Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by frogg05, Dec 19, 2017.

  1. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Tears of joy! I'm so happy right now, I can't tell you guy's how amazed i feel that I made it A WHOLE YEAR since saying fuck fapping!

    My journey was not any easy one by no means. I've been addicted to p**n for 7 years. Started in 2010 I watched for fun....I never seen anything like it before and loved it. Then I began having problems in my personal life and "it" became my crutch, my alcohol, my drug, to pick me up when I feel sad. One time I watched so much that the next day my vision was blurry. Later that week (in 2011) I had what I didn't know was an anxiety attack on the job, and little did I know my life would never be the same again.

    I slowly lost my smile, my personality and self-confidence.
    I became anxious about every frikken thing. I was always unsure of myself, I could no longer look at men AND women in the eye. Simple conversations were exhausting for me so if I wasn't at work I was home fapping to p**n. There was always this thought in the back of my mind that this was wrong but i , like many others ignored it and listened to society because i didn't want it to be true. "It" made me feel good and I didn't want to quit watching.

    Throughout the years I couldn't wait to die. I hated leaving my home, I hated seeing the looks people gave me, i hated not being in control of my emotions and facial expressions. I used to be such a popular witty and cool guy. I was now a baggy eyes acne face man who was always fatigue. One of the hardest things in life is meeting people who knew the old you and you act totally different around them now. But they didn't know i couldn't tell them the shame I felt...

    On day 1 it seems like nofap is impossible but just focus on 1 day at a time and weeks will become months. Now was i perfect in this entire year? no. But I had only 2 times slipped up 1 time I thought I was have bad urges so I M'd without porn....let me tell you it was weird and I felt worse lol. So I never touched myself again after that day. The 2nd time I slipped i was home bored and had no urges but was curious to if my stick still worked if I saw p**n. I watched half of a video and felt immediately a dopamine rush. I turned it off and took a cold shower and went to bed. THAT WAS IT
    No relapse!
    I've notice benefits like..
    Childhood memories
    Women attraction
    Physical appearance enhanced
    Full hair on my face
    Deeper voice/better singing voice (strange but true)
    No more flat-lines (thank goodness)
    No brain fog (which i had for months)
    My not giving a fuck power just kicked in a few weeks ago.
    Time (too much time)
    Loving myself again

    Now I'm not done yet but I feel closer than I ever did Dec 19, 2016. Thank you Nofap community for being awesome to one another! Everyone supports each other on here, hardly any trolls. I'll continue to update you all...And support you as well ....REMEMBER! everyone's journey is different, you just make sure you don't quit on your own. Be your own hero! Save your future by sacrificing who you are now! for who you want to become. Peace Fapstronauts
  2. BlueJoe

    BlueJoe Fapstronaut

    congratulations man that's a huge achievement
    frogg05 and vibemaker like this.
  3. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

  4. StartledKiwi

    StartledKiwi Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your first year without PMO.

    I'm looking forward to be posting something like that next year.
  5. arminhul

    arminhul Fapstronaut

    congratulation man....that is a big....I can't wait to write my own 1 year story....thanks for the boost :)
  6. Congratulations buddy, you're truly an inspiration!
  7. Newdawn930

    Newdawn930 Fapstronaut

    Congrats bro!!
    Tell us how does it feel in everyday life without brain fog, like how are everyday situations are different??
  8. Amazing post. Thanks a lot for this.
    frogg05 and vibemaker like this.
  9. Menace

    Menace Fapstronaut

    congrats man. there's indeed light after the tunnel. thanks !
  10. Ginee

    Ginee Fapstronaut

    frogg05 and vibemaker like this.
  11. Wow Bro...
    Thank you for the inspiration & Keep up the good work!

    Oh and congratulations on the new singing voice.
    Empty Red Cloud and frogg05 like this.
  12. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Can relate a lot to what you say. I always wondered why I stopped having these funny, cool lines pop up in my head and my jokes and talk became totally needy and repeating. Never had an idea pmo was the reason for this.
    I managed to stay clean for most of 2017, had a few porn relapses and resets. I want to finally move on in 2018. One day at a time.

    I can also relate to the childhood memories coming back and also a lot of other memories just popping up randomly. Seems like the brain is really healing.

    I wish you all the best & thanks for sharing this beautiful post. :)
  13. This ^
    I had that thought in my whole teenage, I wanted to stop, hell I tried many times, but I never could, it was too good to quit. But now I realized this has been always bad and was the beginning of all my problems. No more!
    Thank you for your inspiring story, it gives me strength to keep me on this journey.

  14. Childhood memories is something that I have noticed to and it makes me feel amazing. Congrats on making a year I’m still young seeing this will get me even better
  15. Rey Rey

    Rey Rey Fapstronaut

    You are great man. Keep on keeping
    frogg05 likes this.
  16. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    I wish you the best on your journey brother, I had funny lines all the time, then when they left my mind my jokes were awful, some i couldn't explain well enough for some odd reason. But yes the brain is healing for us both. I'm proud of you man. Don't stop fighting.
    Sbam, Kenzi and vibemaker like this.
  17. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Well, I just wake feeling clear up there. I used to feel so heavy in the head but thanks to meditation and nofap i wake up feeling refreshed.
  18. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Lol thanks man, didn't know i would get a benefit like that one.
  19. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Hey, I know you've got it in you! You are a fighter. And because you kinda always knew this was bad makes me believe that 2018 I'll be seeing 365 days under your post.
  20. frogg05

    frogg05 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on 121 days! That's huge dude! Your frikken warrior! Keep it going!