Soive come to see firsthand how, after a week plus of no porn, your brain starts wanting, then insisting then BEGGING for dopamine release. Its not even your dick begging for it, its your brain. Yeah you feel the urge down there to release but its all in your head.
Think of your brain as your son/daughter and for the longest time (however long youve been regularly using porn) youve been giving him everything hes asked for. New toys, video game, phone etc. And each time he wants more and more and will beg in the middle of the store and scream in order for you to buy him that toy or whatever. To get him to shut up, you give in. But, is that good parenting? How will that child be when he reaches 18?
This is what your brain is doing. Its begging for PMO and sends signals throuhout your entire body so you can freaking satisfy its cravings. But if you want your brain to be amazing, if YOU want to be amazing, invincible and successful, happy, every freaking thing porn has prevented you from becoming, give your brain discipline. Once that “spoiled brat” starts seeing you are the boss and it wont get everything it want, it will calm down and behave, and you will behave and be in control of your mind and body. Be a good parent to your brain and raise it right. Youll be amazed at the person you can become from self discipline. So no matter how sick you feel, how much your brain begs and screams for dopamine from porn, shut it the f**k up.
Think of your brain as your son/daughter and for the longest time (however long youve been regularly using porn) youve been giving him everything hes asked for. New toys, video game, phone etc. And each time he wants more and more and will beg in the middle of the store and scream in order for you to buy him that toy or whatever. To get him to shut up, you give in. But, is that good parenting? How will that child be when he reaches 18?
This is what your brain is doing. Its begging for PMO and sends signals throuhout your entire body so you can freaking satisfy its cravings. But if you want your brain to be amazing, if YOU want to be amazing, invincible and successful, happy, every freaking thing porn has prevented you from becoming, give your brain discipline. Once that “spoiled brat” starts seeing you are the boss and it wont get everything it want, it will calm down and behave, and you will behave and be in control of your mind and body. Be a good parent to your brain and raise it right. Youll be amazed at the person you can become from self discipline. So no matter how sick you feel, how much your brain begs and screams for dopamine from porn, shut it the f**k up.