woman tell me i am boring...

Have you ever tried asking her? What’s interesting to her? What does she like what is her favorite thing?

Make her the center of the attention.
Make the conversation about her.

it’s like in sales when you’re trying to sell someone something the big thing is you wanna make sure that they feel that they heard and they feel like they’re being validated. You wanna make the sale about them But most of all you wanna treat them with respect.

And the big thing with women is don’t offer them solutions because they don’t want them unless they specifically ask.
They just want you to listen.
as far as being interesting go out and do things, find things you’re passionate and interested about. Get a dog, it shows you can take care of something small and cute or go volunteer somewhere show that you’re not a selfish human being.

that would be my advice.

Bang on. A man who makes her feel interesting is always going to be more appealing than a guy who is 'interesting' (but self-absorbed). So, have an interesting life and do things that interest you and become the best version of yourself. But you'll still be a bore if you list off your achievements and hobbies to a woman. You need connection, shared interests and passions.
My credentials to give dating advice. This year 12 dates, 6 make outs and 2 lays but not able to get a regular thing going with a woman I like

I second Jerry2Rick' post

The most important aspect of dating is moving the interaction forward toward sex. This is of course contrary to what you see in movies and the terrible advice other women often give - 'just be yourself' 'the right girl will come along when you least expect' etc

It's really about going through the steps. Get a number. Contact the girl to get a date, so one or 2 texts of chit chat then > 'we should go for a drink/coffee sometime' wait for her reply. > 'when are you free to meet up'? she will give her availabiity. > THEN its up to you to set the day and time for the date, you must choose the bar or coffee shop and all she has to do is turn up.

On the date, slowly test for physical interest and escalate towards going in for a kiss. She might move her head or not go for it - this will happen but you just pull back and wait for another chance. If she ends the date let her go, you can't make a girl like you.

If you get a kiss then you can try the next move towards sex. Ask her back to your place. If she says yes then you can continue the making out in doors and then test for her reciptivity by going through the bases (Americans have a useful analogy - first base is a make out; second base is X, third base is Y and fourth base is sex - i will let you google base 2 and 3!). Always check for the woman's consent and receptivity as you move through the bases. With experience you will learn certain signs for this.

This approach will be polarising. By putting yourself on the line you will open yourself up to rejection. But going through this process will improve your success and help you to avoid a frequent pitfall of modern dating which is being friend zoned.

If the women tries to friend zone you there are certain standard responses you can have ready. 'well i'm looking for sex and romance, give me a call of you change your mind' and walk away.

Being 'interesting' or entertaining might have some validity for being a youtuber or a teacher but when it comes to attracting women it is a highly overated factor