Yet more sexual assault...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by MLMVSS, Nov 21, 2017.


    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Charlie rose:

    Oliver Stone:

    As well as, of course, Wienstein, O'Reilley, Spacey, Louis C.K., et al.

    I just think to myself, when does this all end and who the bloody hell is left?! This is constantly in the news, so maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg. But still, which ones are real and which may be made up (I'm not saying none of these are real, but there always can be false accusations)?
  2. There are a lot of fake ones but, a ton of strange things have happened lately not just in the media but i real life its jut a strange time to live in atm
    MLMVSS likes this.
  3. You're forgetting Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner.
    I heard someone say it's like watching The Walking Dead - you never know if the person you like will be revealed to be quite a nasty person.
    It should be said a number of these are allegations.
    CowardlyLion and MLMVSS like this.
  4. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    I think we have to assume everyone is guilty till proven innocent.
    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 and MLMVSS like this.
  5. It's depressing, indeed. What's more depressing, though, is how unsurprising it is.
  6. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    It's the other way around in the US.

    If a woman was raped, she should go to the police not the media.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  7. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    Nobody could've predicted though. Most of these men being accused of rape, sexual assault, etc are liberals. They support wimminz rights n' sheit.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  8. I could have easily predicted this pattern in Hollywood. When society treats average men like Gods, that power is bound to go to their head. With great power comes great responsibility, but there's no one in authority to determine that celebrities are worthy of that power. People practically worship celebrities. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest to see that they have abused that admiration.
  9. Some of them did and they were told they did have enough evidence. So I don't blame these women who are going to the media. The police are more likely to do something if the media make a fuss. Only fools trust the police!
    CowardlyLion likes this.