Will the joy of being around women, flirting with them, etc.. return with reboot?


I remember back when just going out with a girl made me so excited. The rush of holding her hand, getting to kiss her, dancing with her.. that slowly disappeared as I got into porn over the last couple of years. I always thought it was because I was just getting bored of women.. but im only 24, and I haven't been with that many. I now realize it was the porn all along.

Will that same joy return?
In my experience so far. Yes! I have been using p for prolly almost 20 years. I did get to the point where I didn’t date much in my younger years because I would just go home and pmo.

Well I have been trying to stop for about 7 months and I have relapsed several times but I’m not pmoing daily like I used to. I have had some streaks, I made it 30 days without MO and 14 days without viewing P at all.

Now I notice when I am around the 7 day mark I start noticing a lot more women around me, but not just sexually. That is a very big part of it. I also think About them in a dating way, like you described, kissing, holding hands, the new excitement.

Now I can’t use this new feeling though because I am married. But man oh man I wish I never would have started PMOing, or at least stopped along time ago. I could have done so much more with my teenage years.