I want love, not porn!

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by kio_actualized, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. kio_actualized

    kio_actualized Fapstronaut

    I was seeing some pics of a girl I like. We had good and bad times together. I find her very sexy and what happened was that I got struck by thoughts of objectification, an urge to masturbate and have sex with her just because I find her sexy in some pictures. Something almost animalistic.

    This is exactly what made her go away in the past and lose passion for me: the version of me who just wanted sex. It is so bad how it hurt her and how I couldn't see it in the past.

    The truth? Yes, she is sexy as fuck, but so what? That's just a body! A beautiful body? Yes, I wont deny anymore, but what helped me in the hard times was not "her body", but the person she was. The PERSON.

    The person that gave me a hug when I needed, the person who was with me when I lost a parent. That person is what matters, not her body. Her body alone can't make me truly happy. But she? With her personality?! Yes!!

    I make this post to encourage you all:

    Kill objectification, find love again!

    Love is what matters!

    She agreed with me to stay away a little bit while I recover and I feel like she is as fuel to me in this journey: she is one of the reasons I'm fighting for. Not sure if I will ever again be able to have a relationship with her, though :/

    Porn destroys love, so let's fight it and get our capacity to love fully back again!
  2. Markant

    Markant Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that reminder. I have objectified women alot in the past as well which has blinded me totally as to what their characters are and how they really are as persons. Let's fight this and see women for how they really are and not just as pieces of meat!
    Noelle and kio_actualized like this.
  3. kio_actualized

    kio_actualized Fapstronaut

    "I'm not a piece of meat."
    She used to tell me that... and I thought she was exaggerating at the time
  4. </3

    Good luck kiocosta,
    These are wonderful reflections for men to have,
    And they will make us fuller in due time.
    kio_actualized likes this.
  5. SpouseofPA

    SpouseofPA Fapstronaut

    your post gives a great description of the struggle. Very well written
    kio_actualized likes this.
  6. kio_actualized

    kio_actualized Fapstronaut

    Thanks both of you!
    I still have some urges to M, but hope it will fade away eventually. This situation is a self esteem killer. I feel like shit for ruining a relationship and not being attractive to her anymore, but I expect NoFap to help me get up again
    SpouseofPA likes this.
  7. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    great observation @kiocosta . part of our PA is because we forget that, and think the body and the sex is the primary thing. FUck no. it's icing, not the cake
    SpouseofPA, kio_actualized and Kenzi like this.
  8. Opportunity For Better

    Opportunity For Better Fapstronaut

    I'm going to offer a controversial opinion: women like to be objectified by a man who is committed to them and they desire. This isn't my opinion, by the way; there was have been studies on it, like this one (can't post links yet): Women Like Being Valued For Sex, As Long As It's By A Committed Partner.

    What they don't like is being objectified by someone who:
    • They're not attracted to; or
    • Is needy; or
    • Has rejected them.
    I'm not saying that you shouldn't value them as more than just for sex! Not at all. But don't swing to the other extreme either. Sexual attraction is primarily physical and that's OK. It's just not the best factor to base a lifetime relationship on.
    Markant likes this.
  9. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    As a woman I would like to say something on that. I don't like to be objectified period, I am more then just meat suit. There were phases when it felt as though my husband was overly excited with me and it was starting to be to much at times, it became a turn off for me. He was all about how sexy, my this, my that smacking my back side and such that I craved to have more meaningful intimate interactions with him. The best way to put it is during that phase I wanted to feel I was wanted by him for more then just my backside. I tolerated it for a time but I chose to talk with him about how it made me feel.
    We women very much like to feel we are desired by our men. It feels good to know our men are attracted to us, what are the favorite sexy parts of us are to him. We want to see, know and feel that we turn our man on but in passionate loving way, we want to know we are desired by our partner.
    Objectification for me is cold, distant and emotionally unavailable.
    I hope this makes sense, should have been asleep hours ago so the brain isn't working well.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
  10. Markant

    Markant Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for that insight. Your post motivates me to keep fighting and become a better man to see women for how they are on the inside and not the outside
    Jennica likes this.
  11. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I'm glad it inspires you, I still think I'm to tired to articulate what I'm trying to say appropriately.
    I will add something my husband is doing now that I greatly appreciate is he is working on the self awareness of objectification with other women and me. He does his best to initiate sex if he feels that it isn't playing a part in it along with triggers so forth. He's working on making sure we are intimate on genuine level and not out of anything that would be attributed to the PA.
    He still says that I'm sexy and such (I don't think I need to give further examples) but out of an intimate connection instead. I'm very proud of him for it. I feel genuinely loved, wanted/desired and respected by him. that ignites more passionate desire in both of us.
    *A side note to think about, we as women are objectified everyday by men on the street and some men make it known to us by cat calling, car honks, gestures, comments and sometimes potentially threatening situations. You wouldn't believe what I delt with being a bartender for years.
    AscendingBorborite and Markant like this.
  12. Markant

    Markant Fapstronaut

    I think men often don't realize that cat calling, car honks etc. aren't a compliment in the eyes of a women but just the opposite, degrading. The same as with what you stated earlier, the way he often lusted for you. We may see it as compliment but it can be just as degrading. I never consciously realized that.

    It's great that your husband is trying to change his view and that you are sharing your feelings on here so we all can learn from that.
    Highly appreciated.
  13. Indeed objectifying is the worst.And that's why I hate porn so much. It destroys the connection with the other.

    Love is beyond physical attraction and that's what makes it special and more intense.
    Markant and Jennica like this.
  14. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut


    Absolutely, as a women who deals with this from strange men regularly (I think of myself as a confident strong attractive woman) I can say it gets old real quick. In my younger years late teens early 20's this happened a lot and still continues but not quite as much. I'm 41 and grandmother but most people think I'm about 10 years younger.
    I have been in situations with male friends, acquaintance and a brother in law that have subjected me to some very unwanted (some physical) advances. I have had strange men come on to me verbally in front of my husband as well and won't stop even when I make it known to them. I am always aware of my surroundings and suspicious of strange men so you can say as I have grown older I'm far more cautious.
    Now what I do appreciate is if a strange man respectfully gives me a compliment, (we as women can usually pick up on the difference with in seconds). In those situations I always say thank you. They never linger, stare or leave me feeling uncomfortable in anyway and I have appreciation for that. A true compliment for me from someone other than my SO is genuinely outside of sexualization.

    From my SO I absolutely prefer to feel desired over lust. Like I said after being a lady bartender my views are quite distinct on that especially when drinking is involved. I have had men that even offered to pay me for sex and they didn't stay in my bar after that.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
    kio_actualized and Markant like this.
  15. Markant

    Markant Fapstronaut

    I see, thank you again for that insight, especially the difference of compliments and advances in your eyes. As a PMO addict it is hard to discern and I guess really important to repeat to oneself that oversexualization isn't the norm and that others see the world and human interaction differently.
    kio_actualized and Jennica like this.