Was recommended by my psychologist that I should give yoga a try. I am genuinely curious and there is a no booking class for tomorrow and the cost is pretty good. Definitely need to step out of my comfort zone. Anyone been helped by it? Currently just smashing out the kms walking to get my dopamine fix.
i do yoga daily and i feel amazing from it, you will be surprised how stiff your body really is, when its all nice and stretched out you move better and honestly it makes you feel very confident and happy, yoga is a form of meditation, so i would also do breathing exercises if you want, those are equally as beneficial. It will be difficult at first but you get addicted to it once you see progress, before i couldnt put my chest to my knees but now i can, its truly a wonderful feeling, also it will definitely bring out a lot of your feminine energy out, i know for guys that sounds bad but honestly i love it, feminine energy feels way better than masculine energy to be honest, being in touch with oneself if a very important thing, its kinda like the yin yang, if you are 100% masculine than you will be lacking in the caring and nurturing part of yourself, the side that is kind and loves being themself and not caring what others think, you need a good balance of both in life, tho i was born with a female brain and i am a very feminine person so youll figure it out for yourself.
Highly recommend it I have done yoga everyday since may of last year and the benefits are very noticeable fairly early on and continue to reveal themselves. Not a bad idea to go to a yoga class to get some new experiences, I just go to the YouTube channel yoga with adriene and do a five minute one every morning and a longer one every night before bed. I would encourage you to give that channel a try. There are several 30 day regimens and videos for every mood/ailment you could imagine.
also dont think that you have to do exactly what the youtubers do or people in class, just do what you want, if you want i can give you a list of stretches i like to do.
Never done it before so just going to a 90 minute hot yoga class. It will be nice to get out of the house.
I am clueless tbh. There is another session in 3 hours and pretty tempted to go do it all again. I have a super addictive personality with drugs alcohol as well. Could be a good way of using that trait.