Why NOFAP is good for you : perspective of a student of natural medecines


Hello everyone,
I am a student of alternative medecines, especially ayurveda, and i wanted to seize the opportunity provided by this website to share a few things i have come to learn, from my readings but also mostly from my own experience concerning sexuality and its consequences on the body, especially for men.

This is just a post, and it might quickly fade away unless some mod comes along and pin it, but it will be as an exercice for me because i might create content on that subject later on.

Anyway, the first concept that i want to share with you, is that sex, especially ejaculation, is a huge drain on the body of men. I know that nowadays, the trend in the medical field is to hold the belief that sex has no consequences, and that you can indulge in it as much as you want without any after effects, but nothing could be more false.
(Please note that sex is equally depleting for women, but not in the same ways as it is for men)
For a man under 30 years old, it takes at least 8 days for the body to recover from the energy loss and nutrients used up during ejaculation. At the hormonal levels, many hormones are burned up, (serotonine, dopamine... I could not name them all). When a man ejaculates, he is literally throwing away his vital energy. When done in limited amounts and frequency, this is not that much harmful because of the accumulated reserves in the body. However, over indulgence very quickly depletes a man of his life force and will lead to several health issues, depression, anxiety, fatigue, weakness and so on.
At this point i want to stress out that sexuality is natural and healthy, and it is a part of every life on the planet. However, one should be aware that over indulgence is not something to be taken lightly.
So when it comes to Nofap, what you are doing is that you are keeping your life force in check. When a man does not ejaculate, the semen is reabsorbed by the body, and this increases the energy of the person because your body is relieved from the task of constantly producing semen, and is starting to use the energy obtained from food, breathing, sleeping, for others goals. However, some excess prostatics fluids or even dead sperms might be ejected at first during night falls or urination. This is perfectly normal, and it is just the body adapting itself to a new way of life.
I really want to congratulate the people behind this website because they are bringing awareness of a modern plague, although they might not be aware of it.

Many people experience unpleasant symptoms after sex, now you know why. The depression, fatigue, or whatever ailment you experience after sex is a sure sign that you are abusing yourself. This is not "in your head". It is very much real. The only solution to this problem is a reduction of the frequency of orgasms. In my experience, i would not recommand any men concerned by his own health to ejaculate more than once every 15 days. And i am being generous here.

Now, if you are able to abstain from longer and longer periods of times, you will accumulate much refined prana (vital energy), and this will change your personality, and overall well being. This energy can be used as you like but it is a fuel that also can be used in spirituality, but this is another topic.

Edit 25.05.18 : Semen is manufactured by using the best nutrients available in blood, which come itself from bone marrow, which come itself from sub products of digestion. So the body builds up subtle energy and nutrients over time, and these nutrients will compose the cream of the body. This is a long and costy process, and because semen is a life creating product, it will be made from the best bodilly nutrients available (in fact not only blood, but the whole body).
When you ejaculate, semen has to be reformed, and that is why you function more slowly and are more tired. A simple comparison would be losing blood. Then you need time to go back to your previous optimal state.
When you cease to ejaculate for longer periods, first the body reduce it's semen creating activity. Then nutrients will accumulate, and the precious energy and material will accumulate and be used by the body for other matters. This is why people experience "super powers", because the body is feeling well, and is rich with nutrients and subtle energy. So naturally there is more vitality, more radiance, and more confidence on the psychological level. The self healing abilities of the body will increase, immune system, memory will be boosted. Mood will be more stable.

I hope my post will be appreciated.

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I am extremely impressed by your explanation and your story is inspirational. I was first exposed to this from a book written by Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Ananda Kutir Rishikesh when I was a teenager. I knew that it was correct, but I succumbed to my own mind and hormones and M became a big part of my life and when linked to P, I became hyper-sexual. The after effects on my mood, sexuality and life were devastating. Thank you for sharing this information once again. I am encouraged by it and the Ayurvedic explanation and path. Would you be so kind as to share the Ayurvedic methods to help recovery from PMO i.e. Yoga asanas, food requirements and recommendations and any other practices? I am aware of the the threefold Satwic, Rajasic and Tamasic paths and I fully believe that excess PMO is harmful as it falls into the Tamasic section.
I am extremely impressed by your explanation and your story is inspirational. I was first exposed to this from a book written by Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Ananda Kutir Rishikesh when I was a teenager. I knew that it was correct, but I succumbed to my own mind and hormones and M became a big part of my life and when linked to P, I became hyper-sexual. The after effects on my mood, sexuality and life were devastating. Thank you for sharing this information once again. I am encouraged by it and the Ayurvedic explanation and path. Would you be so kind as to share the Ayurvedic methods to help recovery from PMO i.e. Yoga asanas, food requirements and recommendations and any other practices? I am aware of the the threefold Satwic, Rajasic and Tamasic paths and I fully believe that excess PMO is harmful as it falls into the Tamasic section.

Hello striverpz, it's a pleasure for me to see that i have been able to share a bit of my modest experience and knowledge, and to influence you on a promising path. When it comes to trick to manage to "save" your semen, i would rather talk with you from my own experience than quote some randoms things i have read there and there on the "brahmacharya" way of life, which is a life of absolute chastity lead by hindus and yogis. I am neither of those altough i always enjoy reading about vedas and yoga.
But my own personnal experience will be more interesting in my opinion.
So first of all, i did not realize all this stuff in a day. I was just like most teenager and young men nowadays, i masturbated a lot, watched some porn.... Anyways i was unconsciously unconfortable with it so i reduced the frequency but ultimately what made me really stop is the realization of the enormous impact it had on me.
Now this is important, because if sometimes i felt okay after an ejaculation, there were times where i would feel really bad. The worst symptoms would be a sudden tightness in the chest, around the hearth, and shallow breathing, with a feeling of being drained and alert, vulnerable, in a very negative vibration. Because that's a whole other topic but when you are in a negative energy bad stuff keep happening to you.
There was a long period where i would first stop m, then start to tell myself it was partly psychological, and indulge again, and start another cycle. After a few years of this, i had to come to the fact that yes, ejaculation was extremely draining, and was making me vulnerable and weak, also aggravating some hearth issues i have.
I don't know how it is for other, but it is like this for me.
I tell you all this because realizing this, totally altered my perception of sex. It was no longer something to crave for, but something potentially harmful that i should try to stay away at least in a certain amount. Even after 40 days nofap, this realization is a strong motivation not to go back the old ways.

Now why do most people relapse? Most people relapse because unconsciously they don't really want to abstain from sex. The second you start craving sex, thinking about it, boom, energy goes downward, arousal gets in, you are all excited. I have learned to be very aware of this movement of the energy (arousal) and not feed it. If you don't feed it, it will be very easy to abstain. But if you do, it will be very hard.

So if you want to be successful for a 30 days streak, you have to want it, and simply do not allow ANY PART of yourself to crave it. I can do that easily because life has kicked me in the face so many times with that ejaculation stuff that now the lesson is learned. This being said i don't think i will abstain forever, i intend to find a suitable wife and have kids in the future, before i am 40 yrs old.

Also don't eat too much before sleeping, and avoid excitation of any kind, avoid talking too much with nice girls, or you won't succeed.

To finish i would add that chastity is a formidable way to channel your energy in concrete realizations, like a job, a social life, any achievement of any kind, instead of focusing it on procreation. If you are chaste you can achieve big things in life.
The is pro and cons in everything same as this. If I remember right is best for prostate to ejaculate once in a week. It reduce risk of getting prostate cancer which is very large problem these days on older people. Would be interesting to know does example monks who live in celibate get more prostate cancer.
It might or might not be true, but i can't take too seriously the advice of a discipline that totally ignore the fact that sex depletes you of your life force.
Thank you very much for elaborating your thoughts, they are extremely insightful. When you speak of brahmacharya the Vedas and Puranas extol this, especially if you look at the examples of Sukadeva Goswami and that "superpowers" that he had and Bhishma Maha Pita and the abilities he had exercised.
I recognize now, very late, the negative impact that PMO had on my life.
From a culture that was the source of the Kama Sutra, I must be honest, I explored every facet of this, in my mind and also in real life. This was unwise and I was influenced heavily by PMO.
I have short stints of complete hard mode during Navratri fasts, but I was only completely successful this year and I think that it's partially due to the severe flatline that I experienced.
I am currently fasting for this Adhik/Purushottam month and I know that the benefit of remaining celibate and practicing Brahmacharya for the duration of the fast will be highly beneficial for this current material life that I have and for the one hereafter. I am currently in hard mode and experienced a complete flatline from the second day of the fast, till now, the seventh day.
I have committed to completing the Mahabharata for this period and it has progressed well for me. The fast has ensured that I have one meal a day and I don't eat after the sun sets - this has made a deep impact on me.
I am taking supplements to replenish my body, but I am waiting for the after effects of a severe flu virus that I am recovering from to dissipate before I get back into yoga asanas properly.
Hello striverpz, it's a pleasure for me to see that i have been able to share a bit of my modest experience and knowledge, and to influence you on a promising path. When it comes to trick to manage to "save" your semen, i would rather talk with you from my own experience than quote some randoms things i have read there and there on the "brahmacharya" way of life, which is a life of absolute chastity lead by hindus and yogis. I am neither of those altough i always enjoy reading about vedas and yoga.
But my own personnal experience will be more interesting in my opinion.
So first of all, i did not realize all this stuff in a day. I was just like most teenager and young men nowadays, i masturbated a lot, watched some porn.... Anyways i was unconsciously unconfortable with it so i reduced the frequency but ultimately what made me really stop is the realization of the enormous impact it had on me.
Now this is important, because if sometimes i felt okay after an ejaculation, there were times where i would feel really bad. The worst symptoms would be a sudden tightness in the chest, around the hearth, and shallow breathing, with a feeling of being drained and alert, vulnerable, in a very negative vibration. Because that's a whole other topic but when you are in a negative energy bad stuff keep happening to you.
There was a long period where i would first stop m, then start to tell myself it was partly psychological, and indulge again, and start another cycle. After a few years of this, i had to come to the fact that yes, ejaculation was extremely draining, and was making me vulnerable and weak, also aggravating some hearth issues i have.
I don't know how it is for other, but it is like this for me.
I tell you all this because realizing this, totally altered my perception of sex. It was no longer something to crave for, but something potentially harmful that i should try to stay away at least in a certain amount. Even after 40 days nofap, this realization is a strong motivation not to go back the old ways.

Now why do most people relapse? Most people relapse because unconsciously they don't really want to abstain from sex. The second you start craving sex, thinking about it, boom, energy goes downward, arousal gets in, you are all excited. I have learned to be very aware of this movement of the energy (arousal) and not feed it. If you don't feed it, it will be very easy to abstain. But if you do, it will be very hard.

So if you want to be successful for a 30 days streak, you have to want it, and simply do not allow ANY PART of yourself to crave it. I can do that easily because life has kicked me in the face so many times with that ejaculation stuff that now the lesson is learned. This being said i don't think i will abstain forever, i intend to find a suitable wife and have kids in the future, before i am 40 yrs old.

Also don't eat too much before sleeping, and avoid excitation of any kind, avoid talking too much with nice girls, or you won't succeed.

To finish i would add that chastity is a formidable way to channel your energy in concrete realizations, like a job, a social life, any achievement of any kind, instead of focusing it on procreation. If you are chaste you can achieve big things in life.
Did you say that when we get aroused, we lose energy? I may experience something like that but I thought that was just me fantasizing and releasing some dopamine and reigniting those pathways. So when we get aroused, we stoke the fire within and the fire burns from a source, our own energy?

Also, I love this type of recovery and I want to learn more. What can we do and eat to recovery our energy? I have masturbated VERY EXCESSIVELY and think I have done enough for a life time. Can you please show/teach me ways to recover faster, both physically and mentally.
Did you say that when we get aroused, we lose energy? I may experience something like that but I thought that was just me fantasizing and releasing some dopamine and reigniting those pathways. So when we get aroused, we stoke the fire within and the fire burns from a source, our own energy?

Also, I love this type of recovery and I want to learn more. What can we do and eat to recovery our energy? I have masturbated VERY EXCESSIVELY and think I have done enough for a life time. Can you please show/teach me ways to recover faster, both physically and mentally.
I think you mainly lose energy on ejaculation. Until ejaculation happens, you are okay. But when you get aroused, you enter a state where your whole energy is focused downward, in order to be expelled to create life. So i suppose you start creating semen and losing a bit of energy. I am not an expert, i can't honestly answer, but i have read that yes it does burn some energy. At the very least it is a draining state, when very aroused a man doesn't know what he is doing. I remember a guy almost drived over me because he wanted to stop to see some prostitues on the side of the road.

Now here is the thing, there is no magic trick to save energy, except leading a very balanced life, eating well, resting well, managing yourself well... Once energy is lost it is lost and that's it. No second chance, no nothing. I have read that semen is manufactured by capturing the best nutriments contained in blood, with are themselves produced from food and digestion and others bodily processes. You are literrally burning the best of your nutrients.
I think you mainly lose energy on ejaculation. Until ejaculation happens, you are okay. But when you get aroused, you enter a state where your whole energy is focused downward, in order to be expelled to create life. So i suppose you start creating semen and losing a bit of energy. I am not an expert, i can't honestly answer, but i have read that yes it does burn some energy. At the very least it is a draining state, when very aroused a man doesn't know what he is doing. I remember a guy almost drived over me because he wanted to stop to see some prostitues on the side of the road.

Now here is the thing, there is no magic trick to save energy, except leading a very balanced life, eating well, resting well, managing yourself well... Once energy is lost it is lost and that's it. No second chance, no nothing. I have read that semen is manufactured by capturing the best nutriments contained in blood, with are themselves produced from food and digestion and others bodily processes. You are literrally burning the best of your nutrients.
Have a look at this link - http://www.dlshq.org/download/brahmacharya.htm
I think you mainly lose energy on ejaculation. Until ejaculation happens, you are okay. But when you get aroused, you enter a state where your whole energy is focused downward, in order to be expelled to create life. So i suppose you start creating semen and losing a bit of energy. I am not an expert, i can't honestly answer, but i have read that yes it does burn some energy. At the very least it is a draining state, when very aroused a man doesn't know what he is doing. I remember a guy almost drived over me because he wanted to stop to see some prostitues on the side of the road.

Now here is the thing, there is no magic trick to save energy, except leading a very balanced life, eating well, resting well, managing yourself well... Once energy is lost it is lost and that's it. No second chance, no nothing. I have read that semen is manufactured by capturing the best nutriments contained in blood, with are themselves produced from food and digestion and others bodily processes. You are literrally burning the best of your nutrients.
So, just do the basics? Exercise, eat healthy , meditate etc
Hello everyone,
I am a student of alternative medecines, especially ayurveda, and i wanted to seize the opportunity provided by this website to share a few things i have come to learn, from my readings but also mostly from my own experience concerning sexuality and its consequences on the body, especially for men.

This is just a post, and it might quickly fade away unless some mod comes along and pin it, but it will be as an exercice for me because i might create content on that subject later on.

Anyway, the first concept that i want to share with you, is that sex, especially ejaculation, is a huge drain on the body of men. I know that nowadays, the trend in the medical field is to hold the belief that sex has no consequences, and that you can indulge in it as much as you want without any after effects, but nothing could be more false.
(Please note that sex is equally depleting for women, but not in the same ways as it is for men)
For a man under 30 years old, it takes at least 8 days for the body to recover from the energy loss and nutrients used up during ejaculation. At the hormonal levels, many hormones are burned up, (serotonine, dopamine... I could not name them all). When a man ejaculates, he is literally throwing away his vital energy. When done in limited amounts and frequency, this is not that much harmful because of the accumulated reserves in the body. However, over indulgence very quickly depletes a man of his life force and will lead to several health issues, depression, anxiety, fatigue, weakness and so on.
At this point i want to stress out that sexuality is natural and healthy, and it is a part of every life on the planet. However, one should be aware that over indulgence is not something to be taken lightly.
So when it comes to Nofap, what you are doing is that you are keeping your life force in check. When a man does not ejaculate, the semen is reabsorbed by the body, and this increases the energy of the person because your body is relieved from the task of constantly producing semen, and is starting to use the energy obtained from food, breathing, sleeping, for others goals. However, some excess prostatics fluids or even dead sperms might be ejected at first during night falls or urination. This is perfectly normal, and it is just the body adapting itself to a new way of life.
I really want to congratulate the people behind this website because they are bringing awareness of a modern plague, although they might not be aware of it.

Many people experience unpleasant symptoms after sex, now you know why. The depression, fatigue, or whatever ailment you experience after sex is a sure sign that you are abusing yourself. This is not "in your head". It is very much real. The only solution to this problem is a reduction of the frequency of orgasms. In my experience, i would not recommand any men concerned by his own health to ejaculate more than once every 15 days. And i am being generous here.

Now, if you are able to abstain from longer and longer periods of times, you will accumulate much refined prana (vital energy), and this will change your personality, and overall well being. This energy can be used as you like but it is a fuel that also can be used in spirituality, but this is another topic.

I hope my post will be appreciated.

I have read that the subtle aspect of semen nourishes the mind, which is an aspect of the subtle body. This is called ojas. When enough ojas is concentrated, the person can emit such sattvic radiance in which this is depicted as a 'halo'. Also, I have also read that advanced sadhus, sadhakas, and yogis, if being foolish enough to have a full-blown orgasm, can die from it, since the ultra-refined neurophysiology could not handle the shock of such a massive life energy discharge.
The is pro and cons in everything same as this. If I remember right is best for prostate to ejaculate once in a week. It reduce risk of getting prostate cancer which is very large problem these days on older people. Would be interesting to know does example monks who live in celibate get more prostate cancer.
You are so wrong and ignorant bro lmao. The phrase everything in moderation. definitely doesn't apply to PMO. But keep on doing that if you think it's good for you
You have very strong opinions that you are sharing as fact. You call yourself student. Are you really a student or just reading information yourself from diffrent places and taking all the information that works best for your agenda and sharing it around calling yourself as a student?
You're a fool! Stop using prostate cancer as an excuse to PMO.
I have read that the subtle aspect of semen nourishes the mind, which is an aspect of the subtle body. This is called ojas. When enough ojas is concentrated, the person can emit such sattvic radiance in which this is depicted as a 'halo'. Also, I have also read that advanced sadhus, sadhakas, and yogis, if being foolish enough to have a full-blown orgasm, can die from it, since the ultra-refined neurophysiology could not handle the shock of such a massive life energy discharge.
Actually, I don't really believe that a highly evolved person can die from a BIG O. It'd be at least a tremendous let-down obviously. And if that person had nicely developed siddhis, then I'm sure those powers would be impaired for a length of time. But it goes to show you all, that there's an incredible world of marvelous possibilities when through sadhana, consciousness technology is applied. CT puts AI in the grave.
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I have read that the subtle aspect of semen nourishes the mind, which is an aspect of the subtle body. This is called ojas. When enough ojas is concentrated, the person can emit such sattvic radiance in which this is depicted as a 'halo'. Also, I have also read that advanced sadhus, sadhakas, and yogis, if being foolish enough to have a full-blown orgasm, can die from it, since the ultra-refined neurophysiology could not handle the shock of such a massive life energy discharge.
That last part sounded intense!! Wtf!

Going off what you said in the beginning, there’s a interview with jim Carrey where he talks about, indirectly, semen retention, where our base chakra and our crown chakra connect and from bottom to top makes a whole, a more physical aspect is a liquid that travels up the spine and to the brain and back down again to create a one-connection. Two different sources, same ending. Coincidence??? I think not!!

So how do yogis become advanced yogis? How to practice to be a yogi? Is that essentially a monk?
That last part sounded intense!! Wtf!

Going off what you said in the beginning, there’s a interview with jim Carrey where he talks about, indirectly, semen retention, where our base chakra and our crown chakra connect and from bottom to top makes a whole, a more physical aspect is a liquid that travels up the spine and to the brain and back down again to create a one-connection. Two different sources, same ending. Coincidence??? I think not!!

So how do yogis become advanced yogis? How to practice to be a yogi? Is that essentially a monk?
Well, you just have to be committed to being regular with your routine, in whatever type of practice(s) suit you best, that you feel is making progress for you, and semen retention will act as an accelerator and catalyst with your development. Kriya yoga is a nice tool, using breathing and concentration to affect currents in the channel connecting the crown and base chakra. I recently found a great, practical perspective on kriya yoga recently:
Well, you just have to be committed to being regular with your routine, in whatever type of practice(s) suit you best, that you feel is making progress for you, and semen retention will act as an accelerator and catalyst with your development. Kriya yoga is a nice tool, using breathing and concentration to affect currents in the channel connecting the crown and base chakra. I recently found a great, practical perspective on kriya yoga recently:
I will check it out this weekend, definitely, thank you!!
I have read that the subtle aspect of semen nourishes the mind, which is an aspect of the subtle body. This is called ojas. When enough ojas is concentrated, the person can emit such sattvic radiance in which this is depicted as a 'halo'. Also, I have also read that advanced sadhus, sadhakas, and yogis, if being foolish enough to have a full-blown orgasm, can die from it, since the ultra-refined neurophysiology could not handle the shock of such a massive life energy discharge.

I have also read that someone who has been chaste for years will suffer greatly if he indulges in sex for pleasure, a lot more than the average joe. I would recommend you consult this guy for more advanced questions on the topic : https://selfdefinition.org/celibacy/quotes/dhananjay-on-brahmacharya.htm

He has a lot of knowledge on advanced celibacy practices. This is not a topic i am experienced about, the only thing i can testify is that ejaculation is highly costy for the health and vitality, and chastity builds up energy and stability.

There are a lot of stuff being said about siddhis and brahmacharya, and yoga, i am not truly knowlegeable about them so i don't know. I have a lot of intuition, and i have attracted purposefully but also unpurposefully many events in my life according to my state of mind, but i don't think i have ever experienced any kind of siddhis per, excpet maybe some strong state of calm that would have an impact on people.

So, just do the basics? Exercise, eat healthy , meditate etc
Basically, yes. Also, you have to stay emotionally and mentally balanced. A lot of things burn the energy like ejaculation does

You have very strong opinions that you are sharing as fact. You call yourself student. Are you really a student or just reading information yourself from diffrent places and taking all the information that works best for your agenda and sharing it around calling yourself as a student?

Look "wanker93", you are free to disagree, but there is no doubt in the world i know my topic better than you do. I have been reading, questioning and testing in my own life all the things i am talking about so in fact i do know very well what i am talking about.
If you want to go with the "healthy sex" narrative, go ahead, but don't cry when you will hit the wall. Me and many people on this website have had to struggle to discover the truth on this matter, no matter what "doctors" say, so i don't have much interest in your point of view to be honnest.
Its like losing blood. Body will make new.
I'm glad you agree with me. Take a moment and think about what you just wrote. Anyway, i am not here to feed arguments so i will stop there.