WTF is this ?


just found this video while searching NOFAP any thoughts?
should we do anything about it ?
“Thoughts?” It’s a good video. Well presented info. Clearly stated as the video creator’s opinion. And he’s right. If someone has a healthy relationship with their own self-love, and it’s not interfering with their life, why shouldn’t they continue as they have? He makes it clear that it’s about mindfulness and acknowledging the root of the actions. If they are escape mechanisms, they’re bad; but if done mindfully for entertainment, no worries.

“should we do anything about it?” Yes. We should go on with our own NoFap journeys and continue to do what is right for us; understanding that it may not be the right practice for others.
“Thoughts?” It’s a good video. Well presented info. Clearly stated as the video creator’s opinion. And he’s right. If someone has a healthy relationship with their own self-love, and it’s not interfering with their life, why shouldn’t they continue as they have? He makes it clear that it’s about mindfulness and acknowledging the root of the actions. If they are escape mechanisms, they’re bad; but if done mindfully for entertainment, no worries.

“should we do anything about it?” Yes. We should go on with our own NoFap journeys and continue to do what is right for us; understanding that it may not be the right practice for others.
you are smart just gave what i want
“Thoughts?” It’s a good video. Well presented info. Clearly stated as the video creator’s opinion. And he’s right. If someone has a healthy relationship with their own self-love, and it’s not interfering with their life, why shouldn’t they continue as they have? He makes it clear that it’s about mindfulness and acknowledging the root of the actions. If they are escape mechanisms, they’re bad; but if done mindfully for entertainment, no worries.

“should we do anything about it?” Yes. We should go on with our own NoFap journeys and continue to do what is right for us; understanding that it may not be the right practice for others.

Well said.
The youtuber it self said do what you is best for you. if you know you are a full blown adict you should not masturbate .

i allways look at it like a alcoholist:

its ok to drink a bear now and then buts its not ok if you are a ex alcoholist its way to tempting..

So if you don't have a porn adiction yes masturbation (withouth porn) is no problem however if yo uare a full blown adict then thats a big no .
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I like the premise of this video. It's something I've been saying on here for about a year. People use substances and pretty much any mind-altering or endorphin-releasing activity to "escape" from the burdens in their life, including myself. It's far more important to ask yourself WHY (like the video said) you are trying to "escape" in a sense. And in turn, fix that. There's many ways to reduce your stresses and whatnot, the biggest way to "fix" those burdens are to problem solve aka growing up and not being a kid.

It's important to understand to, he didn't mention porn in the video. He mentions only fapping, which fapping is not bad if done once in a while and for the right reasons. But for me, and a large majority of people here, he abused this action to a point where it is unhealthy and need to seperate entirely or we risk falling back into the "routine."

Another note, not all of these "escapes" are bad, like the dude said. People read, pray, and even run or do cardio to escape. Something that has helped me is to replace pmo with these tactics. But in the end, it all comes down to problem-solving. No matter what problem you have, you can fix it. And I'm not talking PMO addiction, you PMO for a lack of content in your life
Another note, not all of these "escapes" are bad, like the dude said. People read, pray, and even run or do cardio to escape.

Yeah we need to escape sometimes because this life is hard and the only way you can keep going is to escape.
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Why is nofap automatically about women, damn! ( I am born a male ) It makes me feel like the most part of this porn is triggering for female fapstronauts.

This video make is essentially against "semen retention". An idea which goes by many other names. I believe this is nonsense to believe so, because it takes many meals over many days to recover one ejaculation content. So if throw a bucket away in a month then first, you are throwing a bucket of actuall matter from your body? How about you throw away a bucket of blood, or a bucker of muscle or a bucket of healthy fats from your body!.
Yes you also throw away through poo, but your body is already doing that. You are throwing away a bucket of actual bodily tissues, that's like just cutting some part of your body and throwing it away.
Plus a bucket of ejaculatory content contains vital, essential to life, and also intelligence and basic functions like speaking clearly, not with anxiety, no confidence, using grammar poorly and in monotonic voice, substances. Minerals (metals) and vitamins (enzymes...byo-active 'stuff' that does a certain thing/action/task) and probably plasma? and a lot of stuff we have not discovered yet and probably will soon as science advances.

SO, yes scientifically masturbation is NOT self-love because you are literally killing the various systems in your body. Including immune and nervous. Thousands if not millions of people, actually millions, are reporting emotional apathy and anxiety, lack of decision making and intellectual sharpness, more common colds and lack of vigour for ANYTHING, and even things like back pain. Even plants, die earlier if they reproduce. Because for plants the whole vitamins and minerals game impacts them much more seriously than us - a superior biologycal, and chemical, and many more, creature.

SURELY, yeah, it can become an actual addiction easily. Which is another problem on it's own. Just like 'self-harm' or 'drinking until you enter alchoholic coma' is addictive in itself. Yes, some people do not 'believe' in it. ... science ^^ ... it's okay. Billions of people smoke daily more ciggarates than smokers. Billions of people do not exercise and rest appropiately on a daily basis. Billions of people drink more than they can count on a daily basis. You know, it's their life. But if they quit addictions and gain some level of self-control and mindfullness. That is fantastic. They will benefit greatly, and we will too, as it is a step forward for us a society. There is no reason to be fanatic about this. It is not like you ejaculate once a week over the course of x years and then you die of malnutrition or organ/system failure. NO. You also exercise in the years that you fap. And you eat to recover. And drink and take supplements, in pill form or natural form like organic raw cacao powder, etc.

Also, I strongly get the impression the maker of the video is doing is for views/$$$. So his video title is "the REAL truth about nofap" but his whole video is basically a long elaboration of his simple, and uneducated and unresearched or analyst OPINION. I quote his description: "But for me personally, 100% nofap is not the way to go, and I just want to share my perspective on the topic." "but I think becoming self aware is crucial to your success in life". So "truth" is NOT equal to 'opinion'. No wonder, he lacks scientific studies or teraphist quotes or anything proffesional, because he made the video in limited time OR with limited effort, really. AKA he's tryin to get 1M subscribers so he can have sponsorship on his videos and make money making youtube videos at home.
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Here's my issue with this video, it states that there isn't anything wrong with fapping when you do it in a "healthy" way. I guess when your life is going well than there is nothing wrong with fapping as a sort of self reward. However it fails to take into account the addictive aspect of masturbation. Even if you hypothetically only masturbate in a "healthy" manner when you aren't really escaping from anything, it still doesn't change the fact that it's an addictive habit, even without porn.

The issue with masturbation is it will always be abused. Anyone who rewards themselves with M will use it to also escape during stressful times... it's just human nature. It's a readily accessible release of dopamine, so it would usually be the easiest form of escape.

Most of us here didn't start masturbating because we were trying to escape from something. It most likely happened because we were at the age of curiosity and ramped hormones. However when you feel how good it is, it becomes an easy escape route.

Not only that, but masturbating always leads you to porn. It's the only doorway to pornography. The spiral goes even further down with craving weirder and weirder porn.

Honestly it's not worth the risk. All it takes is one M session to find yourself addicted and binging months on end.
It's important to understand to, he didn't mention porn in the video. He mentions only fapping, which fapping is not bad if done once in a while and for the right reasons. But for me, and a large majority of people here, he abused this action to a point where it is unhealthy and need to seperate entirely or we risk falling back into the "routine."
wait what ? right reasons ? please explain
wait what ? right reasons ? please explain
Perhaps "right reasons" was a poor choice of words. What I meant was MO'ing is honestly fine if you use it once in a blue moon to unwind. The problem is it starts off that way, then slowly creeps up on you and it becomes a routine.
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Perhaps "right reasons" was a poor choice of words. What I meant was MO'ing is honestly fine if you use it once in a blue moon to unwind. The problem is it starts off that way, then slowly creeps up on you and it becomes a routine.

Yeah... It's the same as coke, if you take it once in a blue moon it won't harm you. But that shit will make you coming back for more
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Personally for me, masturbation doesn't lower any stress,
it only makes me apathetic towards everything and lazy.
Looking back, there were so many things that I have missed out only because of masturbation.
Same thing about "sleeping better".
Whenever I masturbated, I just couldn't fall asleep because my mind was full of shame and guilt
but now I'm feeling a lot better and my sleeping habits were improved too.