This is ridiculous

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Third_Eye, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    Why is it that whenever I meet a girl and expect to have a long lasting friendship, it never happens, but when it’s not expected, it’s more likely to happen?
    Tonytone, vibemaker and HAHAHA9405 like this.
  2. because it happens when its time for it and you cant rush it
    vibemaker and Third_Eye like this.
  3. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    True, but it literally happens with every single female I’ve met. It ends up being a phase.

    And all of the females I’ve met, I’ve been on PMO while being their friends and they didn’t even know it.

    I blame my addiction for this kind of shit to happen :(
  4. well it would be better that she not know about the addiction until your cured and when you have a serious relationship you dont have to explain
  5. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    Of course.

    But I would at least want some long term friendships with a girl :/
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. same here but first we must better ourselves and then the right girlfriend will come along
  7. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut


    Thanks for that :)

    But could it be possible to meet a girl while still rebooting?
  8. yes that can happen too but we must be in the right place at the right time to find the girl and become friends and the relationship will grow
    Third_Eye likes this.
  9. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

  10. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    The causing issue is not PMO. It is your state of mind.

    Not just in relationships, but life in general works that way.

    Whenever you expect, desire, want, long, crave... you are creating a tension between your current state and whatever you expect, desire, etc. If that tension is too strong:
    1. It gets more and more difficult to get what you want.
    2. You are reinforcing your inner state of mind of not having it
    In other words. Expect it, want it, desire it, etc. but do it in a relaxed way, enjoying your life and being a joyful person. ;)

    Hope it helps.
  11. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut


    I just need to improve my anxiety/confidence issues :)
    TotalLifeChange likes this.
  12. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I would suggest starting with smaller steps. As I always say, that doesn't mean progressing slowly. That just mean holding a more approachable goal and once you have it mastered, then up the challenge.
    Third_Eye likes this.
  13. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Expectation is the root of all heartache. I used to overthink a lot when i talked to girls, I kept thinking ahead, for example about our relationship, that might not even happen and it made me sad when it wouldn't work. Try not to expect anything, live in the moment. Less sadness that way. Good luck to both of us!
    Third_Eye likes this.
  14. SD_W

    SD_W Fapstronaut

    ^ This
    I am that kind of guy that was waaaaaaay ahead in time before actually having a serious relationship with a specific girl. I was already thinking about how awesome our relationship would be, about kids, marriage, house, vacation etc. etc.

    And of course, if it doesn't happen and you get rejected everything crashes onto you and you'll find yourself in deep depression (that was a rough time for me)
    I still have those thoughts when I meet someone new but now I know I have to get rid of that and live in the present.

    But hey, we're all here to better ourself right? :)
    Deleted Account and Third_Eye like this.
  15. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    It makes sense. :)

    But I feel like the addiction is the reason why women would turn away at times
  16. Hi "Tired," while your situation may seem pattern like, I would encourage you to find an outside view of your situation - like a perspective. What may seem true to you, may just be a perception wrapped around your thoughts of confirmation bias. I don't mean you are wrong, just want you to test what you think may or may not be true. I do this with my previous deception that only white guys get girls (racist I know). And others around me tell me different experiences that defy my confirmation bias.

    With that said, I too had the same problem/issue recently. There was a girl I know, I thought she like me but then suddenly it was as if she lost interest when I asked her out. The unexpected was definitely unexpected for me. But just because this happens in a pattern, may or may not be true, just continue to be awesome and amazing. Keep up the progress with women, if you really want to or not. And do good.
    Third_Eye likes this.
  17. Because everybody in world needs to be free, and to let be free
  18. It’s could be worse, a girl who harassing you all suddenly start to liking you,you feel conflict about that.
  19. Third_Eye

    Third_Eye Fapstronaut

    Well luckily that has never happened to me, recently
  20. Well don’t trust them or pay attention to them.