Broke up with my girlfriend over fears over future, worried now that porn could have contributed

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Chaos Spayce Marine, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Triggers are already covered man, for me its all phone related, never really watch or peek on anything else, occasionally ill see something on TV (I have an annoyingly common, non porn induced fetish, and im very one track minded) but it never progresses to anything as long as im not on my phone, which now never goes anywhere near my bed. When I'm in the house I just shove my phone in a wireless dock and do something else. I go to the gym with my mate for like 2 hours a night so I just gotta keep busy till then.

    I had to get creatine anyways so I had an excuse to go out for a couple of hours. Had a coffee at a coffee shop I used to work at, went down to the local warhammer shop for some nuln oil, which of course they were fresh out. My biggest issue is still missing my girlfriend tbh, I used to take her to these places all the time and I see one hundred things a day that make me think of her and really feel her absence. Still, hell of why to quit porn eh?
  2. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 16: Rough day today, started it off with a shouting match with my dad after mass which is great, still on the straight and narrow. Got one of my chaos marines, built paint and magnetised last night and hit deadlifts, least lent is over so I can have chocolate again (within reason, im still on a cut :( ). Urges were relatively high this morning. Morning wood going crazy atm as well.
    ANewFocus likes this.
  3. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 17: one positive side effect is, while its still hard to get to sleep, ive been sleeping really well when I do, like a rock. Urges still very high but not gonna act on em as id still rather have my loving gf than instant gratification. Going for lunch with a couple friends today so keeping busy, off work for easter monday (Cheers Jesus). You do begin to notice whats porn brain and whats not, its only been like 2 and a bit weeks and my sexual fantasies have just reverted to normal (well normal for me, I have non porn related stuff to contend with) but its a nice feeling. I also notice I've not required as much caffiene as I usually do to prop myself up, possible side effect?
    Itsuki, ANewFocus and Warfman like this.
  4. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 17.5 update: have really crashed today, didnt really enjoy the lunch, or much of anything today, my brain has 0 dopamine atm, my head has decided to become very “loud”, havent meditated yet, gonna try that. Gotta push through. Shits rough.
  5. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    It gets better. Keep it up.
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  6. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    I meditated for half an hour heads a bit quieter. Im both at a great time and a horrible time to be quitting. On one hand, great motivation, on the other, it makes the not having my gf around 100 times more painful as it compounds with the emotions from that. I spent too much time gaming today to try and keep my brain quiet and its bitten back in a big way i think.
    ANewFocus likes this.
  7. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Reframe your mindset around this being a horrible time to quit. Because it's not, even though it's definitely harder... Doing this now will help you with your resilience down the road when other things come up.
  8. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    spose your right man, i guess im just greatful for the why. The strength of it is instructive that maybe my relationship is worth fixing.
  9. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    It's a good cause, and nothing wrong with having that goal. But, also make sure you are doing it for yourself, because that's where the long term growth motivation comes from. Any external reason may change, like if she would start seeing someone else or (fill in the blank). You don't want all of your recovery efforts to be built on that foundation alone.
    ANewFocus likes this.
  10. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 18: Feeling a bit unwell today but otherwise alright. Probably just because of the early rise and the lack of sleep. Throwing myself into a new project at least, getting a voucher from work and my local game store is having a warhammer tourney, so im spending it on a new army to enter as i need a break from my regular purple dudes. Gives me something with a deadline to sweat over. Urges are reduced today, working from home as like all things the government does (im a civil servant), the office move has been a mess. Think ive (mostly?) ridden out the day 10 anxiety wave. Not gonna say its gonna be smooth sailing but the waters have definitly calmed a bit. Noticed quite quick learning on the guitar as well! I use yousician and dont pay for it so only really play for 20 mins a day, even then its doing something, got most of my chords back and will start teaching myself some songs soon. Thanks for the encouragement fellas, hope you are all on the straight and narrow as well :)
    Warfman likes this.
  11. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    18.5 update, bought the world eaters combat patrol, very hyped for this :). Bad news is that I found out why im not well, I have bloody shingles. I swear thats one of those illnesses that was wiped out 100 years ago. Having something i need to do is very nice. Time to crank out 20 berserkers.
  12. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Just clocked you're a Catholic, what an absolute lad.
    Chaos Spayce Marine and Warfman like this.
  13. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Guilty as charged mate
    Real Jerry Seinfeld likes this.
  14. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 19 update: Still on the straight and narrow, shingles is kicking my arse atm, spoke to my gf last night, was good to hear her voice, filled her in on my situation. We are gonna meet up soon to talk. Need to get some gold spray to start my zerkers. Urges pretty high today, but again, will be fine if my phone stays out my bed. My friend is coming up tonite to watch some movies so staying busy.
    Warfman likes this.
  15. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  16. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Practicing too, had a near death experience and long hospital stay around Christmas of ‘22 that brought me back
    Warfman likes this.
  17. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 20 update: have assembled 12 berkerkers and a rhino, primer arrived so will get to painting, have set up a date with gf to get things back on track :), urges controlled, works got me feeling zombified, gonna get moving to shake it off.
    Warfman likes this.
  18. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I share a similar experience, just 5 months before my marriage I had a Heart attack that could have ended things pretty quick had I not finally decided something was wrong. Those experiences change perspective for sure.

    How are you doing on that front? It can lead to negative thought spirals even if you don't realize it is and take time to work through it.

    Glad you are here, I'm a converted Catholic.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  19. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    I came back to the Church after we were expecting our first kid. I don't know why that changed things for me but it did.

    Always figured you for a Protestant, no idea why. Suppose it's no surprise NoFap is full of Catholics really.
    Chaos Spayce Marine and Warfman like this.
  20. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I suppose I am a protestant. Since I grew up as one. But it was important to my wife that we get married in the Church. So I went through the confirmation process, I've embraced it because I have a great relationship with my priest. Unfortunately he's leaving in June permanently. I'll miss him a lot.

    @Chaos Spayce Marine have you done any confessions recently? I've found those to be a very big part of this process.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024