Your thoughts about The Indian Brain Drain.

A part of me thinks that it is not a big deal... a lot of people are just making a hill out of mustard seeds... I mean a person who is working hard/studying hard deserves a better lifestyle, salary etc. BUT another part of me says that I WILL NOT go outside and work for other countries I will serve my motherland till my last breath... I won't be a traitor. This side of me is the Patriotic side. So I wanna know what various other people think about it.
Note: Just because the title contains the word 'Indian' that does not mean people from other nationality can't reply.... just telling.
Used to think this way but most people who do very well do return home since having studied in prestigious or competitive school abroad will greatly help them in their native countries and give them opportunities they wouldn’t have elsewhere, as for the rest those who do just ok or the non-intellectuals if they are going to be exploited anyways what does it matter who does the exploitation? Better to stay where there is the most social reforms and your kids have a chance to do better than you.
I wish I could leave Brazil. It's a shit show, man. I'm not patriotic at all. Specially when is a rule that everybody who reach excellence in something usually go out of the country.

I'm from Finland which is highly developed country, yet I'm not patriotic at all. It does have high education, yet it sucks out all enterpreuniar spirit and thus I'll be moving to Dallas Texas in 4 years(also has mandatory army of 1 year(other countries have longer tho)).
Invidual income tax: 22.8% - 47.7%
Corporate income tax: 20%
Highly unionized(same problems as in India(little less tho)).
Value added tax 24%.

Yet country is too leftish for any future as business person IMO. I rather now go to Texas where you can really compete with most of the world(like China).
In India the most patriotic thing you can do: leave the country, become succesful political changer or become educator.
Well... I won't agree on THAT.
The most patriotic thing that can be done is joining the army especially Para SF regiment. Just search India Para SF on Google and you will realise what I am TALKING about.