Annoying groin, testicle and low back pain...could it be 'cause of PMO?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mr.Z, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Mr.Z

    Mr.Z Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone.
    So, I have been addicted to porn for about 10 years and was wondering about the possible effects to the body. I've been feeling pain in my groin and lower back accompanied by a dull pain in my testicles when I walk or stand for some time; (usually more than half an hour) The strange thing is it doesn't seem to happen when I ride a bike. I think I've had this problem for about 3-4 years. It's annoying because it keeps me from being active. Could it have been caused by excessive porn stimulation or something? Anyway, it's debilitating cause I can't walk or stand for an extended period of time without feeling pain in those areas.
    I'm considering seeing a doctor. But I'd like to hear you guys' opinion on this.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I wish I could help. I personally haven't heard of anything like this happening.

    Are you trying to quit PMO? If so, it could be your body's way of trying to make you go back. Everyone's withdrawals symptoms are different.
  3. stronger626

    stronger626 Fapstronaut

    Quick question,
    Does it effect you when you urinate as well? I realized sometimes if I was doing it more than usual I had lower back, abdmoninal and testicular pains as well as trouble and pain urinating. This has stopped now but I am curious. The back pain would effect me more when I needed to lift things, even things that were not that heavy. I have read articles that yes this can be a result of PMO. I cannot remember the sources so maybe do a little research. I think I searched "effects of masterbation on men" . Hope this helps ya!
  4. Mr.Z

    Mr.Z Fapstronaut

    No. I urinate ok.
  5. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    It's probably not uncommon. I don't feel pain (yet), but this guy did, although he wasn't a deliberate nofapper. He basically just pulled the the ethernet cable for a year.
  6. steverock

    steverock Fapstronaut

    Well.. it jus happens same set of symptoms is what i get when i go through PMO especially if frequency is high. Im very sure is excessive M. while im not sure on the exact mechanism i believe its jus a way of the body saying i cant take it anymore. I get that when i PMO or when i try to quit.
  7. CasualMe95

    CasualMe95 Guest

    Yes, stretching your hips and lower sides of you back helps. I usually get it after about 14 days of abstinence followed wounds on my dick. Which hurts both when I pie and clean it.
    Not sure about the wounds thing but I'm guessing its my dick being unused to be left alone.

    But leaving it alone to hurt for the day has helped me so far. It's annoying, for sure. But it works and I dont know what else to do.
  8. Hiroki

    Hiroki Fapstronaut

    I have had 2 inguinal hernias in my life, one about 4 years ago (which I had repaired at Shouldice Hospital, the world's foremost experts on hernia repair) and one when I was about 10 or 11. I started stimulating myself (masturbating if you will) when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I found that if I leaned against something and pressure was put on my groin, it would cause great pleasure and I would hold it until I had an orgasm (didn't start ejaculating until about 12). I was also sexually active before puberty with a neighbor from down the street (no it wasn't molestation).

    Without a doubt, I believe that all this sexual activity while my body was still growing weakened my body and was the root cause of having a hernia at 10 and then again 24, and I didn't get it from lifting anything heavy. It was a weakness in my lower abdomen caused by excessive semen loss. I also broke about 3 bones when I was younger, and the doctor said it was normal because I was so active, but it could have been prevented had I not been sexually active so young.

    It's not a matter of if it could be because of PMO, of course it is. But rather, what are you going to do about it?