Feeling guilty about other guys...

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by elley, Oct 3, 2017.

  1. elley

    elley Fapstronaut

    So yesterday this guy who has been trying to hook up with me started texting me again. Says he thinks of me when he M, certain things will make him O. He’s super sexual and dominant.
    Then I feel guilty for indulging in this. Just for my ego? Or just because it feels good for someone to want me? Because I know my bf probably can’t get off to me, and thinks of something else. He told me when we first started this, that he doesn’t think he’s ever gotten off without fantasizing.
    To be clear, my bf knows about this guy. I tell him about our interactions, and what is said.
    But still, after only successfully having sex about 5 times in the last year together, it’s just nice to flirt with someone who wants me.
    That probably makes me really selfish right???
  2. WantsToBelieve

    WantsToBelieve Fapstronaut

    You have no idea how many times I've thought about doing this. Finding someone who it seems actually wants me, thinks about touching me and seeing me. Though, if I'm honest, that is true with my fiancee, it just doesn't seem like it a lot of the time.

    But no, I don't think it's selfish. Really, it's along the same lines of him being honest about his addiction. Addiction is selfish in general. These men are only focused on what brings them pleasure. Should this other guy be messaging you, knowing you are in a relationship? No he shouldn't. But that is another issue entirely. I wouldn't trust the other guy either. But I think your boyfriend should take a deep look at himself and why he isn't able to get pleasure from being with you. Only then can he begin to feel connected to you again.

    Has he communicated any negative feelings about the other guy? Does he feel betrayed that you'd even entertain the idea? Or does he see it as hypocritical when you have a problem with his addiction?
  3. elley

    elley Fapstronaut

    No, he’s actually pretty open to the idea of me hooking up with this guy. He says he likes me to tell him about the texts, he likes to know what’s going on.
    I’ve asked my bf well what if I wanted to have sex with him, would you be jealous, would it bother you?
    He says he’s fine with it and if it would make me happy then ok. As long as things aren’t behind his back. The thing is, I want to, but I don’t, because it’s ME who feels like that would be so disrespectful and hurtful. Like, well your dick doesn’t work so I’m gonna use this one instead. That seems so mean.
    But it helps to know I’m not the only one. I want someone to want me!!!! Just wish it was the bf :(
  4. WantsToBelieve

    WantsToBelieve Fapstronaut

    Don't take this the wrong way, but it seems to me like he wants to allow this for an odd, underlying reason. No faithful man should be okay with his girlfriend sleeping with someone else. Maybe he just wants to still be able to use P because he knows you won't be able to tell him not to after you've slept with someone else? Granted, I could be completely wrong about this. He could legitimately feel bad enough about it that some part of him is okay with letting you get back at him. And maybe you're not thinking about it in terms of revenge. Only you know what's going on in the relationship and what you can do to help both of you heal and get better.
  5. Casper0n

    Casper0n Fapstronaut

    I'm not quite convinced he would be 100% fine with it. I had to do a double take when I read your post thinking "Is her bf really okay with her having sex with other men?"

    Is your bf in a reboot? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel in which he will want you like you want to be wanted?
    Kenzi and elley like this.
  6. Tessa

    Tessa New Fapstronaut

    I get that wanting for someone, anyone to find me attractive. I know that i am a beauty but because of the constant rejection from hubby it would be amazing to feel desired and cherished again.
    elley likes this.
  7. I don't know much about your relationship or about your BF, so these are just my thoughts. Either he finds it exciting for you to hook up with another guy (it's one of the P fetishes). Or he feels so inadequate at the moment in bed, that he would do anything to make you happy (quite unlikely for a PA, but possible). Or, like @WantsToBelieve said, he is looking for an excuse to go back to P. Or he might just be OK with both of you having many sexual partners (polyamory?). You have to figure it out, though.
    And my take on you chatting with the other guy. I hope you won't get offended. It's one thing to want to be desired and wish someone wanted you, and maybe even fantasize about that sometimes, especially when you have been betrayed. But it's another thing to actually go ahead and virtually flirt in a sexual manner with another guy - that's in the same category as cheating. At least we SOs would consider it cheating, if our PAs did that.
    KevinesKay, anewhope, Kenzi and 3 others like this.
  8. elley

    elley Fapstronaut


    No, I didn’t get offended. I appreciate the honesty and we can’t really sugar coat things here. That it was wrong of me. Not the desire to be wanted, but the messaging in general. I tell him, and I do believe he really is fine with it. We’ve discussed it and he would be fine with a polyamorous relationship.
    That being said, I told him last night that while I was selfish and enjoyed the flirting, at the end it just made me feel worse. Because it made me compare. Which isn’t fair to him. I’m going to apologize to him today for sure. I would be hurt if he did that. I don’t really get a free pass just because we are having sexual problems.
  9. Atta girl! :)
  10. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I would be really, really careful with this.

    In my addiction, I had quite a number of encounters with women and/or couples who were in an 'open relationship.' And I can't tell you how many of them turned really ugly and caused the women serious trauma.

    Some men originally find the idea erotic and exciting, but soon it becomes a power play, a way to control their partner. I've heard too many stories of husbands/boyfriends requesting that their partners share screenshots of their sexting, pictures of their encounters, etc "because it's just so hot" ... and then those screenshots and pics become tools for blackmail down the road. "Oh, you want to leave me? Ok, I'll just make sure your employer sees all these pics."

    There's a woman here in town who my ex-wife met through her support group for partners of addicts. Her husband would invite other men to their home to have sex with her--often without him even being home, and often without even telling her. These men would just show up and say "your husband said I should come over." He even used Bible verses to manipulate her, saying her body belonged to him, etc. etc. And so she went through with it, dozens of times. Today, they are in the midst of a bitter divorce and custody battle, and he has repeatedly threatened to release videos of her to the internet.

    That's just one of many stories I've heard. Polyamory has this aura of being able to have your cake and eat it too ... but from what I've heard, the reality is quite different.
    Barnsleylad, Portocala, elley and 3 others like this.
  11. elley

    elley Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your point of view.
    I for one am not ok with a poly relationship. I just don’t want it. But I just brought it up to say that he doesn’t (or says he doesn’t) mind the texting. But either way, I’m going to stop using that as a means to feel desirable to somebody. Because in the end it’s not that person I want. It’s my BF
    anewhope and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Personally, it would bother me if my guy said he wouldn't mind me venturing out with other ppl. I would assume that meant he didn't care about me enough to want me ALL to himself. Call me selfish but I would never want to share my man with anyone else. I've been in competition before and quickly lost interest and dropped out of the race. I know I'm worth more than that and can have the relationship I truly want and deserve. I guess my point is...know your worth, know you deserve all those things you desire..to be loved & desired...don't settle for anything less than you deserve!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2017
  13. ItsNeverTooLate

    ItsNeverTooLate Fapstronaut

    Was going to make this exact comment. Saw a story about it in PBS. I personally would always error of the side of caution in a situation like this.

    Good luck to you @elley in finding true love and success with someone who is worthy of your time and affection.
    elley likes this.