Any New Year Resolutions 2018 ???

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Let's start with mine:
    Getting better than yesterday, that's it.

    No resolutions for 2018.

  2. Pretty much sums it up, I never had nor understood the new years resolution, it has never worked for anyone, or maybe it has but i believe it is the same thing as with nofap, like "I start tomorrow" there is no better time then the "now" everytime I told myself "I will start tomorrow or on monday" It never worked out (also not putting anyone down here, I know personally how hard it is to make that choice, but when we do is when we succeed).
    Jynx and WalkingForward like this.
  3. BrowneyedBri

    BrowneyedBri Fapstronaut

    To actually win something at the daaang slot machines in Las Vegas
    But on a serious note ,
    To better myself than I did last year
    Help more
    Study more
    Eat more
    Etc & etc.
    Jynx likes this.
  4. Truth!!
  5. Good luck!!!
  6. Would be cool if I would reboot 100% once and for all in 2018. But not starting from January 1st, I already started, so I guess technically it's not a new years resolution...

    I also wanna lose weight, start running and cycling, get into calisthenics, learn Qigong, start practicing the skill of writing, start eating healthy on consistent basis, become financially independent and more. Once I list it all it seems overwhelming. This is why I never liked yearly resolutions. I feel I will do things more likely if I do not put that stress of a "must do" goal on myself and don't overwhelm myself. So taking one step one day at a time seems like a way better strategy.
  7. There you go!!!
    Stay strong!!
  8. SilentJay313

    SilentJay313 Fapstronaut

    I don't really believe in making new years resolutions either. Might as well get a head start with whatever you want to do now. But if i had to say something, most likely just to kick my bad habits, and try to make myself better. Also, I'd probably would get myself one of these :
    The Peace Warrior likes this.
  9. Cynthia Nichols

    Cynthia Nichols New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I wan to go for world tour.
    Supermarron likes this.
  10. fascinating...
  11. That's the real goal...
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  12. BjornTMV

    BjornTMV Fapstronaut

    I know it's very cliché to say my resolution is to get back into a strong gym habit. I used to be a massive gym rat. I ate super clean with only 1 cheat day a week, I worked out hard 5 days a week in the gym and the fruits of my labor really started showing. I was getting compliments, I felt amazing, and life was great.

    I ended up having a couple surgeries, and a lot of work/home stress took its toll. I began making excuses and stopped going to the gym and started eating out a lot more. I didn't really get 'fat' per-say, but I lost a ton of muscle mass, and just felt "average". I recently got back into the gym about a month ago and started taking my diet serious once again. So my resolution isn't to start this health kick again, but to maintain it.
    Supermarron and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Onehope

    Onehope Fapstronaut

    Continue losing weight, this time 50lbs

    One year pmo free

    Get a good job

    Get a good car
    Supermarron and Deleted Account like this.
  14. Ginee

    Ginee Fapstronaut

    1.Get rid of PMO addiction for good
    2. To become better at my work
    3. Improve my spiritual practice (pray,do lots of good things)
    4. Get married (when i meet my mr.right)
    Supermarron and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Life-time goal, I guess.
  16. By doing this, you can achieve every goals..It's like a by product success.
    Onehope likes this.
  17. If you get rid of this, everything good fall into a place.
    Grow strong!!
    Onehope and Ginee like this.
  18. To take it one day at a time and keep kicking my addiction to the curb until I get free from it eventually!
    The Peace Warrior likes this.
  19. That's real...
  20. MellowFellow

    MellowFellow Fapstronaut

    I don't normally take New Year Resolutions seriously but 2017 was a year of grief and stress for me. It was also the year when my PMO use became out of control so 2018 must be the year I end it. I want to use the suffering of this year to grow and become mentally and physically healthy, to be more productive/creative, and to spend more time with friends.