse. Half the articles I've read and books on the subject constantly reiterate the point that these pathways formed using hyperstimuli are devastating to the natural reward system - but it's all our brain knows, and this makes rewiring far more of a challenge than it ever had been for males who had pre-existing pathways to real physical intimacy.

It may just be the bonus wisdom, but a lot of that is the reality of the harder pills to take regarding this whole affair. It's true, it hurts, but understanding it helps immensely.
I’m going to embark on an ill-advised attempt to engage the youths through ancient memes. Let’s see, how do we do this…

Yep, there we go.

Speaking of realistic expectations, most addicts won’t like the content of this post. But


They do self-censor so the post can get through the mods
What expectations are unrealistic? There’s two kinds. The expectation that quitting porn is going to be easy, and that quitting porn is going to solve all your problems. For more experienced fapstronauts, they’re thinking they are missing one ingredient, one thing they can change that will make them successful and quit porn for good.

Don’t be stupid.​

Some are thinking “Not me. I’m taking this seriously, I know it’s not going to be easy.”
But I’m not just saying it isn’t going to be easy. I’m saying it is going to be hard.
“Yeah, I know that, I know that.”
But you’re going to M as soon as it gets painful. Literally painful, when your balls start aching, you’re going to say you “have to relieve the pressure.” When it’s 2am and you still can’t sleep, you’ll say you can’t afford to be groggy at work or school, and you’re going to fap. When you get a reprimand or a rejection, or a bad grade, when you’re sick, when you’re bored, when you’re browsing your social media and see a model in skin tight clothes grinning coquettishly into the camera (that’s how you know I’m old, I said “coquettish,” look it up). Each of those old triggers, at some point you’re going to fall for every one.

“Not me, man, not me. You don’t understand, you don’t know me. My situation is different, I’m tough, I have too much to lose, I’m special.”


Are you not hearing me? Quitting addiction is hard. You don’t succeed in hard things the first time you try. Or the second. Or the eighth. Some people drop the proverbial ball more than others, but we all drop it. A lot. The question is if you’re going to get up, slightly alter your approach, and try again, or if you’re going to point fingers and avoid responsibility.

You’ve got this impression that “hard” means “a training montage I can play some motivating music over and gloss over the pain.”

Eye of the tiger, baby
You know why they do training montages with motivating music, instead of showing the actual training in real time? Because training is boring and miserable and it would make the movie a solid thirty days of just watching a guy groan and gasp and sweat. Because training means exhausting yourself in a short time, then looking to the side and seeing another guy so much further ahead. It’s demoralizing. Then working hard and investing a ton of time and mental effort for a month, and still not seeing substantive progress. Training means stewing in negative emotions for hours and days, wondering if all this energy spent on this thing that doesn’t seem to be making a difference at all except to make you even more miserable, is worth it. Training means having an intense day of trigger after trigger, and all you have to show for it is one more day on your streak when you deserve to add at least three. Training is resetting to day 0 over and over again, slowly learning for yourself that what I told you in this post is true; quitting porn is hard.
I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it is.
As you wish
The second unrealistic expectation is a derivation of the first: there’s a magic bullet that’s going to make everything better. This one bifurcates into two applications. Sometimes we think one change is going to make us quit porn for good. If only we can figure it out, we’ll be safe and free. Sometimes we believe if we can only quit porn itself, our entire lives will be fixed and we’ll be happy.


Some things have to be said over and over again

Some magic bullets porn addicts believe in
  1. If only I got a wife/girlfriend and could regularly have sex
  2. If only I didn’t have a wife/girlfriend and wasn’t expected to have sex
  3. If only I could block all the porn on my phone
  4. If only I could keep myself from fantasizing
  5. If only I found the right motivation guru
  6. If only I got a job
  7. If only I found the right dopamine replacement
Maybe you need all of these things. Maybe none of them. Don’t pretend it’s a simple problem with a straightforward solution.

Porn abuse, porn addiction, is not a mere bad habit. Any addiction is a maladaptive coping mechanism created in response to a real problem in your life.

Are you hearing me?

Some addicts are going to get pissed at me. Some SOs, if they read this, are going to get very pissed at me. I’m going to say it anyway.

Porn isn’t the problem*. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem that’s causing you even more problems. Once you quit porn, the pain of that other problem is going to make itself known until you find it and fix it.

This is hard to understand and harder to apply. We’ll what is your problem, then? I don’t know. You are a complex psychological being with all kinds of layers of trauma, like a fabulous freakin’ pride cake. But made out of anger and fear instead of sugar a dye.

There’s no one reason you use porn, and no one activity or belief or quote or anything that will put you over the top and get you to quit. If I’m going to start a good long streak I have to take my meds, and run every day, and eat good food regularly, and go to therapy, and use positive self talk, and avoid sensory triggers, and actively monitor my thought life, are you getting the picture? Quitting porn is about dozens of modifications to the system, and I haven’t even addressed the deep reasons I started using porn in the first place, or the profound lies porn has told me that I need to undo, much less what I’m going to do to replace it all.

It goes back to that first unrealistic expectation that quitting is easy. One of the reasons quitting is hard is because there is no magic bullet. It’s complicated. You’ll need a multifaceted system to fix it.

Sorry. I know you just came in here to get your PIED, or your PAWS, or your marriage, or whatever it was back under control real quick. The reality is, though, if you’re in so much trouble that you’ve self-diagnosed porn as the problem and you’re even considering quitting, you’re already in way deeper than you know. The official line from NoFap is a 90 day reboot, and my official response is, that’s laughably optimistic. I’ve hit 90 days, before, I’m nowhere close to rebooted. Psychologists and AA members know it takes a while to get free of an addiction. Odds are strong extracting yourself from porn is going to take a lot longer than three months, might as well start getting used to the idea, and maybe you’ll not ever be completely free. Maybe freedom is going to look like keeping that demon chained and starved, but you’re going to have to keep your eye on it at all times. Sound exhausting? It is. Worth it, though?

Yeah. Yeah it’s worth it.


Now we get to the final reason most addicts won’t succeed. They point fingers instead of investing time in figuring out what they can do about their problem.

It feels good to make excuses. It means you don’t have to do anything, and also it means you didn’t make choices that turned you into a complete spudtugger.

Can I say that, mods, am I allowed to say “spudtugger?”

Making and believing in your excuses also robs you of all self-agency, and turns you into an abhorrent little person. Yeah, I know for sure I can’t say “person.” It’s because other fapstronauts abused the word, like a bunch of abhorrent little persons.

Excuses I Have Seen, or Used Myself
  1. Porn needs to be illegal
  2. Western values
  3. Capitalism
  4. ADD, baby
  5. The Internet
  6. Porn industry
  7. Porn stars
  8. Women in general
  9. One woman in particular (wife, girlfriend, ex, rando girl at the gym, somebody that you used to know)
  10. COVID
  11. Saw something nasty in the woodshed**
Listen, I wish the Internet didn’t have porn on it and people didn’t glorify sex and social media didn’t lie and life wasn’t so stressful, too. While I’m at it, I also wish I had a rocket pack and a sweet helmet with all kinds of cool stuff in a HUD so I could fly around with my underwear on the outside and fight crime, but this is the reality I live in. This is the hand I was dealt. And past me, he didn’t play that hand the way present me would have.

Well boo-freakin’-hoo. There ain’t jack I can do about it now.

What I can do is identify problems and address them today.

There’s a line, and I don’t know if it’s a thin one or not but I frequently cross it, between identifying a problem and making an excuse. The truth is, I do have ADD. The truth is, social media is a trigger for most people, if not for soft porn showing up all the time, then at least because it’s a terrible source of dopamine that leaves you craving more. Having ADD, or social media being terrible, is beyond my or your control, but if you stop there and say “that’s the life we have and it’s not fair,” that’s an excuse.

What are you going to do about it?

Take meds. Quit social media.
“What? No more Instagram? No more Twitter? No more TikToks or whatever it is the kids are doing these days?”

Yeah. No more of that. Nearly every fapstronaut who sticks with it beyond a month or two figures this out. Every other week there’s a new thread asking “Is Instagram a relapse?” and the answer is basically quit abusing the word “relapse” but yes, and there’s also threads saying “OMG you guys I finally figured it out U haev 2 quit social media!” and there’s seventeen views and three responses which say “whoa, really?,” “good job, you figured it out,” and “actually I think that’s too extreme because I have this whole list of justifications because I’m not that serious about quitting porn.” I paraphrased. Few people are that self-aware, or honest with themselves, but we know the truth.

Take responsibility for your life. Take control.

So that’s why most are unlikely to succeed. We underestimate how much trouble we’re really in, we underestimate how long and difficult this process is, and we don’t like the pain and suffering it takes to change. But maybe you do have the gumption and self-honesty, you’re just lacking good direction. I’ve been that person, too.

Thanks for hanging with me this long. If you’re looking for shortcuts here’s some bonus wisdom.

  1. If you think it might be a P sub, it probably is
  2. If you think you might need to reset, you probably do
  3. Nature abhors a vacuum. Replace your lost, cheap dopamine from PMO with positive behaviors
  4. That said, don’t try to revolutionize your entire life all at once. One small, positive changes, integrate, make it a good habit, then pick up another. Otherwise you’ll burn out fast
  5. Start with exercise. I run because I’m a skinny, long legged weed. Most guys lift, because they’re good at it. Most women do yoga, because they’re good at it. We do the things we’re good at
  6. Fantasy is a P sub. Have a train of thought pre-loaded, so that when an erotic thought comes up, you don’t waste time trying to figure out something to think about instead
  7. A stray erotic thought is really your brain asking for dopamine. Try and find a way to give it a nice dose from a healthy source, sooner rather than later
  8. Seriously, quit social media
  9. Porn lied. It lied to you about sex. It lied to you about women. It lied to you about men. It’s hard because you’re not even aware of what you believe that comes from porn, but you need to work on figuring out the truth
  10. No, you can’t stop just the P, the M, or the O and expect to reboot. That’s your addiction talking. Don’t be stupid
  11. If it comes down to it, down the street, not across the tracks okay?
Don’t do drugs, brush your teeth, say your prayers to the deity or spiritual essence of your choice, and stop touching yourself at night. I’m out.

*SOs, I didn’t say you were the problem, either. Don’t put that stink on me. You are not the problem, you didn’t cause any of this, and if your addict or another addict says you are or did, he’s a misinformed wanker making excuses
**Apologies for all the obscure references to songs and books you haven’t heard or read. I’m not changing anything
Hey bro! nice post but I want to remind you something. I am also skinny guy but I go to the gym to change myself and what I want to tell you is you don't have to be "normal weighted guy" to lift weights. Peace!
I’m going to embark on an ill-advised attempt to engage the youths through ancient memes. Let’s see, how do we do this…

Yep, there we go.

Speaking of realistic expectations, most addicts won’t like the content of this post. But


They do self-censor so the post can get through the mods
What expectations are unrealistic? There’s two kinds. The expectation that quitting porn is going to be easy, and that quitting porn is going to solve all your problems. For more experienced fapstronauts, they’re thinking they are missing one ingredient, one thing they can change that will make them successful and quit porn for good.

Don’t be stupid.​

Some are thinking “Not me. I’m taking this seriously, I know it’s not going to be easy.”
But I’m not just saying it isn’t going to be easy. I’m saying it is going to be hard.
“Yeah, I know that, I know that.”
But you’re going to M as soon as it gets painful. Literally painful, when your balls start aching, you’re going to say you “have to relieve the pressure.” When it’s 2am and you still can’t sleep, you’ll say you can’t afford to be groggy at work or school, and you’re going to fap. When you get a reprimand or a rejection, or a bad grade, when you’re sick, when you’re bored, when you’re browsing your social media and see a model in skin tight clothes grinning coquettishly into the camera (that’s how you know I’m old, I said “coquettish,” look it up). Each of those old triggers, at some point you’re going to fall for every one.

“Not me, man, not me. You don’t understand, you don’t know me. My situation is different, I’m tough, I have too much to lose, I’m special.”


Are you not hearing me? Quitting addiction is hard. You don’t succeed in hard things the first time you try. Or the second. Or the eighth. Some people drop the proverbial ball more than others, but we all drop it. A lot. The question is if you’re going to get up, slightly alter your approach, and try again, or if you’re going to point fingers and avoid responsibility.

You’ve got this impression that “hard” means “a training montage I can play some motivating music over and gloss over the pain.”

Eye of the tiger, baby
You know why they do training montages with motivating music, instead of showing the actual training in real time? Because training is boring and miserable and it would make the movie a solid thirty days of just watching a guy groan and gasp and sweat. Because training means exhausting yourself in a short time, then looking to the side and seeing another guy so much further ahead. It’s demoralizing. Then working hard and investing a ton of time and mental effort for a month, and still not seeing substantive progress. Training means stewing in negative emotions for hours and days, wondering if all this energy spent on this thing that doesn’t seem to be making a difference at all except to make you even more miserable, is worth it. Training means having an intense day of trigger after trigger, and all you have to show for it is one more day on your streak when you deserve to add at least three. Training is resetting to day 0 over and over again, slowly learning for yourself that what I told you in this post is true; quitting porn is hard.
I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it is.
As you wish
The second unrealistic expectation is a derivation of the first: there’s a magic bullet that’s going to make everything better. This one bifurcates into two applications. Sometimes we think one change is going to make us quit porn for good. If only we can figure it out, we’ll be safe and free. Sometimes we believe if we can only quit porn itself, our entire lives will be fixed and we’ll be happy.


Some things have to be said over and over again

Some magic bullets porn addicts believe in
  1. If only I got a wife/girlfriend and could regularly have sex
  2. If only I didn’t have a wife/girlfriend and wasn’t expected to have sex
  3. If only I could block all the porn on my phone
  4. If only I could keep myself from fantasizing
  5. If only I found the right motivation guru
  6. If only I got a job
  7. If only I found the right dopamine replacement
Maybe you need all of these things. Maybe none of them. Don’t pretend it’s a simple problem with a straightforward solution.

Porn abuse, porn addiction, is not a mere bad habit. Any addiction is a maladaptive coping mechanism created in response to a real problem in your life.

Are you hearing me?

Some addicts are going to get pissed at me. Some SOs, if they read this, are going to get very pissed at me. I’m going to say it anyway.

Porn isn’t the problem*. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem that’s causing you even more problems. Once you quit porn, the pain of that other problem is going to make itself known until you find it and fix it.

This is hard to understand and harder to apply. We’ll what is your problem, then? I don’t know. You are a complex psychological being with all kinds of layers of trauma, like a fabulous freakin’ pride cake. But made out of anger and fear instead of sugar a dye.

There’s no one reason you use porn, and no one activity or belief or quote or anything that will put you over the top and get you to quit. If I’m going to start a good long streak I have to take my meds, and run every day, and eat good food regularly, and go to therapy, and use positive self talk, and avoid sensory triggers, and actively monitor my thought life, are you getting the picture? Quitting porn is about dozens of modifications to the system, and I haven’t even addressed the deep reasons I started using porn in the first place, or the profound lies porn has told me that I need to undo, much less what I’m going to do to replace it all.

It goes back to that first unrealistic expectation that quitting is easy. One of the reasons quitting is hard is because there is no magic bullet. It’s complicated. You’ll need a multifaceted system to fix it.

Sorry. I know you just came in here to get your PIED, or your PAWS, or your marriage, or whatever it was back under control real quick. The reality is, though, if you’re in so much trouble that you’ve self-diagnosed porn as the problem and you’re even considering quitting, you’re already in way deeper than you know. The official line from NoFap is a 90 day reboot, and my official response is, that’s laughably optimistic. I’ve hit 90 days, before, I’m nowhere close to rebooted. Psychologists and AA members know it takes a while to get free of an addiction. Odds are strong extracting yourself from porn is going to take a lot longer than three months, might as well start getting used to the idea, and maybe you’ll not ever be completely free. Maybe freedom is going to look like keeping that demon chained and starved, but you’re going to have to keep your eye on it at all times. Sound exhausting? It is. Worth it, though?

Yeah. Yeah it’s worth it.


Now we get to the final reason most addicts won’t succeed. They point fingers instead of investing time in figuring out what they can do about their problem.

It feels good to make excuses. It means you don’t have to do anything, and also it means you didn’t make choices that turned you into a complete spudtugger.

Can I say that, mods, am I allowed to say “spudtugger?”

Making and believing in your excuses also robs you of all self-agency, and turns you into an abhorrent little person. Yeah, I know for sure I can’t say “person.” It’s because other fapstronauts abused the word, like a bunch of abhorrent little persons.

Excuses I Have Seen, or Used Myself
  1. Porn needs to be illegal
  2. Western values
  3. Capitalism
  4. ADD, baby
  5. The Internet
  6. Porn industry
  7. Porn stars
  8. Women in general
  9. One woman in particular (wife, girlfriend, ex, rando girl at the gym, somebody that you used to know)
  10. COVID
  11. Saw something nasty in the woodshed**
Listen, I wish the Internet didn’t have porn on it and people didn’t glorify sex and social media didn’t lie and life wasn’t so stressful, too. While I’m at it, I also wish I had a rocket pack and a sweet helmet with all kinds of cool stuff in a HUD so I could fly around with my underwear on the outside and fight crime, but this is the reality I live in. This is the hand I was dealt. And past me, he didn’t play that hand the way present me would have.

Well boo-freakin’-hoo. There ain’t jack I can do about it now.

What I can do is identify problems and address them today.

There’s a line, and I don’t know if it’s a thin one or not but I frequently cross it, between identifying a problem and making an excuse. The truth is, I do have ADD. The truth is, social media is a trigger for most people, if not for soft porn showing up all the time, then at least because it’s a terrible source of dopamine that leaves you craving more. Having ADD, or social media being terrible, is beyond my or your control, but if you stop there and say “that’s the life we have and it’s not fair,” that’s an excuse.

What are you going to do about it?

Take meds. Quit social media.
“What? No more Instagram? No more Twitter? No more TikToks or whatever it is the kids are doing these days?”

Yeah. No more of that. Nearly every fapstronaut who sticks with it beyond a month or two figures this out. Every other week there’s a new thread asking “Is Instagram a relapse?” and the answer is basically quit abusing the word “relapse” but yes, and there’s also threads saying “OMG you guys I finally figured it out U haev 2 quit social media!” and there’s seventeen views and three responses which say “whoa, really?,” “good job, you figured it out,” and “actually I think that’s too extreme because I have this whole list of justifications because I’m not that serious about quitting porn.” I paraphrased. Few people are that self-aware, or honest with themselves, but we know the truth.

Take responsibility for your life. Take control.

So that’s why most are unlikely to succeed. We underestimate how much trouble we’re really in, we underestimate how long and difficult this process is, and we don’t like the pain and suffering it takes to change. But maybe you do have the gumption and self-honesty, you’re just lacking good direction. I’ve been that person, too.

Thanks for hanging with me this long. If you’re looking for shortcuts here’s some bonus wisdom.

  1. If you think it might be a P sub, it probably is
  2. If you think you might need to reset, you probably do
  3. Nature abhors a vacuum. Replace your lost, cheap dopamine from PMO with positive behaviors
  4. That said, don’t try to revolutionize your entire life all at once. One small, positive changes, integrate, make it a good habit, then pick up another. Otherwise you’ll burn out fast
  5. Start with exercise. I run because I’m a skinny, long legged weed. Most guys lift, because they’re good at it. Most women do yoga, because they’re good at it. We do the things we’re good at
  6. Fantasy is a P sub. Have a train of thought pre-loaded, so that when an erotic thought comes up, you don’t waste time trying to figure out something to think about instead
  7. A stray erotic thought is really your brain asking for dopamine. Try and find a way to give it a nice dose from a healthy source, sooner rather than later
  8. Seriously, quit social media
  9. Porn lied. It lied to you about sex. It lied to you about women. It lied to you about men. It’s hard because you’re not even aware of what you believe that comes from porn, but you need to work on figuring out the truth
  10. No, you can’t stop just the P, the M, or the O and expect to reboot. That’s your addiction talking. Don’t be stupid
  11. If it comes down to it, down the street, not across the tracks okay?
Don’t do drugs, brush your teeth, say your prayers to the deity or spiritual essence of your choice, and stop touching yourself at night. I’m out.

*SOs, I didn’t say you were the problem, either. Don’t put that stink on me. You are not the problem, you didn’t cause any of this, and if your addict or another addict says you are or did, he’s a misinformed wanker making excuses
**Apologies for all the obscure references to songs and books you haven’t heard or read. I’m not changing anything

What a show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because of my mind fog I didn't read every single word in it lol
but .....

This is simply the f... best post I've read on this forum in years! Although I'm not even sure, if the conclusion is really pure gold, there's just so much bitter sweet truth in this - let me say article, please - written so entertaining that I had to laugh my ass off several times.

Remind my porn-dragged mind that I have come back to this after my full reboot. kudos :emoji_clap:
Hey bro! nice post but I want to remind you something. I am also skinny guy but I go to the gym to change myself and what I want to tell you is you don't have to be "normal weighted guy" to lift weights. Peace!
That's actually a funny (or not so funny) prejudice. Yeah, why shouldn't skinny guys lift weights?? (You wouldn't think that of a skinny girl either)
So, my original draft was more... acerbic? I called people in general a lot of names. The post wasn't going through right away, and I assumed it was because of some of those pejoratives, so I weeded them out. On hindsight the post was probably delayed because of all the pics. Some people think fapstronauts are losers and/or bad people, and should be trolled with P in the forums.

That's actually a funny (or not so funny) prejudice. Yeah, why shouldn't skinny guys lift weights?? (You wouldn't think that of a skinny girl either)
The real reason I run and don't lift is because I just put on my shoes, throw a kid in the stroller and go. Way easier than driving to a gym and putting up with their BS music and avoiding visual triggers etc., but usually when I tell people about the convenience they're like "you couldn't pay me to run." Turns out I'm also built for it. But the tone of this post isn't positive, "I run because I am a majestic antelope, leaping across the Serengeti." No, I'm a skinny weed. But I don't care. I can not possibly express to you how much I do not care about how my body looks, because then I'd have to think about it and I'm already bored with this topic. I barely even care about athletic capability. The treadmill the other day said I ran 2 miles in 12:22. That's incredible, I've never run the 2 mile that fast in my life, and... nothing changed. I get no cookie. I get no trophy. In terms of qualities that actually matter, I am no different from the guy who runs it in 16 minutes, or walks it in 25. I run for the dopamine, that is all, because if I don't get a substantial dose on at least a semi-regular basis, I go crazy. Like literally, dissociative disorder. Now, I might do that even if I do run, but I'll definitely go crazy if I don't, so I run.
Dang I forgot I wrote this. Had a bee under my bonnet, I guess.

I have a question, asking for advice. I’m going to rush college this year and am stuck in a predicament. First, I wanna say that my NoFap success has a direct negative correlation with social media. I’ve had Instagram for the last month so I could send in my college commitment picture. I’ve also had Snapchat for a few months so I could communicate with my religious friend group because they mostly refuse to text message. Anyways, I’ve been pretty poor with NoFap this month, although I’ve kept away from porn except for one day. When I deleted all social media, I went well beyond 90 days last year.

However, both my parents and relatives are heavily suggesting I become more active on social media. I never really know what’s going on with my grade (I don’t often care) and I don’t often connect with kids from other schools (don’t care too much either). I get FOMO, but it’s not bad. But the main reason they want me on Instagram is so I can connect with guys in fraternities. I’m just caught in a dilemma, and I feel like I’ll never know if there’s a time where I won’t need social media. According to everyone else.
You can try to be disciplined about using social media in a restricted sense, see how that works out. No browsing, just responding to DMs, that kind of thing. Or you can tell everyone, including yourself, “tough.” There’s going to be missed opportunities because you’re not on social media, but it’s worth your mental health to not do it.

Sometimes you have to decide what’s most important, and make sacrifices.
@Meshuga, this is the stuff of legend - the straight-from-the-shoulder talking to that sometimes we all need.

Yeah, someone in drug and alcohol recovery once said, "Getting over drugs and alcohol isn't hard. You just stop, and then you change every single thing in your life."

In Alcohol Abuse cases, a 3 year sobriety streak is still considered early recovery. So if we're gonna reboot successfully, be in it for the long haul and really WORK at it.

I also wish I had a rocket pack and a sweet helmet with all kinds of cool stuff in a HUD so I could fly around with my underwear on the outside and fight crime
You're the truly the hero we need in these times. ;)
Great post, if I could nominate it for a sticky, I would. It has the hard truths I think most of us realize, but often forget when we need it most.I think it'd be really helpful for those just getting into the struggle. It's true, you have to fail and try and fail and try and fail and figure out every missing piece of mental, physical, social, and spiritual health that you've been ignoring with a PMO doped brain. Only then does your life actually start to improve. It takes time, so much time, so much work and slow slow progress. It's why I've never liked the super power talk. It's all talk. You may feel better for a little while because your body can actually balance your hormones or w/e, but it's short lived, and you will always come back to ground zero, and have to start building your life from there.
I’m going to embark on an ill-advised attempt to engage the youths through ancient memes. Let’s see, how do we do this…

Yep, there we go.

Speaking of realistic expectations, most addicts won’t like the content of this post. But


They do self-censor so the post can get through the mods
What expectations are unrealistic? There’s two kinds. The expectation that quitting porn is going to be easy, and that quitting porn is going to solve all your problems. For more experienced fapstronauts, they’re thinking they are missing one ingredient, one thing they can change that will make them successful and quit porn for good.

Don’t be stupid.​

Some are thinking “Not me. I’m taking this seriously, I know it’s not going to be easy.”
But I’m not just saying it isn’t going to be easy. I’m saying it is going to be hard.
“Yeah, I know that, I know that.”
But you’re going to M as soon as it gets painful. Literally painful, when your balls start aching, you’re going to say you “have to relieve the pressure.” When it’s 2am and you still can’t sleep, you’ll say you can’t afford to be groggy at work or school, and you’re going to fap. When you get a reprimand or a rejection, or a bad grade, when you’re sick, when you’re bored, when you’re browsing your social media and see a model in skin tight clothes grinning coquettishly into the camera (that’s how you know I’m old, I said “coquettish,” look it up). Each of those old triggers, at some point you’re going to fall for every one.

“Not me, man, not me. You don’t understand, you don’t know me. My situation is different, I’m tough, I have too much to lose, I’m special.”


Are you not hearing me? Quitting addiction is hard. You don’t succeed in hard things the first time you try. Or the second. Or the eighth. Some people drop the proverbial ball more than others, but we all drop it. A lot. The question is if you’re going to get up, slightly alter your approach, and try again, or if you’re going to point fingers and avoid responsibility.

You’ve got this impression that “hard” means “a training montage I can play some motivating music over and gloss over the pain.”

Eye of the tiger, baby
You know why they do training montages with motivating music, instead of showing the actual training in real time? Because training is boring and miserable and it would make the movie a solid thirty days of just watching a guy groan and gasp and sweat. Because training means exhausting yourself in a short time, then looking to the side and seeing another guy so much further ahead. It’s demoralizing. Then working hard and investing a ton of time and mental effort for a month, and still not seeing substantive progress. Training means stewing in negative emotions for hours and days, wondering if all this energy spent on this thing that doesn’t seem to be making a difference at all except to make you even more miserable, is worth it. Training means having an intense day of trigger after trigger, and all you have to show for it is one more day on your streak when you deserve to add at least three. Training is resetting to day 0 over and over again, slowly learning for yourself that what I told you in this post is true; quitting porn is hard.
I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it is.
As you wish
The second unrealistic expectation is a derivation of the first: there’s a magic bullet that’s going to make everything better. This one bifurcates into two applications. Sometimes we think one change is going to make us quit porn for good. If only we can figure it out, we’ll be safe and free. Sometimes we believe if we can only quit porn itself, our entire lives will be fixed and we’ll be happy.


Some things have to be said over and over again

Some magic bullets porn addicts believe in
  1. If only I got a wife/girlfriend and could regularly have sex
  2. If only I didn’t have a wife/girlfriend and wasn’t expected to have sex
  3. If only I could block all the porn on my phone
  4. If only I could keep myself from fantasizing
  5. If only I found the right motivation guru
  6. If only I got a job
  7. If only I found the right dopamine replacement
Maybe you need all of these things. Maybe none of them. Don’t pretend it’s a simple problem with a straightforward solution.

Porn abuse, porn addiction, is not a mere bad habit. Any addiction is a maladaptive coping mechanism created in response to a real problem in your life.

Are you hearing me?

Some addicts are going to get pissed at me. Some SOs, if they read this, are going to get very pissed at me. I’m going to say it anyway.

Porn isn’t the problem*. Porn is a symptom of a bigger problem that’s causing you even more problems. Once you quit porn, the pain of that other problem is going to make itself known until you find it and fix it.

This is hard to understand and harder to apply. Well what is your problem, then? I don’t know. You are a complex psychological being with all kinds of layers of trauma, like a fabulous freakin’ pride cake. But made out of anger and fear instead of sugar a dye.

There’s no one reason you use porn, and no one activity or belief or quote or anything that will put you over the top and get you to quit. If I’m going to start a good long streak I have to take my meds, and run every day, and eat good food regularly, and go to therapy, and use positive self talk, and avoid sensory triggers, and actively monitor my thought life, are you getting the picture? Quitting porn is about dozens of modifications to the system, and I haven’t even addressed the deep reasons I started using porn in the first place, or the profound lies porn has told me that I need to undo, much less what I’m going to do to replace it all.

It goes back to that first unrealistic expectation that quitting is easy. One of the reasons quitting is hard is because there is no magic bullet. It’s complicated. You’ll need a multifaceted system to fix it.

Sorry. I know you just came in here to get your PIED, or your PAWS, or your marriage, or whatever it was back under control real quick. The reality is, though, if you’re in so much trouble that you’ve self-diagnosed porn as the problem and you’re even considering quitting, you’re already in way deeper than you know. The official line from NoFap is a 90 day reboot, and my official response is, that’s laughably optimistic. I’ve hit 90 days, before, I’m nowhere close to rebooted. Psychologists and AA members know it takes a while to get free of an addiction. Odds are strong extracting yourself from porn is going to take a lot longer than three months, might as well start getting used to the idea, and maybe you’ll not ever be completely free. Maybe freedom is going to look like keeping that demon chained and starved, but you’re going to have to keep your eye on it at all times. Sound exhausting? It is. Worth it, though?

Yeah. Yeah it’s worth it.


Now we get to the final reason most addicts won’t succeed. They point fingers instead of investing time in figuring out what they can do about their problem.

It feels good to make excuses. It means you don’t have to do anything, and also it means you didn’t make choices that turned you into a complete spudtugger.

Can I say that, mods, am I allowed to say “spudtugger?”

Making and believing in your excuses also robs you of all self-agency, and turns you into an abhorrent little person. Yeah, I know for sure I can’t say “person.” It’s because other fapstronauts abused the word, like a bunch of abhorrent little persons.

Excuses I Have Seen, or Used Myself
  1. Porn needs to be illegal
  2. Western values
  3. Capitalism
  4. ADD, baby
  5. The Internet
  6. Porn industry
  7. Porn stars
  8. Women in general
  9. One woman in particular (wife, girlfriend, ex, rando girl at the gym, somebody that you used to know)
  10. COVID
  11. Saw something nasty in the woodshed**
Послушайте, мне бы хотелось, чтобы в Интернете не было порнографии, чтобы люди не прославляли секс, чтобы социальные сети не лгали, и чтобы жизнь не была такой напряженной. Пока я этим занимаюсь, мне бы еще хотелось иметь ракетный ранец и симпатичный шлем со всякими крутыми штуками в HUD, чтобы я мог летать в нижнем белье снаружи и бороться с преступностью, но это реальность, в которой я живу. in. Вот такая рука мне раздали. И мимо меня он не разыграл эту руку так, как это сделал бы я сейчас.

Ну тьфу-тьфу-тьфу. Я ничего не могу с этим поделать сейчас.

Что я могу сделать, так это выявить проблемы и решить их сегодня.

Есть грань, и я не знаю, тонкая она или нет, но я часто ее перехожу: между выявлением проблемы и оправданием. Правда в том, что у меня есть СДВ. Правда в том, что социальные сети являются для большинства людей триггером, если не из-за постоянного показа мягкого порно, то, по крайней мере, потому, что это ужасный источник дофамина, который заставляет вас жаждать большего. Наличие СДВ или ужасные социальные сети находятся вне моего или вашего контроля, но если вы остановитесь на этом и скажете: «Такова наша жизнь, и она несправедлива», это оправдание.

Что вы собираетесь с этим делать?

Принимайте лекарства. Выйдите из социальных сетей.
"Что? Нет больше Инстаграма? Нет больше Твиттера? Больше никаких TikToks или чего-то еще, чем занимаются дети в эти дни?»

Ага. Больше этого нет. Почти каждый фапстронавт, который занимается этим больше месяца или двух, понимает это. Каждую неделю появляется новая тема с вопросом: «Является ли Instagram рецидивом?» и ответ, по сути, заключается в том, чтобы перестать злоупотреблять словом «рецидив», но да, и есть также темы, в которых говорится: «Боже мой, ребята, я наконец это понял. Хаев 2, выйдите из социальных сетей!» и есть семнадцать просмотров и три ответа, в которых говорится: «Ого, правда?», «Молодец, ты это понял» и «На самом деле я думаю, что это слишком экстремально, потому что у меня есть целый список оправданий, потому что я не настолько серьезно отношусь к этому». бросаю порно». Я перефразировал. Лишь немногие люди настолько самосознательны или честны с собой, но мы знаем правду.

Возьмите на себя ответственность за свою жизнь. Взять под контроль.

Вот почему большинство из них вряд ли добьются успеха. Мы недооцениваем, в каких проблемах мы на самом деле находимся, мы недооцениваем, насколько долгим и трудным является этот процесс, и нам не нравится боль и страдания, необходимые для того, чтобы измениться. Но, возможно, у вас есть смекалка и честность к себе, вам просто не хватает хорошего направления. Я тоже был таким человеком.

Спасибо, что были со мной так долго. Если вы ищете ярлыки, вот вам несколько полезных советов.

  1. Если вы думаете, что это может быть сабвуфер P, то, скорее всего, так и есть.
  2. Если вы думаете, что вам может потребоваться перезагрузка, вы, вероятно, так и сделаете.
  3. Природа не терпит пустоты. Замените потерянный дешевый дофамин от PMO позитивным поведением.
  4. Тем не менее, не пытайтесь революционизировать всю свою жизнь сразу. Одно маленькое позитивное изменение, интегрируйте его в свой образ жизни, сделайте хорошей привычкой, а затем приобретите другое. Иначе ты быстро сгоришь
  5. Начните с упражнений. Я бегаю, потому что я тощий и длинноногий сорняк. Большинство парней поднимают тяжести, потому что у них это хорошо получается. Большинство женщин занимаются йогой, потому что у них это хорошо получается. Мы делаем то, что у нас хорошо получается
  6. Фэнтези — это P-sub. Имейте заранее загруженный ход мыслей, чтобы при возникновении эротической мысли вы не тратили время, пытаясь придумать, о чем вместо этого подумать.
  7. Случайная эротическая мысль — это на самом деле ваш мозг, требующий дофамина. Постарайтесь найти способ дать ему хорошую дозу из здорового источника, как можно скорее.
  8. Серьезно, выйдите из социальных сетей
  9. Порно врали. Оно лгало тебе о сексе. Оно лгало тебе о женщинах. Оно лгало тебе о мужчинах. Это сложно, потому что вы даже не осознаете, что, по вашему мнению, происходит из порнографии, но вам нужно поработать над выяснением истины.
  10. Нет, вы не можете остановить только P, M или O и ожидать перезагрузки. Это говорит ваша зависимость. Не будь глупым
  11. Если уж на то пошло, дальше по улице, а не через рельсы, ладно?
Не принимайте наркотики, не чистите зубы, не молитесь божеству или духовной сущности по вашему выбору и не трогайте себя по ночам. Я выхожу.

* SO, я тоже не говорил, что проблема в тебе. Не изливай на меня эту вонь. Проблема не в вас, вы не были причиной всего этого, и если ваш наркоман или другой наркоман говорит, что вы проблема или сделали это, то он дезинформированный придурок, ищущий оправдания.
**Приносим извинения за неясные ссылки на песни и книги, которые вы не слышали и не читали. Я ничего не меняю
I think that the entire social network is a complete trigger and this cannot be justified, you are right) thank you for being there