Withdrawal Trouble


Today is day 18 of my NoFap journey on Hard mode. Before I quit PMO I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depersonalization/derealization.Since I have cut out all forms of porn and masturbation. I struggled with PMO addiction for about 7 years. My situation seems to get worse from day to day. I don’t watch porn but I find looking at Facebook or Instagram to be quite triggering and my Withdrawal symptoms are the following:
-Worsening Depersonalization and brain fog
-Headaches at night
-Inability to concentrate
-Severe Panic attacks
-knee pain and body aches
-insatiable thirst
-odd feeling in urethra after/before urinating.
-being a hyperchondriac

Can anyone offer some advice because I feel absolutely terrible the past few days.
Note- I have been to the doctors recently for a routine check up and blood work and everything else was normal
Thanks for being here. Welcome!
Leaving an addictive habit is not an easy job, but .... it will be fully worth it.
So... get some knowledge, read stories, let yourself encouraged by others.
You are not alone in this. So connecting to others is a clue as well!
And don't forget to create a journal.
Writing about your daily stuff may really help you to process the issues.

I hope you will make it a great time here!

I appreciate the response! I love the community here and ever since I’ve started (even though I’ve felt worse) I don’t feel as alone in my struggles.