You need to get this tested ASAP.........B12 D3


New Fapstronaut
This post is about getting your vitamin B12 And D3 checked. As most fapper have a defencecy and it could be a serious one.

Especially if you are experiencing these symptoms.




This discovery happened when I complained to my doctor regarding this problem of fatigue, lowkey depression,blurred vision, poor concentration, weak memory, cracking joints( arthritis like symptoms)etc.. I had been having these issues since years, but never thought of getting checked.

He told me to get my blood and urine tested for alot of things(thyroid, viral, AIDS,this, that...)also vitamins and other general stuff

When I got my results everything was normal except Vitamin B12 and D3 were dangerously low. The doctor was shocked to see such results and asked for a retest, which got the same results. He told me this symptoms should have been there from a long time, and I should have got checked earlier.
Also he was confused regarding what could have caused such deficiency, since he is my family doctor and knows I have a healthy meat diet and enough sun exposure etc. The whole time in my mind I knew the reason was excessive ejeculating of my vitamin rich semen from my body.

B12 mine was 43 ( normal is above 280)

D3 mine was 6 ( normal is above 20)

He gave me the supplements and supporting medicines for better absorption. As I don’t like taking injections.

After taking the supplements, I have much better energy, more concentration, better mood, less body pain etc.
although symptoms come back when I Fap, but it’s not as bad as before.

From day 2 of taking the tablets, I felt a 100 times better, then before, and every time I relapse a bit came back, then again supplements made me feel better. So on has been going since 2 weeks, I’ll finish my 2 months suppliment course then get my levels checked again.

For everyone Everyone with similar symptoms, I recommend it’s a must to take a blood test for these basic Vitamins. B12 D3


Our semen is not just compromised of sperms, with the sperms there are large amounts of vital vitamins, that surrrond protect and assist in it’s journey inside the female body. it’s even said that it acts a an amazing multi vitamin for women( still don’t consume it though)

Vitamins and elements like D3, B12, Zinc, vitamin C, fructose, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and calcium are lost in great quantities. Certainly much more then we can absorb in day.

I have a high meat based diet and enough sun exposure, also my other digestive functions were tested normal, it’s just that excessive ejeculation has deprived my body with these basic essentials. Supplementing made a great difference for me. But make sure to meet your doctor and/or get a blood test for these things, prior to testing out supplements.
after getting supplements i personally recommend you not to masturbate....because each time you masturbate your body requires those supplements to fulfill the energy of your you should abstain from masturbation in order to get better results