Porn has destroyed my life

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FelixTheWonderer, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. FelixTheWonderer

    FelixTheWonderer New Fapstronaut

    Hello there brothers, my name is Felix and I'm a 20 years old student from Hungary.
    I've started masturbation since the age of 10 and ever since then I've did it 2,3 or even more times per day. I really feel asahemed and I can only imagine how much my body had to suffer because of this constant loss of vital vitamins. At the gym I had to work twice as hard and take double the amount of protein just to make even for my addiction.
    It has gone so bad that besides low motivation, creativity and a constant state of fatigue, my sex life was also badly affected to the point of needing "pills" because my meat was beat twice before any date.
    I've tried everything and to this point I believe the only solution would be for someone to slap my hands everytime before doing something stupid.
    I want to change and move forward with my life but I don't really know how to start when I'm so addicted to it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. lamine

    lamine Fapstronaut

    hey , man .

    being on this website is something you should congratulate yourself for . You admit you have a problem , and that's the first step to the solution , never give up <3
    FelixTheWonderer likes this.
  3. dark666

    dark666 Fapstronaut

    Hey Felix. You've already made the first step in your great journey by accepting your problem, congratulations! Unfortunately, I can not give you the guaranteed success method for you. We're all different. I can tell you though that it gets easier. Much easier. All you have to do is keep the streak going. I recommend you use your time on nofap as a rebirth. Go clean or organize that room that's always needed some attention. Go write that song you've wanted to write or learn that instrument you've wanted to learn. Read some good self development books. One thing that helped me was creating my own motivational room (my walk in closet). I put up a bunch of motivation pictures and sayings, and it really motivated me. Best of luck on your journey Felix!
    FelixTheWonderer likes this.
  4. greenrose

    greenrose New Fapstronaut

    One thing I can tell you, remove all the triggers; such as:

    • Fantasy
    • Mobile Apps: Tinder, Instagram etc
    • Mainstream Movies with Erotic Scenes
    • Print Media: Newspaper, Magazine etc
    • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter etc
    • Television
    • TV Programs
    • YouTube
    FelixTheWonderer likes this.
  5. Hey @FelixTheWonderer ,

    There is so much support on this forum, the profiles and the various groups. It works if you work it. I don't offer advise. I offer only my ESH (experience, strength and hope).

    Work it? Oh yeah. There's work to be done, that's what's worked for me. Two things I've found necessary.

    1. I had to Learn the NoFap Program.

    2. Getting involved with the community on here was vital to help my recovery.

    Learn the NoFap Program
    The resources listed on the "New Users: List of Rebooting Resources" helped me find my way around the reasons behind the program and the terms used.

    They are:

    You can find this same list on the top of the forum you posted this message on at - the "New to NoFap" forum.

    Get Involved with the Community
    The community has been my lifeline. I've found journals I love, people who are very supportive and a place where I could get to work helping in a small way others.

    I'm nobody important around here. Just a normal user with no magic powers.

    But, I can:

    • Read Journals, and comment when I have ESH
    • Find people I admire and stay in touch via their profiles
    • Pick a forum and make sure evvery post gets and answer. I can't answer them all, but that's good - different opinions make for a better group.
    • Post in my journal (I could be better at it - but I do milestone posts at least) To make a journal go to the section listed by age and start one. Keep all your journal posts in one thread. But, for random thoughts, you can create a new thread.
    Looking forward to seeing you around on the forums,

    - L

    PS - Think of pmo like a wolf. Stay near the center of the group with the winners and the wolf has a more difficult time finding you. But, stray near the edges of the community and the wolf can pick you off.