When Unclothed?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Nasar, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. Nasar

    Nasar Fapstronaut

    Dear Friends

    I am looking for some help from those who might know what my problem is,I shall start by telling you my history ,I have been attracted to femdom fetish since a very young age and masturbated to the fantasy even before the arrival of porn,after the arrival of porn there was an ability to realise my fetish and I used to do PMO to femdom fetish porn, I have also consulted the services of dominatrices twice in my life and realized some of my fantasies in real life.overall I can say that my Libido has been based on Femdom Fetish

    considering my vanilla life,I have had few girlfriends and I have had foreplay with them,due to the conservative culture I come from the girlfriends I had when I was young did not agree to have intercourse when I was younger,but I can remember me having very strong erections during the time I had foreplay with them even though during this period I strongly desired femdom.so after my relationship with them broke up after sometime and I remained not having any intimate connections during this time and I was totally satisfied with PMO to femdom porn and also MO to femdom fantasy.

    Recently I met a women,and started a relationship ,when we get intimate during foreplay when she remains clothed I have a full erection but when my partner became naked I totally lost erection,and was unable to have intercourse.

    Why do you guys think this happened to me is it because of my addiction to PMO or due to my femdom fantasy addiction which I had since early childhood?

    Can NOFAP help my situation? I have been doing nofap for about 45 days with 2 relapses ?

    I will be very grateful if someone on this site can help me.
    Roady likes this.
  2. Hi Nasar
    as you know everyone in this forum are addicted to something which has messed their sexual life. It is not always porn which affect you sex life if you replace any other thing with real sex you end up getting addicted to it. this addiction when you stop you will get back to normal state which is normal sex, so hang in there with nofap you will get back to normal .
    one question though did you have any flatline? are you getting morning erection?
  3. Welcome my friend.
    I do recognize a lot when reading your story. I've been involved in feminization fantasies deeply, but, thankfully, I've found my way Home (but still in process according to my counter :) )

    A fetish is as always a surrogate for something. At a certain point, I guess your mother was not available for you to love, to care and to attach with you in a healthy way.
    For instead, you get attracted by the things women normally wears, and you decided to act like them. Or.. to act like your mom.

    It's no surprise to me that you don't find a naked lady very attractive. What's a lady without all her feminin stuff? What's a lady without her makeup, high heels, lingerie and all her jewelry? Well that's the real woman.
    And you have learned yourself to get aroused by all those extraordinary stuff of women, and - not unimportant - by surrending to dominant women. So without that stuff, there is no arousal. 1 + 1 = 2.

    I'm glad you are here. In this place you wouldn't be judged because here, we all are in the same boat.
    You have created a life full of fantasies, lies, seduction and give yourself away.
    It's time to stand up, and start to gather pure knowledge, truth behind your facades, find ways to face the pain which is deep inside (but is now covered with years of denial).
    Time to find out that life isn't about lust, but for instead, is about LOVE.

    My friend, I wish you lots of love, Gods blessings, and peace for your mind, heart and soul.

    You will make it, because you know from deep inside:
    I - JUST - WANT - TO BE - THE - REAL - ME!!

    That is: a life without being a slave, but, a life in freedom. Free to love and free to give, share and serve.
    Immature likes this.
  4. Nasar

    Nasar Fapstronaut

    Thank you Varun Chopra for your reply and encouragement

    From my understanding of what a flatline is its a period of decreased libido, I think I had one but when I started that I had some private time with my girlfriend, and led to the situation I described earlier where I was fully erect when she was clothed and immediately after she became naked I lost erection and I could not have intercourse, however this incident caused me to have a relapse afterwards because I found some audio femdom videos on youtube accidently which really played to my fantasies,any way now I have gone about 8 days after the relapse, and I do feel a decreased libido, is this the flatline period?

    Yes I have noticed the morning erection on some days but I don't remember having it every single day
    Roady likes this.
  5. Nasar

    Nasar Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much roady for taking your valuable time, your kind reply and blessings May God Bless you too

    I think your guess about my childhood relationship with my mother is correct, I think my mother didn't have much time for me because she concentrated on her work, and she was a bitter woman due to many problems she underwent during that time

    Please explain to me how it has effected this fetish?

    I think your analysis of why I didn't get excited with my girlfriend naked is absolutely correct, But do you know how I can and have normal intercourse with her,so that she can receive some pleasure and one day I have a family,she is already very dissatisfied with our sex life,I fear she might leave, she also loose confidence in herself she thinks she is not attractive,

    Problem is I don't know what the facades or the deep pain inside is

    Thanks again and I appreciate your help very much
    Roady likes this.
  6. Hi Nasar,
    Thanks for your thankful reply. A sign to me that you are open for help and knowledge.
    You will find your way, I truly believe.

    For now I don't have the time to write further, but you can have a look on other topics I wrote to, or to my journal.
    It needs time for you to get the knowledge, the stories, all the pieces and to integrate them in your own story.
    Do it step by step, and please take some time to just overthink things.
    Learn to seek the silence, it will help you in your restoration process.

    Do you like writing? It has helped me a lot to write things in a sort of diary. Writing is very good to become 100% honest about your own feelings.

    It will be a tough process, but it's better to go through than never start this important process.
  7. _amar_

    _amar_ Fapstronaut

    as our very cooperative friends here give you your answer at the same time
    your story gave me one new reason for nofap. I will never indulge in fap and porn again. Thank you
    Roady likes this.
  8. Nasar

    Nasar Fapstronaut

    What is the reason ?
    Roady likes this.
  9. _amar_

    _amar_ Fapstronaut

    That porn is a fantasy world and real sex is different.
    Roady likes this.
  10. @Nasar
    Hey fellow how are you doing ?