
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by NoFapacc, Sep 18, 2014.

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  1. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Now when you say this clumsy you've read this off of scientific studies right, with like thousands of people involved and had their day put into this and what happened and their stress levels. Also your not just saying this based off of just personal experience because one person doesn't represent the community. So could you link all the scientific studies and the thousands of people involved.

    I mean otherwise you should put a disclaimer underneath saying you don't really know you just think that. Cause basically your speaking nonsense.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
  2. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    And just because perversion is norm in this wicked, perverted and SICK society why do you have to follow? THE WORLD IS SICK, yes. Does not mean that you should be sick too.
  3. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Right so your whole wet dream thing links? As far as prostitutes its up to the person honestly. Our opinions mean nothing to him we aren't close friends of his we aren't powerful people and as far as he knows we may not be that wise either. Its the internet nobody cares. If he wants to do it he will regardless of what we say. So you can waste your time telling him otherwise but its his decision and his alone.
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    The good and the evil

    My friend, the good, you know what that is? That is well-functioning families, loving mothers and fathers, good mental & physical health, moral, wisdom, purity, vigor, vitality and LOVE in a pure form. The good is friendship, healthy foods and longevity.

    The evil is masturbation, pornography, perversions, disease, rape, prostitution, drugs, dysfunctional families, cheating fathers and mothers, and immorality. Prostitution is immoral, no matter how hard you try to around it. It's unnatural, it's filthy and none is proud of it. It's not like paying for massage, it's paying for a love in a fake package. It's paying for waste of vital energies for no purpose whatsoever. I don't get how you even can disagree. Where is the decency?
  5. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Wet dream is a setback in the reboot, almost everyone reports it. An orgasm for a wet dream is the same as an orgasm for masturbation. That's it. It's like drinking a beer if you're an alcoholic - it undoes many important changes and prolongs the recovery. but I've already discussed this and explained this with the help of citradox, and I don't feel like I want to discuss it again. If you think that having wet dreams 5-15 times a month is totally okay, that's fine but you'll never recover 100% that way. Your body and mind will never function at its 100% potential that way. If you're not interested in improving yourself, fine with me. I don't care.
  6. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    But it's because of pornography and masturbation that most men today are useless cowards, hopeless pricks and sexual perverts. The "real" man, the man who took care of his duties, family and friends, who didn't whine like a 5 year old, who didn't nervously chuckle at his own stupid jokes and who didn't drool after women like a f*cking imbecile, that is indeed, a thing of the past. Most men today are complete dorks. And it's because of masturbation and pornography, they have become so. No body is prepared by nature to indulge in too much sex, especially not in masturbation and pornography for hours everyday in years. Use your mind.

    The men 200 years ago would laugh at the men today.
  7. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    and as for wet dreams, they are simply accidents. An error caused by our imagination and unhealthy habits, I'd say that sleeping with undigested food is the most common cause, or eating too many calories.
  8. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    Do you have this right out of the bro science department? ;)
  9. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    How can you be so arrogant? Do you know that masturbation's harmful effects, and nocturnal emissions effects were agreed to be destructive and some even claimed it as a disease? In every old medical literature, written by the most competent doctors they warned against masturbation, and the nocturnal emissions that followed cutting the habit. They also made a lot of research on how to avoid wet dreams, and the best was to restrict the calories. Read the "Minnesota starvation experiment".

    Also taoist monks, other asian monks avoided wet dreams by eating the right, unstimulating food and to retire early and rise early. What the f*ck can't you accept? Is it really that impossible? Just because modern society has despised every bit of scientific research our ancestors did, doesn't make it false or not reliable. Sexual revolution is the reason for this, they hid all the evidence that masturbation is unhealthy and instead advocated sex in excesses and masturbation freely, and we see the results today. Perverted society, sex crimes rocket high, mental health problems, everybody suffering from something, ED, pornography, you name it.

    Go do some research. I've cured my wet dreams and that improved my reboot and well-being. See citradox, he did the same. But maybe we're just lying of course...
  10. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Some respect would be on its place, because unlike you I'm not running to prostitutes every week, I'm studying and doing research and I have helped tons of guys recovering, speed up their reboots etc.

    But you're sceptical of course and you think that 10 wet dreams a month is the body's natural way of ease sexual tension and release sperm. Well well... I shouldn't be mad at you but on this world that failed to educate you.

    And I can tell you one thing, I cannot promise that you will ever find a girlfriend. But I can promise you, that the ejaculation of semen and masturbation+pornography makes it god damn much harder to find one.
  11. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    Here we go, it's a conspiracy. Just waiting for you to say the Jews are behind it. ;)
  12. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I don't care. It was a political movement and scientists and doctor has always known that masturbation is harmful and results in various mind disorders. Do you seriously believe that you were born like this? And please do some research.
  13. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    So it was a political movement. Do you think I should give intellectual credibility to political movements?

    And please define "harmful" and "mind disorder". Are you telling me masturbation causes prostate cancer or autism?

    Please feel free to post some peer-reviewed scientific studies though.
  14. IWantABetterLife22

    IWantABetterLife22 NoFap Moderator

    Friends, this is not a competition. The person on Day 103 can learn a lot from the person on Day 3, and vice versa. Don't discredit anyone's advice based on the day they're on. Please stay on topic, and use the private messaging system for personal disputes.
  15. I agree. I love this site so much because it's where I feel the safest from the whole internet ( = the whole world) and seeing such vendettas disturb this a lot. The beauty of this site is that were all equal in front of PMO. Of course we're humans and we might have very different points of view, but I believe that respect is more important than anything. The one who forgives the first and doesn't have the arrogance to try to prove his opinion at all cost is always the winner.

    I wish you all the best of the journeys. Even if our opinions are different. Because there's no reason to think that I might be better than you, and because I don't believe in hate. Sorry it's corny I know.
  16. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    All I have to say is live and let's live. You white knights can keep chasing/dating/marrying self-entitled feminized western women...while I remain single/free and keep paying cute Asian prostitutes for sex.
  17. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Clumsy, hear this out: you are simply reciting your personal opinion. That opinion is not written in stone, it is not the absolute truth and it has definitely not been proven. It is your opinion. You cannot press it on people like they are children. It's very hard to believe one's radical opinion on something if there is absolutely no proof to back any of it up. "Overeating before bed causes wet dreams" and so on, those are your beliefs and nothing more. I'm sure you would love to have everyone believe what you are saying, but when it comes down to the meat and bones of the matter, it is simply your interpretation. And don't provide one or two links from the internet to support your claims, there are hundreds if not millions of articles written solely on opinion and nothing more. Take in to account all sides of the topic, and don't put all your marbles into once basket because you have read something somewhere on one website. That's just callow.

    Lots of what you have written does make sense to me, but you have to understand at the end of the day, it's still your opinion and not an actual fact.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
  18. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Actually the fact that eating lesser than 4 hours before bedtime causes wet dreams is a fact, it was accepted by the entire scientific community and the medical staff until 1920 or so, I've read books from both the west and east, from 1700 to 1920 and they all say the same thing. And all of my wet dreams has occured from undigested food disturbing my sleep. When I think about it, everytime I had a wet dream I had been eating before I went to bed.

    It's just so wrong saying that "wet dreams cannot be cured, there's nothing to do about it".

    This sunday wet dream I had, even today my eyes are more sensitive than usual. I get easily tears, even by the simple wind outside and it's normal weather.
  19. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    Actually it's masculinized Western women, don't you think? This is the irony about feminism. It suggests feminists are feminine. Whereas if we look at actual feminists, they tend to be ugly and manly. Beautiful and feminine women are usually amused and repulsed by this whole man-hating movement.
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
  20. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Indeed Clumsy, but do you get the gist of my post?

    And just to comment on when you said you were eating before bed when you had your wet dream: have you ever eaten before bed and not had a wet dream? If the answer is yes, and it should be if you are being honest, then that disproves your entire point. Like I said in an earlier post, just because you did something the night before a wet dream, does not make it a trigger. That's just illogical in so many ways, like saying "Oh I watched TV for 30 minutes before bed, and had a wet dream, that must be a trigger" when in fact you have been watching TV before bed for years and no WD's have arisen. I eat before bed all the time, and do not have wet dreams. Does that not disprove your entire belief? Same with nicotine causing WD's, where is the proof to back that up?
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