What porn did to Ted Bundy

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JoelJJ777, May 16, 2014.

  1. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    Porn is what caused Bundy to kill over 30 people? That's like saying that it was "society" that made Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 13 kids. If porn could cause such cruelties then half of the female population would be dead today. In Bundy's time all that was available were magazines and a couple of movies. And you had to pay for it, too. Today's porn is undoubtedly way harder and also way more abundant (and free) and yet I doubt that more women are getting raped or murdered since the first porn site launched.

    And of course we like to pursue happiness but instead of going after happiness in the real life by facing whatever demons we have or had we decided to be content with only a surrogate. If we woudn't have been able to choose indulging in the habits that got our addictive behaviour started, tell me how we could possibly be able to sign up here and actively work to overcome the problem?

    Well, I was referring that most people I know are able to handle porn, i.e. lead a normal and sane life despite PMOing. They interact with girls and generally have more social contacts than I do. They are masturbating to porn maybe 1-3 times a week. They aren't all that different from me, perhaps the only striking differnece is that I used to get off to porn around 1-3 times a DAY.
  2. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I agree, that's why we need a strong leader with love for his people and a concern for the people's health and well-being. Our leaders are corrupt and illoyal to us. We really would need a revolution. No democratic system will ever take care of the problems we face today. We need some radical movement.
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    I suppose they aren't as addicted as you were. But that is the same for any addiction, some are more dependent and others are less.
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Society didn't create Ted Bundy but porn did. He was predisposed and very sensitive to influences of this kind, I don't take away his responsibility but be realistic, there will always be sick and disturbed individuals we need to take care of. Some people react violently to masturbation and they get depressed, perverted, immoral, untrustworthy and some, a small minority but it does not make the problem a non-problem, become disturbed and sick invididuals like Ted Bundy. Read Elliot Rodger's manifesto, at the time he started masturbation he became more and more wicked, more and more hateful towards girls and women. Because ejaculation at a high frequency during a developmental stage is so unnatural, it's a huge violation of physical laws and it brings some consequences.

    We don't choose much actually. Ted Bundy didn't make an active choice to become a serial killer, nor did the suicidal victim make the active choice to choose depression instead of happiness. Are you stupid?

    Well perhaps there's no idea that we discuss this because, no offense, but I believe that you're not on my level, you don't possess the mental capacity to discuss subjects of this kind, it's too complicated and deep for most people.

    There's none, nobody who can ejaculate thrice a day from age 10 to 30 without getting affected by it.
  5. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Take 10 children and give them a football, pen and paper and a computer. Maybe 2 kids will be interested in the football, and grow up to football players. It's not their choice, but their brains/nature's choice. Their brains reacts positively to the football and the interest is born. Same for the kids that pick up the pen and paper and start drawing. I hope you get my point. There's really not much you choose in life at all.
  6. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    I suppose you don't choose your language then, either. But seriously, we don't choose much? We can be down, we can be confused for a long time and our abilty to make decisions can be hindered but it is never nonexistent. If nobody could choose the outcome of his life, we probably still would have people dying from smallpox today.
  7. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    The old greeks started to question human free will. To this day philosophers still debate whether we have free will or not, most of them agree that humans free will is either non-existent or very low. It's a huge topic and you can't make your mind up after 15 minutes of thinking about it. It's one of the big philosophical questions out there.
  8. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    You don't choose your language, your religion, your parents, your profession, your interests, your friends, your partner, your physique nor your mind.
  9. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    What you're saying is part of any mammal's nature. B.F. Skinner proved that 80 years ago with rats. But we are not rats, we can surpass our instincts. The fact that we are here and not on a porn site shows that.
  10. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    You don't understand. I'm not talking about instincts. You're here because you probably discovered YBOP. Gary Wilson's research motivated you to quit PMO, it was not your decision at all. You have a drive inside you now that your brain is responsible for - you look at the benefits and you get motivated. You're nothing but a biological machine. Instincts covered with rational thinking and imagination. We're not more than that.

    Prove to me that we have a free will then. Become an expert in the field of social engineering. Now dedicate your life to it and then you can teach me something.
  11. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    Oh I think that almost everybody has the ability to make active decisions about almost any part in life. Most people simply don't want to decide. Often they go second best or lack the knowledge or confidence to change their situation. And don't tell me now that you can't choose confidence as well.
    Maybe we should stop at this point and just accept that we have two opinions here that differ. Tomorrow is Monday and I need to get up.
  12. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Some are born with more confidence than others. Confidence is just a certain level of specific neurochemicals. I could in theory rob you off confidence (masturbation does) by removing certain receptors in your brain. It's not a choice ROFL. Cocaine gives you confidence, PMO robs you off it. And sure you can make active decisions to get a better confidence. But it's not an active decision, it's born out of your need of it, you crave it because you don't have it and you believe that you will be happier if you get confidence - that's what motivates you.

    The reason you rise up from bed in the mornings is because of certain neurochemicals. You don't know much.
  13. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    "If you used your brains a bit more you'd understand the seriousness"

    "Well perhaps there's no idea that we discuss this because, no offense, but I believe that you're not on my level, you don't possess the mental capacity to discuss subjects of this kind, it's too complicated and deep for most people."

    "You don't know much."

    Do you see an intellectual God when you look in the mirror Clumsy?
  14. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Have you never talked with a person and had a feeling that you're so much smarter than that person?
  15. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    I'll be honest and say yes, most people think they're smarter than other people too but I don't think we'd get far if we shut each other down by saying so... Do you not see anything wrong with that?
  16. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I despise closeminded and stupid people. This guy he takes his pick on a question that has been discussed for 2500 years and yet none have found the right answer. Such a guy will not gain my respect. It's not a matter of opinions, it's about people opening up their eyes and being susceptible for new ideas and thoughts.

    I'm kind of well-read and you will never see me opening up my wide mouth in topics I don't master. Because I am open-minded and I know that knowledge is acquired through humility and years of observation and thinking.
  17. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    What makes him close-minded and stupid? Sure he might be wrong (people are wrong all the time, that's okay) and is sticking to his opinion but calling him stupid will not help at all when trying to persuade someone towards your line of thought.
  18. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    He's close minded because he makes his mind up too quick. Being close-minded is a sign of stupidity.

    I guess my patience is starting to decline after having explained the truth about masturbation and pornography and all its harmful consequences to so many people. I really have no idea how many people I've educated, maybe 50-60? Hours of wild debating. They all doubt and some has even had the insolence to call me an extremist, but when they finally dip their dirty noses into a pile of facts they all become very silent. The best medicine a physician could give a depressed individual is the advice to avoid pornography and masturbation. Too much sex is not good either.
  19. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    Well I've withheld from porn for 19 days now, ignore my counter, I haven't bothered with it because I don't really go on here much now and I've not really felt my confidence when talking to girls differ. I feel as if blaming it all on porn is a bit of a cop-out though I do acknowledge porn is dangerous.

    Everyone can show a bit of stupidity in their life, it doesn't always make them a stupid person.
  20. leemac93

    leemac93 Fapstronaut

    That video just made me want to end this for good holy shit.