What would you do ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Floorista, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    Simple question. Would you rather follow your dream and just walk the path you want to walk without care, or live a normal life?
    5adn8m8 likes this.
  2. #blessed

    #blessed Guest

    It’s actually not a simple question because you haven’t defined what you mean by a normal life.

    So, what is a normal life?
  3. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    By a normal life i mean by working a standard full time job with a decent pay, having a family, live in a house and just live in peace or be relentless and do whatever you want to do and not let anyone stop you from doing that except its illegal ofc then not but just be relentless.. sounds a bit stupid i know but im curious of how many people look at life
  4. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I’ll pick that one. I’d rather have some stability and comfort in my life.
  5. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    You can do these things and it can be immensely rewarding or it can be a burden. It isn't the circumstances of life that determine the quality of life but the attitude with which one approaches it.

    Having a job in which I am serving my community, having a family in which the members love one another, having a warm and dry place to live and adequate food and water, these are all components of my ideal life. Really though, it is the peace that matters above all else. Not peace as in just being left alone and not bothered, but peace as in humility and love for one's neighbors.
    Buzz Lightyear and Knighthawk like this.
  6. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    If the 'normal' life is to be contrasted to the 'glamorous' life, go for the normal life every time. Glamor and fame are all an illusion and will only lead to misery in the end as there will always be the pressure to be something you are not.

    The normal life can be the hell of non-being. The task here is rise above it, and then live a self-determined one at the core. Think of normality as 'giving to Caesar what is Caesar's. It is not the whole of your existence.
    Deleted Account and Spiff like this.
  7. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    I've tried normal life, listening to my parents or elder people and I can tell you it sucks.
    A lot of people weren't willing to take the risk and they're advising you on doing so.You know why? because they're scared as f**k, follow your dreams no matter what.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    Nothing wrong with that, everyone has their one choosing and whatever makes you happy
  9. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    I agree with you that it's the peace that matters and everyone has their own view of what "peace" really means. Whatever makes you satisfied and happy wether it be doing something good or bad, it's all personal.
  10. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    Totally agree! No parent wants you to fail and no parents want you to take big risks but it's your life and you do whatever makes you happy and that's where being determined comes in!
    5adn8m8 likes this.
  11. Floorista

    Floorista Fapstronaut

    I have always thought about how it is to be very successfull and famous and always think to myself if it really is worth it, but not everyone can be and i think it takes alot of luck to be famous or filthy rich so I guess not everyone can experience that
  12. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    In my opinion and in my experience, the idea of normal versus dream life is a bit of a fallacy. From the perspective of someone living the supposed “normal life”, the “dream life” is exotic and fascinating. But what it really represents is the “grass is greener” phenomenon. You never see the other side in its entire form.

    When you say the dream life is without care, you don’t realize that when people do whatever they want, they begin to see that they introduce a whole new set of problems to deal with. With that, a lot of times, people living life on the edge often envy a life of normalcy.
    Floorista likes this.
  13. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

    By wanting to be happier there is scientific proof that happily married couples people who engage positively in community having more money contribute to happiness
  14. Nick:3

    Nick:3 Fapstronaut

    I'd follow my dream, but that's cos I want meaning in my life, not to just be another soul, I wanna experience an extraordinary life with the good, bad and ugly to make something beautiful and hopefully have fun while doing so :) (my dream is to make an amazing virtual world, probably in the form of a video game for others to explore).