Why the GYM it's the BEST for no PMO?


Why the GYM it's the BEST for no PMO?
So I want to share with us the benefits and disadvantatges of the GYM in the NoFap challenge:

  • Sleep better
  • Don't need to Fap for sleep
  • Sleep earlier
  • Better health
  • Improve your aspect a lot
  • More self confident
  • Exit path for all the energy of NoFap
  • More motivation

  • Spend 1h every day or almost (I don't think that this it's a disadvantge at all)
  • Pay the gym (invest in health, probably the best investment of your life)

When I started the gym, like 1 or 2 years ago I was weighting around 55k, very skinny boy, I measure 1'85m, so that weight it's like 30k under my correct bodyweight. Now I'm wheighting 70k, and i want to be in 80k in the next year. So, now I'm going to tell how to train correctly, but before, you have to decide what's your objective:

  • Loss Weight
  • Muscular Gains
  • Maintenance
  • Loss Weight and Muscular Gains

POST IN CONSTRUCTION.... COMING SOOOOON, EVERY DAY, I WILL DO HOW TO DO EVERY OBJECTIVE :emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend:

My journey

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:emoji_sun_with_face: Nice man! ^^ Good luck to you in this journey! :emoji_sun_with_face:
:emoji_sunflower: But .. Why don't you use the natural environment as your gym? :emoji_sunflower:

I believe it's the best (free) way to do exercise. Besides, exercising outdoors we have the opportunity (and the honor) to be faced with various phenomena that the natural environment provides.​

:emoji_sun_with_face: Nice man! ^^ Good luck to you in this journey! :emoji_sun_with_face:
:emoji_sunflower: But .. Why don't you use the natural environment as your gym? :emoji_sunflower:

I believe it's the best (free) way to do exercise. Besides, exercising outdoors we have the opportunity (and the honor) to be faced with various phenomena that the natural environment provides.


Because it's more easy and less risky lift a 200k barbell than a 200k rock. It depends the objective that you have, if you agree with the body that you have it's fine, but if you want to be stronger you have to lift heavy.
Because it's more easy and less risky lift a 200k barbell than a 200k rock. It depends the objective that you have, if you agree with the body that you have it's fine, but if you want to be stronger you have to lift heavy.
Yeah I agree with you. Nature is great if your main objective is cardio. But my main objective is muscle mass and lifting weights, so a gym works best for that.
Lol ok. Or how about a technical gymnastics facility with guys that laugh at dudes picking up pieces of iron?

I mean the quality of your gym matters greatly. Make sure you want to train indoors before getting insanely strong like a war trained killing machine on free equipment outdoors year round regardless of climate.

Picking up heavy items and appearing shredded in your tissues called muscles is incredibly shallow for aesthetic reasons alone.

Crush it, fitness is God,

:emoji_sun_with_face: Nice man! ^^ Good luck to you in this journey! :emoji_sun_with_face:
:emoji_sunflower: But .. Why don't you use the natural environment as your gym? :emoji_sunflower:

I believe it's the best (free) way to do exercise. Besides, exercising outdoors we have the opportunity (and the honor) to be faced with various phenomena that the natural environment provides.

Ya but looking like a female hippie working out talking like a guy might not appeal to some guys.
Because it's more easy and less risky lift a 200k barbell than a 200k rock. It depends the objective that you have, if you agree with the body that you have it's fine, but if you want to be stronger you have to lift heavy.
200k? Kilos? Why not just rock climb like an adrenaline junkie who laughs at thinking about dying instantaneously for no good reason?
One of the big problems of the first world it's obesity and all the problems related to this pandemic. Loss weight it's something really easy to do, you only have to be disciplined.

So, here we have the parameters that we should consider:

  • Caloric deficit
  • Exercise

As you can see, it's easy, and it's just changing a couple of things. So let's start.

The energy of our body it's food. When you eat, you give fuel to your body, if you put so much fuel, it will be saved as fat, and if you give less fuel than your body needs, it will take that fat saved for continue doing the vital proces like breathe.

So, what matters in this parameter it's the total calories that we eat in a day, if we eat less calories that we need, we will loss weight. And, how we can calculate how much calories we need? With this easy steps:

1) Calculate the basal metabolism: this is calculate how much calories your body spent for the simple fact of living:

TMB for mens = 655 + (9,6 * P) + (1,8 * A) – (4,7 * E)
TMB for womens = 66 + (13,7 * P) + (5 * A) – (6,8 * E)

P: Weight in kilos
A: Height in centimeters
E: Age in years

In my case it's TMB = 655 + (9,6 * 70) + (1,8 * 184) - (4,7*17)
TMB = 1.578 kcals

2)Calculate your amount of daily calories (ADC): this it's the amount of calories that we waste walking or working, we will multiply the value that we have for our TMB:
  • Sedentary: CCD = TMB * 1,2 (desk work - no exercise)
  • Light Activity: CCD = TMB * 1,375 (exercise 1-3 days per week)
  • Moderate Activity: CCD = TMB * 1.55 (exercise 3-5 days per week)
  • Intense Activity: CCD = TMB * 1,725 (exercise 6-7 days per week)
  • Very Intense Activity: CCD = TMB * 1.9 (exercise twice a day, exercises of great strength and exhaustion, professional athletes)
We have to be caoutious, some people will put more than really does. For example, I used to walk 1,5h and train hard like half an hour every day and I use the Moderate Activity.

So = TMB * ADC = 1578 * 1,55 = 2446 kcal

3)We want to loss weight, so, we will have to eat less kcals than our body needs, so we will substract between 500 to 200 kcal. It's recommendable start with 200 kcal, made to measure that we loss weight we will have to increase that increase. We can't endure a uncontrolled deficit. It is more advisable to lose weight progressively than loss weight very quick. In my case would be 2200 kcal.

4)Distribution of macronutrients
Once we have the kcal, we just need to distribute those kcal in the macronutrients. We start:

1 gram of protein = 4 kcal
1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 kcal
1 gram of fat = 9 kcal

It is recommended to consume 2 grams of protein per kilo of weight, in my case:

2 x 70 = 140g of protein
140g x 4 kcal = 560 kcal

It is recommended to consume 1gram of fat per kilo too, so:

1 x 70 = 70g of fat
70g x 9 kcal = 630 kcal

And finally we will put together: 560 + 630 = 1190 kcal

The rest of the calories will come from carbos:

2446 - 1190 = 1256 kcal we will need from carbos.

1256 / 4 kcal = 314 g of carbos


2446 kcal
140g of protein
70g of fat
314g of carbos

And now, we have to eat that amount of macros, for know how much macros have foods we will have to look on the label. Rich foods in:
  • Protein: meat, eggs, fish, vegetables
  • Good fat: avocado, nuts, eggs, cheese
  • Carbs: rice, oats, pasta, potatos, sweet potato

We can eat pizza it fit in the macros, but you will realize that 100g of pizza have x3 kcals than 100g of rice for example. It's important prioritze NO CEREALS in the carbos, because for example 150g of rice it's equivalent to 500g of potatos, and potatos have much more nutrients than rice. Rice and bread are very caloric for the small amount.

IMPORTANT: All about we talked here it's theoric, and approximate, you will have to experience, if you don't loss weight you will have to decrease a bit the total caloric. It's not advisable to download more than 3kg in a month, because if you are to fat.

PD: there are a lot of apps for calculate the amount of macros that you are eating

The second aspect it's exercise, exercise as we have seen before helps to burn calories, so, if we make more exercise we will increase our deficit. If you do exercise but, you eat more than your body waste, you will follow winning weight.

Exercise it's optative, if you dont do exercise, but eat well, you will decrease weight. But I think that it's a good tool. If you are sedentary or an adult with the metabolism very slow exercise can help you a lot.

We have some types of exercise:
  • High intensity: Short sprints with short rests, very difficult for someone new, i don't remmend
  • Low intensity: Cardio moderated, like walk.

I used to recommend low intensity cardio, it's easy.

So, here we have all, i might that this post helped you, see soon and remember that if you are fat it's because you want, you can change it.

Lol ok. Or how about a technical gymnastics facility with guys that laugh at dudes picking up pieces of iron?

I mean the quality of your gym matters greatly. Make sure you want to train indoors before getting insanely strong like a war trained killing machine on free equipment outdoors year round regardless of climate.

Picking up heavy items and appearing shredded in your tissues called muscles is incredibly shallow for aesthetic reasons alone.

Crush it, fitness is God,

I don't understand you at all, I think that it's my translations fault or you ar using some coloquial aspect. If you can explain me what are you refering will be cool
Ya but looking like a female hippie working out talking like a guy might not appeal to some guys.

It don't matter, if he likes nature what's the problem, everyone no have the same tastes

200k? Kilos? Why not just rock climb like an adrenaline junkie who laughs at thinking about dying instantaneously for no good reason?

Because my objective it's to become strong and bigger, and again, it's safely lift up weight in a gym than climb
Even I have experienced that gym is a powerful tool to not only keep yourself busy but use the time in one of the best possible ways that gives back to yourself. Plus it helps to doze off faster, so no point to be emphasised there.
Why the GYM it's the BEST for no PMO?
So I want to share with us the benefits and disadvantatges of the GYM in the NoFap challenge:

  • Sleep better
  • Don't need to Fap for sleep
  • Sleep earlier
  • Better health
  • Improve your aspect a lot
  • More self confident
  • Exit path for all the energy of NoFap
  • More motivation

  • Spend 1h every day or almost (I don't think that this it's a disadvantge at all)
  • Pay the gym (invest in health, probably the best investment of your life)

When I started the gym, like 1 or 2 years ago I was weighting around 55k, very skinny boy, I measure 1'85m, so that weight it's like 30k under my correct bodyweight. Now I'm wheighting 70k, and i want to be in 80k in the next year. So, now I'm going to tell how to train correctly, but before, you have to decide what's your objective:

  • Loss Weight
  • Muscular Gains
  • Maintenance
  • Loss Weight and Muscular Gains

POST IN CONSTRUCTION.... COMING SOOOOON, EVERY DAY, I WILL DO HOW TO DO EVERY OBJECTIVE :emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend::emoji_chart_with_upwards_trend:

My journey

I love this post! For obvious reasons! :D:rolleyes::)