Will change my life


New Fapstronaut
HI 18 year old m here

I am dying inside, porn fucked me up. I have been so addicted to it for almost 2 years that videos do not appeal to me anymore, i have read the most bizzare sex story online and I am as lonely as I can ever get.

My mum died last year, and I am so terrified of her reaction when she will hear about me jacking off daily. I have tried nofap before and failed. My maximum streak was 7 days.

I am so tired of this shit, I do not want it, I am sorry to my younger self. I think i can fight through it. This will be the final attempt otherwise I dont know, tbh i am even considering sucide, I dont know seriously. I just cannot relapse any more. Pls help, I dont want to die or be like this. I am my mom's legacy for god's sake and this is what i am doing. Anyways, gonna post tommorow about my first day off porn , and day after tommorow, and a month after.
Use your pain. You have to start something new. What are you good at? What do you want to try in life?
There is still time to fix antithing. You are young. I know you done so many mistakes. But do not give up. Have a strategy, a rutine. You can do it!!
Take heart, my man! The fact that you're seeking out resources to help you through this process is huge already. Even if things don't turn around for you immediately, you're moving in the right direction. Congratulations on taking this step, and welcome!