The life and its mystery.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by CntrlMind, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    guys, what do think about LIFE, how do describe it to yourself.
    Do you ever think why am I here why I'm born here only?
    why somebody is born in rich family and some in poor family?
    why someone is born rich but isn't happy whereas somebody is poor but is happier than that rich guy.
    why are we working so hard for future when there is no surety of it that we will see sunrise next day?
    Don't you look at universe? don't you feel the infinity just outside the sky that we think is the limit?

    am I the only one who think like this or everyone thinks but just ignores?
    u376 likes this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    My views on much, of not all, of these are of a religious nature, so I do indeed think about it every so often.
  3. BrowneyedBri

    BrowneyedBri Fapstronaut

    Life is very fascinating I guess you could say
    It's very unpredictable and lots of plot twists everywhere !
    The only thing I really wondered about is War
    (After all the killing, what is their left ? )
    Sure power, money, women/men are there but that only lasts so long.
    Love triumphs all!
    Deleted Account and laris like this.
  4. Contemplating our own existence is something I believe everyone does from time to time, I myself am a dreamer of course growing up pictured myself with a lot of "ifs" what if my family was rich, what if we lived somewhere else, what if I was more social in school and so on. I come from a poor family, we didn't always have food, but we where a loving family but I wondered why I was put here form time to time but I was still happy as a kid, life thought me a great deal cause of it, and Im not going to try to understand why im where I am, cause it is beyond my comprehension.
    CntrlMind likes this.
  5. Life is about paying bills and compromising with tyrants.
    CntrlMind and HatePorn like this.
  6. The question, why are we here? Is impossible to answer. It's subjective and beyond human recognition.

    See, some will say god created everything and we are here bc he loves us and cares about us and wants to see his creation (us&earth) grow.

    I personally believe in God, not so much religion however. I'm catholic in a way, but I believe "God" is an entity or force if you will. The Bible personifies him to make him more comprehensible to us.

    To answer your life questions, (not factual, strictly opinionated), this "force" created the world. Over time, scientifically speaking, humans evolved (not from monkeys lol) and that's how it all started. Its a miracle.

    This "force" can be translated to "God". It's a natural force, but it's not just nature. Look at humans, trees, water, literally anything. There's no way there can't be a god. This "force" or "god" doesn't even know who we are/care about us, imo. Some will say this is depressing, but I think just the opposite.

    I'm not gonna bash specific religions. However, look at almost every religion (except hinduism/buddahism), it's self centered. Even my religion. Catholics are about helping others and living the word of god, but the end game is to get to heaven. With threats of hell and whatnot.

    That's why I say I believe in god, not necessarily in religion.
    PureStrength and CntrlMind like this.
  7. Spoony

    Spoony Fapstronaut

    Life is sandbox game with repercussions for your actions and a countdown timer

    Money is numbers on paper that we put value against. Put society into a situation where money becomes irrelevant and that stack of notes you have is nothing more than toilet paper.

    In current day society a person born into a rich family will not get the same reward as a person from a poor background working and saving to buy their first house e.t.c That sense of achievement is what a rich person lacks. However someone from a poor background making it in today's society to be classed as rich would still receive the same sense of achievement.

    Also by my standards i consider anyone to be rich who has a house a car a wife and a child with no debt to be rich. Not just the size of the bank account.

    Why do we work so hard for a future. Because what else are we going to do ? We go to sleep every night in the hopes that we wake up in the morning to repeat the same things we done yesterday in the hopes that one day we no longer have to repeat what we done previously but instead explore a new chapter.

    I think every person has looked up into the stars on a dark night and filled their head with wonder. Curiosity of the unknown in the vastness of space. Is there a god watching me ? Are their aliens ? Do we live in a paradox world or are we in the matrix ? Questions with no reasonable answers. Part of the reason that drives us to explore is to find answers to our questions.
    CntrlMind likes this.
  8. I often have these thoughts as well. I think people who are happy have the right values no matter what their life situation is. To understand the universe is to understand how small and insignificant we really are. That alone is enough to get anyone to lighten up.
    CntrlMind likes this.
  9. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    Then what do you answer your mind? does it even ask questions like this. to you? :D
  10. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    yea right! I thought the same after I visited a king's palace... it was broken, not in good shape.... everything destroyed by now and I was thinking what was the need to waste so much lives on a piece of land? I mean, look at this now its a tourist hub, thats it.
    now the government took control over it... alll the treasure that the king collected, hided is now under govt..... so all his efforts completely wasted.
    which means the KING never ever made efforts to realize the nature of life which actually is death... so why fight wars
    BrowneyedBri likes this.
  11. 42.jpg
    ^ The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything, recorded in the book of wise sage Douglas Adams. xD

    In all seriousness, yeah, I think every human being contemplates their existence at one point or another. For one of the questions, I really hate to be cliche, but it's cliche for a reason. Money =/= happiness. If someone is poor, that's not necessarily a bad thing. You begin finding joy in other things. I think the richer you are, the more you realize how easy it is to lose it.
    CntrlMind likes this.
  12. Life: the game of inhaling.
    tweeby and CntrlMind like this.
  13. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    wow nice... but by answer 1) Getting to know the creator? why should we know the creator? if the creator created us then wouldn't it be easy if he had not made all these distractions which stops us to know him(Creator).
    2)Each person is born with god's purpose but lives passed away 30% and we are still unknown to it.... God should try some new ways to tell us the purpose(if there is any god).
    3) economic equality was always there but who decidedes it that this soul should take body which will be born in a golden palace and this soul willl be given body of a child which will be born in poor family. I mean, whats the deciding factor? there must be a deciding factor isn't it?
    4) Yes, I agree on this one :) I also feel same
    5) that too is a nice answer I agree....
    6) and I bought a telescope just because I really wanna make sure there are planets and starts about which we talk lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    nice... you think its beyond your comprehension but don't you think if we wont know it then who else should?
    its completely replated to us... everything is happening to us... don't you think we have the right to know why its happening and on what bases we are classified and sent on particular place.
  15. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    The god is there, or force or in the form of energy whatever u say but don't u think god(if exist) has really confused 7.3 billion people? most of us not even know what to do with the life we are given...... so we are without a doubt come on earth without any instruction manual and if we made any mistake then we will go to hell.... lol ridiculous, isn't it?

    Im born Hindu and I think the creation is something we will never be able to know without mediation.
    the answer to the question why one is born rich one poor is present in his Karma account which decides what he will experience....
    hinduism says there are 16 dimensions in place where god lives... he is present in EVERYTHING. but limiting him with physical things(just like scientists do) is wrong and by this we willl never know the answer who is god and who we are.

    Meditation is the only way to know him... experience him. (I'm still confused, sorry Im not able to make a good answer)
  16. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    I get its but the problem is the deciding factor.... who decides it and on what basis?
    is peace of mind harder to achieve than millions of dollars?

    answer is right that we have a hope of waking up next morning but why is it like that? ok! we will woke up thats fine but we will eventually die within next 100 years so why not just find answers of life instead of collecting things and leaving it again and again.
  17. CntrlMind

    CntrlMind New Fapstronaut

    ha so its about peace of mind thats it... money docent matter :D
    Kamikaze_Aeroplane27 likes this.
  18. Chris3000

    Chris3000 Fapstronaut

    It is if you let it be
  19. I find Hinduism very interesting, although I'm born catholic.

    I don't like how people are "born into religions." I think they should grow up and find their own way
  20. Spoony

    Spoony Fapstronaut

    Quite simply. How do you find your answers if you dont wake up?

    The truth is you might not find the answers you want and you could end up accepting the life you have lead.

    I say this because at 31 years old in the last 10 years i have travelled our home. I have touched every continent we have. And i have met people from a great deal of different backgrounds. And everyone has a different view on life. Some are happy with what they have and some aspire to be more.

    Again imho Your bank balance does not define who you are nor does it gain you respect in my books.

    If i had advice. Find your own path in this world. And when you find it let me know how.