youtube, snapchat, instagram, twitier, and many more ......


all those aforementioned platforms are nowadays act like a burning matchstick for our gallons of gallons petrol container like our hard earned streaks .

This platform is like junior xnxx website in the form of short vedios , like seriously everywhere someone is dressing bra or very tiny dress and talk about the topic of sex time or boyfirend or gf stufff , magician are cutiing girl bra strip and do some magic to cure the broken dress ( whaat the fuck ) those people intentions are very clear to show girls boobs and closeup of thier body, everybody wants to attract attention along with more views so offensive content is the only solution to make viewer to watch it and fucking subscribe thier channels. Even the educated infulencers are making erotic videos with short as ashort they can wear dresses to gain more followers ( costumers of thier content). as i agree that there are people as well who create usefull content and entertain people but the ratio of soft porn is rising day by day , this place assurely a first step to visit porn website when hornyness arise, nowadays very young youth are getting touch with porn stuff very easily,,,,,,, so damn hard to go with a serious streaks.


you wanna waste your time ? wanna see hot vedios and destroy your whole life ?> snapchat is the way towards your no future goal believe me youth is wasting thier time in the exchange of a score and a emoji sign streaks ? wtf ? folks are making stranger as a friends and share all the stuff which was not meant to be , post location , wherever they go , they all are loosing privacy tooo . for instancee one day i wass checking my snaps andd i saw a girl with big **** and *** . and sending me agin and again i was fuckd and relpase 4 fucking times , i got sweeling in my reproductive system at that time due to after watching her snap i cant handle myslef and watch porn and jerk offff, fuck 25 streaks were gone in toilet water. fuck . Still the discovr option in the app always showww post like " watch her secret tatoo" , " girl get wet in swiming pool " and the list is endlesss. this is also a pathway for relapse.

i think whoevr is reading this is properly aware of that app, advantages of instagrams are yesss i agree but let me count about the heavy side . depression - comparing each other life , copy the dresses code , location , trip , travel will make a user feel like shit abiut the life , i dont know how unhappy i was till i know how happy others are . so please dont comapre of your life , we cannot compare moon and sun they both are good in thier own way so you are too good in your own way. Lastly we can call it brother of tik tok too cause it has same cringe vedios aand seductive vedios along with violence .and this is also work as a fire.

It has less offensive content as compare to those upper mentioned webites but low doent means it is safe it is so damn fucking deep , there words trigger us , different differnt kind of tweets about body , position and much much . mostly girls put attraactive dp as well which make people seductive.

It is number one short vedio platform where creaater show their creativity to the world but most of the content here is sex category creative , girls wear those dresses in the video which they will never dare to wear on outside or any family function sort of ocaassion but they will wear for vedio and make user to jerk off. also risky pathway specialy for young souls who aare unware about the consequences of it.


If u are a person who is stuck in between this dreadfull dopamine trap so please i request you from my all of my bottom of my soul , please get out it if u have to live life with no trouble otherwise stuck in those game and do whatever u want who am i to stop you ???????????