If you could invent one fictional technology and why

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RedPillRebooter, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    If you could invent one fictional technology what would it be and why?
  2. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    A device that can cure all forms of cancer instantly
  3. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    No they can't.
  4. Probably a teleportation device. It would be so incredibly useful. And you could make a crap ton of money as a delivery service if you had a teleporter.
  5. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    penis stretcher that worked. I'd like a ginormous wang.
    Chris3000 likes this.
  6. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    Stealth/Thermoptic camouflage. I'd probably use it just to mess with people.
    Deleted Account and Chris3000 like this.
  7. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    You know.... We probably could do alot of this stuff.... But science said we needed seedless watermelon.
    So we spent time and resources and developed seedless watermelon.
    Now we have that instead.
    Food for thought.... Literally.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Casper0n

    Casper0n Fapstronaut

    Sadly, my mind wandered immediately to something that would make one impossible fetishes realizable.

    Then I read the cancer-curing machine suggestion - that's much, much better and humanitarian.

    Or perhaps something like warp drive
    Kenzi likes this.
  9. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    You guys are thinking too small, the ultimate technology would be tool that could do anything.
  10. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    Out of everything.

    A device that generated food for the homeless/starving.
    A device that can cure all diseases.
    A device that contained all knowledge about the universe.

    Technically the last one is all you would need. If you had every single piece of knowledge you wouldn't need anything else because you would know exactly how everything works, and exactly how to fix/do everything...

    But no... you want your cock to be an inch longer. LOL. It would probably look like a piece of play doh after if you stretch it too much.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    noonoon likes this.
  11. Oh! I thought of another one today!

    I would absolutely die for a device that reads my thoughts and writes then down for me. As a writer, I ALWAYS seem to come up with my best stuff while I'm working or driving or something, and then by the time I get around to writing it down, I usually can't remember the exact phrasing I came up with earlier.
  12. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It's hard to understate how dramatically teleportation would impact the planet. Transportation, oil & gas, and real estate would be rocked ... and while it would be amazing for shipping, first responders, etc., it would also enable human trafficking, drug cartels, illegal immigration ... can't imagine how much it would change things.
    SilentJay313 and Kenzi like this.
  13. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I think most porn addicts would rather create a time machine so they could make sure this thought-recording device never sees the light of day, lol.
  14. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I'd like to invent a passenger jet where the whole fuselage opens so everyone can board at the same time, instead of in that annoying single-file line where we're all at the mercy of the one idiot who can't figure out how to put his bag in the overhead.
    Kenzi and Here--To--Heal like this.
  15. Lol well okay then party pooper
    Here--To--Heal likes this.
  16. Well yeah, I was thinking something I could turn on and off, not like constantly running.
  17. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I think it would be amazing. I just think it would be insanely disruptive.

    Just think about real estate alone: you could live literally anywhere you wanted in the world, and it wouldn't matter how far you were from your work, or your gym, or your school, or anything else. You could work all day in New York City, meet your friends for happy hour in Hollywood, and then return to your huge farmhouse in rural Nebraska. Home prices and rents in big cities would plummet.
    NZT 48, Kenzi and Here--To--Heal like this.
  18. Casper0n

    Casper0n Fapstronaut

    Or you could teleport a flaming bag of dog poo to a friend's front lawn. Hilarity would ensue.
  19. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    ok. two penis stretchers. One for me and i'd loan the other one out to my good friends...and the homeless.
    JakeWoods likes this.
  20. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    I have a feeling that if you gave penis stretchers to the homeless that actually worked... they would join the porn industry... you would doom humanity.